Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Forget the Past, Move Forward with the Future! This thin, this pile of tumult and disgust. This so called contain is not worth saving. It must be displace down the ne arst reposition hole at once! I believe the thought police atomic number 18 doing our society well by staying loyal to our loved ample companion. These humans I once knew as comrades are at genius time lower than those dirty proles. They mean zero to me; let the estimation Police do whatever they the likes of with them. Onto this poorly written novel, If you proles want to move on into the future, burn this book! If you save it, you will be evermore living in the past, creating an purge worse life for the following proles. This book is only when teaching readers how to break rules, there is no other conflict. If one breaks the rules, one will be punished and save as in the book. They will be sent back to their first ways; loving thumping fellow and never defying the rules again. w hy read this rebellious rubbish when you scum bag listen to Big Brother. Better yet, you can see him and tang his presence; irrelevant in the book. There is no arresting detail. This novel is a bunch of lines compiled with opinion after opinion. judging you, these opinions are approach shot from a man who doesnt even know what he believes in any more. He is in a love-hate-relation-ship with Big Brother, he admitted, before he died, that he had loved Big Brother the whole time. He couldnt deny it any longer. The brace and violence added into this turn of unliterature are solely for the purpose of cheer and desire. It is put in to arouse members of the party and spark their curiosity. for sure we dont want future generations to be producing more than we can keeping for; we want our society to run just like this forever. be intimate impairs a functioning human world. Love affected Winston, he was to stunned even to throw the imply thin in the memory ho le. (90) Any normal being would have know ! instinctually to just throw it in the memory hole without even reading it. Even...If you want to get a full essay, revisal it on our website:

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