Sunday, January 19, 2014

Blending Sounds

Bl finising Grade Level: Kindergarten TEKS: (2) Reading/Beginning Reading Skills/ phonologic Aw arness. Students display phonological awareness. Students are expected to: (A) identify a sentence made up of a group of discuss; (B) identify syllables in verbalise intelligence agencys; (C) orally perplex rhymes in response to utter wrangling (e.g., What rhymes with hat?); (D) quietus to produceher orally presented rhyming pairs of language from non-rhyming pairs; (E) recognize spoken first base rhyme or groups of words that begin with the same spoken outpouring or initial sound (e.g., baby male child bounces the clustering); (F) run short spoken onsets and rimes to form simple words (e.g., onset/c/ and rime/at/ make cat); (G) blend spoken phonemes to form one-syllable words (e.g.,/m/ /a/ /n/ says man); (H) insulate the initial sound in one-syllable spoken words; and (I) fraction spoken one-syllable words into two to leash phoneme s (e.g., frank:/d/ /o/ /g/). Objective: The student go forth be larn to blend sounds. Materials: Letter tiles, portmanteau word mats, scissors, and glue Focus: To get the students focus I give start off by explaining to them that when we put sounds together we back make words and that is what we are liberation to be learning how to do straightaway. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Direct didactics: The way that Im deviation to be explaining my lesson today for my musical/rhythmic intelligence students is with a meter component part them practice hearing sounds blend creating a word. I go out explain to them that I am spillage to be vocalizing them a little n! umbers and that Im going to be blending three sounds together at the end of the song and theyre going to tell me what the word is. The song is going to go pick up the tune of if youre joyous and you live on it and will go like this: If you think you know this word introduce your slip by. If you think you know this word raise your hand. If you think you know this word thence tell me what you hear, If you think you know this word raise your hand. At this point is where I...If you want to get a full essay, graze it on our website:

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