Thursday, December 12, 2013

Madonna and Materialism

Imagine this: Arriving in New York City at the young age of eighteen in 1976 with however $35 in your pocket. This was reality for nonp atomic number 18il of the most famous pop icons in todays culture. Eight years later, this young study performer broke the box office leger at Radio City Music Hall with the fastest sellout of some(prenominal) concert ever. This record was made by the one and further Madonna with 17,622 tickets interchange in 34 minutes. That tour was to state up her album manage a Virgin and coer 27 cities through and throughout the US. The entire tour sold out in only two hours. (4) She has had nine enumerate one case-by-cases, 26 top fives, and eight number one albums. Her run of xvi consecutive top fives in the American charts broke the record held previously by the Beatles. She has sold everyplace 85 cardinal albums worldwide, more than any other female singer in history. Her personal fortune is well over $70 gazillion and s he was paid $5 million for a single extend to by Pepsi. (4) At present time, she is under crush to cartridge clip Warner and the value of that contract is estimated at around $60 million. It is line up that her popularity has grew in the past a few(prenominal) years, further she dominated the eighties and the early part of the mid-nineties and is still very practically around in the 2000s. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
So many people tarry out their lives through the name world of the media, through TV, and through soap operas. Many get hitched with various subcultures where they take on the image of that group or scene. Ga ngs like punks or skins ar an extreme, but ! there are other kinds of sub-cultural scenes ravers, travelers, clubbers, skateboarders, cyberpunks, grunge, techno and so on - where the individual is submerged in the collective image. The things that you say and do are all external, but the real you is lost. Life becomes virtual. Like Madonna, you just live in the image. There is another primary(prenominal) aspect to Madonnas use of image and that is the ageless change. She is always ever-changing her image, whether it is from the good girl...If you want to get a full essay, modulate it on our website:

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