Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Battered Woman Syndrome

beat-up Woman Syndrome In 2005 an average of terzetto women every(prenominal) daytime was dash offed by an intimate partner. Of all the women homicides in the produce in touch States about one-third were killed by a husband or boyfriend (Bureau of Justice Statistics). knock about Women Syndrome can be defined as a condition created by continue strong-arm, sexual, and/or worked up ab physical exertion, which creates a variety of physical and emotional symptoms (Battered babe/Spouse Syndrome). Battered Woman Syndrome can collapse its victims with physical and emotional problems, some of which atomic number 18 easily seen while others are more awkward to prove. From a legal standpoint this makes Battered Woman Syndrome a difficult demur to use. Despite the difficulties of proving a battered woman sideslip I believe that Battered Woman Syndrome should be use as a viable defense. Battered Woman Syndrome is utilize a defense in more jurisdictions in which t he victim of abuse eventidetually hits a breaking point and kills the abuser. This defense is commonly only allowed in cases where the woman believes that her abuser depart kill her if she does not kill him first. Using this defense poses many difficulties. In cases of battered-spouse syndrome the victim usually claims self-defense. In tack to use this defense she must indicate that there were no apt alternatives. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
However most battered women will stay in an abusive relationship persistent after the abuse began even when they are physically clear of leaving. Reasons for staying in such a relation ship are usually all psychological (Battered! fry/Spouse Syndrome). The three arranges of the buffet cycle are: the focus building phase, acute battering phase and phase three the honeymoon phase. During the first phase, the abuser vexs temperamental and verbally abusive. In this stage the victim begins to worship she will be physically harmed and will often become passive and try anything to stay on her abuser. The acute battering phase occurs when an incident triggers the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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