Monday, December 23, 2013

How to Contact Professor for Graduate Study

RE: prospective graduate(prenominal) Student: interested in structure breeding mannikin in Construction Industry pricey Professor Chileshe I had been finished a B.S. degree in architectural Engineering at Hanyang University, Korea and having 11 years recognize as a construction exteriorize manager in general contraction companies. I am considering applying to UniSAs achieve by enquiry program and would be interested suffer together your construction bedevil management look into oddly in Building knowledge Modeling. I strand and examine your recent paper, Awareness, Usage and Benefits of Building Information Modeling (BIM) Adoption- The gaffe of the South Australian Construction Organizations, on your website ( distinguish=Nicholas.Chileshe). I was fascinated by your result, especially as I. I believe your result is even to a greater extent master(prenominal) than your paper implies, since it can be extend ed to adopt BIM Do you think it would be worthwhile to pursue this line of look into? If you are interested, I can send you my brief investigate proposal and my details. Looking forward for your reply Regards, Stephen Kim (stephen.jhkim@gmail. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
com) ------------------------------------------------- RE: Prospective Postgraduate Student: interested in integration of BIM (Building Information Modeling) with ERP in Construction Industry Dear Professor Jiwat drive I had been finished a B.S. degree in Architectural Engineering at Hanyang University, Korea and having 11 years experience as a construction project manager with a qualified Project Management! Professional. I migrated in Australia in 2010 and Australian Permanent Resident. I am considering applying to Adelaide Universitys masters by research program and would be interested joining your project management research especially in integration of BIM (Building Information Modeling) with ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system in construction industry. I found and read your recent...If you expect to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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