Thursday, January 23, 2014


The townsfolkspeople immediately hears close to Emilys arsenic purchase, and immediately assumes she go along kill herself. They also estimate this is the best solution to her problem. When Emily and separate first became an item, the town thought they would deposit get married. Later, the town begins to conceptualize that homer is gay he likes to cook drinks with younger sprain force (4.1) and admits he isnt the marrying kind. The town feels sorry for Emily whe neer they leave her equitation with Homer. nigh of the women be stimulate worried that Emilys relationship with Homer is a unwholesome example for the town youths. Then, the meddling begins. First the town gets the rector to talk to Emily some the Homer Barron problem. She must have unfeignedly t honest-to-god off that minister, because he refuses state anybody what Emily said to him, and she doesnt stop seeing Homer. So, they bring out the large(p) guns: Emilys two female cousins from Alab ama, relatives of old lady Wyatt. For a undersize while, the town doesnt think the cousin plan was successful. When Emily buys a sliver kit with Homers initials on it, and a complete outfit of mens room clothing, including a nightshirt (4.3), they think that Emily and Homer either are married or soon result be. The town is happy about this, because they like the cousins way less(prenominal) than they like daughter Emily and want to see the cousins fail at what they had set out to do. Homers project finishes, and he isnt in town. They think hell be ass once Miss Emilys cousins leave, and theyre right. A some days after the cousins took off, Homer Barron comes back on the scene. He is seen entering Miss Emilys house, but never seen after that. other than the occasional glimpse in the window, the town doesnt see Emily for about six months. When she emerges after the six months, shes assign on a lot of weight, and her hair has turned gray. It gets grayer and grayer u ntil it is an in time pepper-and-salt iron ! gray (4.6). At this point, she goes back into her home and doesnt come out of her house...If you want to get a full essay, allege it on our website:

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