Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Substance Abuse

Vulnerability on four psychological takes This essay range describe how vulnerability to assay behaviour, specific wholey the risk of humans immunodeficiency virus infection, is understood at an soul, interpersonal, community and societal level of influence. These ideas volition be discussed in relation to South Africa and in oppose with a global context using variant sources. At an intrapersonal level, vulnerability is largely reliant on cognitive perspectives as this level attempts to understand an individual based on his/her thoughts, attitudes, knowledge, self-motivation, as well as past experiences. An individual whitethorn surrender knowledge of the consequences of precarious behaviour, but the way in which they respond to this study determines how vulnerable they are to risky behaviour. Their answer to information is broken down by the poses of intensify posture (Swartz, de la Rey, Duncan and Townsend, 2008), starting with the precontemplation sta ge where there is no response to the information, to the exploit stage where the information is integrated and the reaction is maintained to negate relapse. The response is also based on whether the individual is a male, female or child as all tether are affected differently in a beau monde in a South African context (Walker, Reid and Cornell, 2004).
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creation a male individual , you are by and large seen to be less vulnerable as males are viewed as the initiators of risky behaviour and therefore the drivers of the HIV epidemic. Based on the stages of change model, men are seen to only hold the depression s tage as norms and expectations surrounding m! asculinity regulate them at risk (Jewkes, 2001:1 in Walker et al, 2004), as sexuality and many sexual partners is seen to prove how masculine you are and so they put themselves and their partners at a higher risk of contract HIV. However, it depends on the cognitive perspective of the male as nearly reach the action stage as they feel the aim to be responsible and stable to care for their families, which makes them...If you want to piddle a full essay, order it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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