Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Marketing Analysis

Introduction Starbucks and Panera Bread have shown how effectively two unequaled businesses can use strategic food market homework and murder to define and penetrate a defensible market case in large, profitable market segments. Starbucks is the worlds pencil lead coffee and beverage retailer with an estimated market share of 85% of franchised coffee shops in the U.S. (Thompson, Arsel, 2004). Panera Bread is redefining Quick Service have place (QSR) industry by creating continual innovation in its mid-day and change surface light dinner menu items (Schwartz, 2006). two have successfully used strategic marketing planning and execution to make water and defend unique market positions in highly agonistic industries. Creating and Sustaining Profitable Differentiation What separates twain Starbucks and Panera Bread from the literally thousands of competitors distributively has is the unique approach distributively takes to defining segmentation, marketing me ssaging, harvest strategies and the checks customers have visiting their locations. commencement exercise with defining market segments, both companies have consistently focussed on value-based segmentation in conjunction with psychographics to define their segments (Schwartz, 2006) (Thompson, Arsel, 2004).
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This discernment into how customers make decisions of when and where to purchase beverages, what the crush menu items are by time of day and month, and the concomitant to adding innate value to the realise of being in the retention itself (Grewal, Levy, Kumar, 2009) differentiates both companies. Their focu s on how to tailor the store experience to t! he expectations, needs, wants and preferences of each customer segment not only differentiates a business; it can overly lead to customer commitment over the long-term as well (Palmer, 2010). For Starbucks and Panera, this is the long-term target of their advertising, marketing and promotional strategies. Creating a highly coordinated and synchronized series of strategies that meld unitedly the implied value...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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