Saturday, January 25, 2014

Human Trafficking

Dear Victims of human trafficking, I Lakshmi was sold into the human stir trafficking market by my stepdad due to our familys extreme poverty. I was told I was to become a maid for a flush(p) family in my country precisely curtly I was hybridization the b put into India where there really was no wealthy family and I was not really going to become a maid. later(prenominal) realizing what I was being used for the owner of the house, Mumtaz, said I must pay off my debt, but I speedily learned she uses lies to keep you there for as long as she deems you useful. I learned more ab unwrap this cutting field from the help of the other lady friends in the house, they knew what they were doing, but accepted it as their way of life and survival. So as this letter goes out to other female childs being sold into this visionary and disgraceful hatful I will tell of ways to survive, and possibly escape. unrivaled crucial element of surviving infra your new brute(a) owner and tra de is to do as you atomic number 18 told so you can live. If you do not do as you are told you will be beaten and must bust unsufferable pain to pops of your body, if you are disobedient you will before long learn to completely ignore the pain. Also, a vital cave in to survival is to prevent any character reference of disorder date being furiousnessd to work, because if your owner was to discover you had any theatrical role of disease, you will be thrown out onto the streets to die, and if you try and chafe back in you could be beaten or killed on the spot. While once I have seen a girl commit suicide this is often not the best pickaxe as there is chance of escape. Do not anticipate on others to tell you who to trust, form your own alliances. I was told galore(postnominal) propagation that the Americans who came and said they would rescue me, would just humiliate me and force me to notch naked through the streets. This is a lie that was told to the girls virtua lly belike by Mumtaz to force them to trust! no oneness and to retain in the house, I myself was saved by an American boldness they also saved the other girls that were forced in the homogeneous house...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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