Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Unknown Girl Essay

Unknown Girl Essay Question: Explain how Moniza Alvi employs circumstantial poetic techniques to create meaning. Moniza Alvi, the poet who wrote the Unknown Girl has based this verse roughly the theme or meaning of discovering her cultural individuation as well as trying to develop a sensation of belonging with her purification. As a Pakistani girl bad up in England for most of her life, she has related the rime to how shes trying to discover her cultural roots. This trust of discovering her informal husbandry has been portrayed through the use of poetic techniques akin similes, illustrations and antithesis passim the poem. Moniza Alvis use of similes in the poem has emphasized her facial expression of developing a connection and press out to be fragmentize of her finishing. This is clearly shown in the fund, I am clinging to these firm peacock lines like volume who cling to the sides of a train. This line has shown how she is so desperate to experience her culture and she will do anything to be part of it and even restrain onto anything that relates to her inner culture. The use of the word clinging shows her despair as it is intimately as if she if scrap for it. The peacock lines are the tinge which refers to her culture. She has compared retention her henna to people who cling to the sides of trains which is reference to her culture. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
This clearly reflects her desperation in an taste to hold on anything that is related to her culture and almost feels as if she is physically grasping her henna. She wants to hold on this memory of get henna as she feels that it i s so important. Her desire for a sense of be! longing is clearly evident in this line. The use of fiction also has helped in building the purport of her discovering her cultural roots. The metaphor used in the poem, I moderate new cook veins has portrayed her feeling a confederation with her culture. This line has a dual meaning where it is a metaphor for the new henna through the words brown veins as henna is brown and is patterns with lines which...If you want to get a blanket(a) essay, order it on our website:

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