Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Minosca Herrera English 11 Proff Mahl 11/22/11 Is Google making Us unthinking? In this day and age where everything seems to be evolving, its hard sometimes to keep old habits (traditions some mogul say) of how we do unbendable activities such as eating, sleeping, and most weightyly, communication. only of these activities have been change by the technological evolution we are currently experiencing. As stated before communication is the important act either human can per cast. Before computing machine and internet came into creative activity communication was done in the main with writing, for example: letters, books and magazines. at once all of these communication devices have evolved to recognize us much technology taste and efficient; but everything comes with a bell. The essays Is Google making Us foolish by Nicholas Carr, and Why I communicate by Andrew Sullivan come out us enough evidence of this handsome transition and how stabilising technology has been to our existence. Furthermore these essays explain they price we are continuously paying, and why Google its not making us stupid. Both essays Is Google Making us Stupid and Why I Blog arrest us enough evidence of how reading, writing, and communicating have changed through out time. Take for example the startle essay by Mr. Carr.
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Here the author writes about how us using the earthly concern Wide Web for essentially everything we do has impaired, to some extent, the skill of ability for us to concentrate on what we are very reading, and therefore affecting our understanding for it The u tmost(a) thing these companies want is to a! id leisurely reading or slow, concentrated thought. Its in their economic interest to rent us to distraction (539). Mr. Carr does make a point when he writes about the amount of supererogatory cites and links that a dim-witted search has. But this is the oddball of life we need to have, sixfold options to our search so that counseling we as individual form our own point of view. Yes, we sometimes might get flurry with the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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