Sunday, December 15, 2013

Does the Media Teach Children Bad Language?

While I was working with a group of children I comprehend one of the male childs get very upset. He angrily screamed a bad word in the heart of an separate child. I took him aside and asked him where he intentional that stately word. The little boy looked at me and replied, ?TV.? Most children love television. M all will gravel on the couch staring at the screen for hours. thither be some great, educational programs on TV and it mass help children learn in some instances. The trouble with TV occurs when parents do not ceaselessly monitor what their children are watching. ace problem is that the media teaches kids bad language. To uprise out where children learn profanities I did a survey of unproblematic school children. There were 15 savants ranging in age from cardinal to nine. I took each student out of the room, so we were by ourselves. I and then asked them if they knew any bad deliv ery. If they utter they did, then I asked them where they first learned them. Most of the children thought it was a strange question 14 children said they knew ?bad words.? I did not define what a bad word was, because it is a subjective thing. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Wikipedia, an encyclopedia, defines profanity as ?a word, expression, or other usage which is generally considered insulting, barbarous or vulgar? (? swearing?). Of the 14 kids, ten of them said that they first heard the words on TV. These results surprised me. As parents, you need to know retributive how much children pick up on. The kids told me that they learned ba d words from the shows that their parents wa! tch. I?m not sure if parents realize that their children are absorbing this much ignominious information. You should make sure kids wear thin?t watch TV shows... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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