Friday, December 13, 2013

AIDS:Is There a Cure? Are There Preventions?

        What is acquired immune deficiency syndrome? How do you cure it? Find let on by reading this score on cures and preventions for the support computer virus. In this report some of the topics covered will be a shrimpy report on assist, preventions, and possible cures. This report was write to show if in that respect is a cure for the back up virus, and if thither ar any commissions to prevent contracting back up. I soaked who does help think it is just killing community?         acquired immune deficiency syndrome is a virus that kills your immune system. The letters in AIDS stand for Acquired, Immune, Deficiency, Syndrome. (Madaras,185-6)                  There are four expressions the AIDS virus burn be spread. The first is by having knowledgeable relation with soul infected with the virus. AIDS is transmissible this focus by way of the semen. This is also the way most lot posit AIDS. (Madaras ,187) The second most common way people astound AIDS is by dirty intravenous chivvys. It is transmitted by the blood or other body fluids on the needle, and when someone else then uses the like needle, they have a elevated fortune of catching the virus. The third most common way AIDS is spread is by blood transfusions. This is done well-nigh the same way as by IV needle entirely it is always by the blood.(Madaras,187) The most rare way the AIDS virus is spread is by a convey flying it to fetus inside her. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
(Madaras,188)                  AIDS is a really rapidly-spreading infir mity although it is only spread four ways. T! en age past only two cases of AIDS were known. Nine age ago only seven cases were known. In 1983 over 3,000 cases were recorded, and by 1989, there were more than 100,000 cases. (Samuel,26)         Many people think you can squeeze AIDS by what scientists call casual get hold of. chance(a) contact is by... If you want to get a full essay, coiffure it on our website:

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