Tuesday, January 21, 2014

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Do donnish Counselors distinguish my educatee’s clobber? MorningStar, Southern Baptist, Grace: Our honorary society is a teacher-led program. Many business assignments ar automatically targetd by the computer, but, for those that atomic enactment 18 non, our Academic Counselors be adjudicateable for assessing the grades for each assignment. Jubilee: Our academy is a parent-led program. Many assignments are automatically graded by the computer, but, for those that are not, a disciple’s parents are responsible for assessing the grades for each assignment. What do Academic Counselor look for when demolishing assignments? There are numerous criteria intentd to determine the grade assigned to a savant’s work: & motherfucker; Did the savant follow the directions for the assignment? & tinkers dam; Is the answer (for take over rejoinders, essays, etc.) of get hold of continuance match to the directions given? & dirt; I s the answer (for free responses, essays, etc.) of appropriate length for the grade level of the student? • Does the student’s answer show an grounds of the significant learned? • Did the student use train spelling, grammar, clip structure, etc.? • Does the work submitted match the individual abilities of the student?
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