Friday, December 27, 2013

Life And Future Goals

My Life and Future Goals - PSY 202 Every day we are demo with different challenges and new obstacles to overcome. Without having challenges we would not learn and grow to rend more experience. I believe that everything I have foregone through has happened for a reason and it prepares me for an different(a) step that leave unaccompanied happen in my life. Eric Erikson is a theorist who studied psychosocial knowledge and he believed that our lives developed in eight different peglegs. later(prenominal) on on in his life he added a ninth. Erikson know that mortalality development did not end in adolescence tho, originally continued to evolve throughout the life-span. (Kroger, 1996, p. 29) My life has so take gone through several of the stages Erikson theorized, because when I was a teenager, I went through identity versus role confusion, after high crop I went through intimacy versus isolation, and now I am currently going through generativity versus s tagnation. As a teenager, I was very ambitious and family oriented. I was eternally asking questions and unendingly on the search for new answers. Just reading a book was never enough for me. I spoke with teachers, new(prenominal) students, and even coworkers to try and find solutions to problems that were not even mine. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
I always wanted to help people through their problems solely looking back I think I did that to sour from my own problems and to know I wasnt the tho soulfulness going through issues. I love my family very much(prenominal) and when I was a teenager my grandparents all fell misadvent ure with respective(a) diseases. So natur! ally they came to stay with me and my family and my m different cut to it that they have the care they needed to help them through the extreme stage of their life. My freshman year my grandfather had a nerve midsection attack and passed away in our living room and I was the completely one to witness it. My sophomore year my other grandfather had lung cancer and after living with us for only a year he passed away in our ingleside as well. Lastly, my grandmother also had...If you want to get a dear essay, order it on our website:

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