Monday, January 13, 2014

Southern Women's Roles and how they Change as a Result of the Civil War

Confederate Womens Roles and how they Change with the War Before the war, many thr both women in the South tried to become the women their society had designed for them, which meant to become a lady. Confederate ideology emphasized the rarefied of the southern lady as gracious, fragile, and respectful to the men she depended on to take care and shelter her. She was judge to be literate. done reading they extended the implications of their daily lives and sought models of person-to-person excellencies. Their culture, including personal and social relations, taught that their identity had no meaning isolated from fringe benefit and duty. The privileges of their station cut back them apart from white non-slaveholding and dark slave women. Women proved indispensable to these privileged households and the production and return that defined the southern household. They had specific roles set in their society. Their roles well-nigh followed the prevailing norms of di vision of labor by gender and women were expected to follow them closely. Once the war started, all(prenominal) of this changes. Women were expected to take on new roles as their unit of measurement society got flipped.         As a girl, a womans primary office was to prepare herself for her crowing conduct. Young white women were expected to scale down on learning the various duties they would have as mistresses. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
This was non something all daughters enjoyed doing, but nonetheless had to do. Even though they whitethorn not of enjoyed the work they had to do, many of them anticipated marriage and realized the brilliance of learning d! omestic skills. They knew that their primary duty was to guide husbands with fitting wealth, status, and breeding. Many were excited for this. They looked forward to the glamorous life of the Southern belle. Younger girls longed of the day when they could lower their... If you want to express a full essay, order it on our website:

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