Friday, January 10, 2014

Assess The Value Of Quantitative Sources Of Data i

Assess the value of quantitative sources of instruction in sociological search Quantitative sources of cultivation be objective pieces of entropy, which leaves no room for interpretation and consequently, personal turn. Positivists prefer this type of selective information because they see sociology as a science, and objective info is extremely tested. This data allows a sociologist to measure and see trends in love behaviour and thus develop laws in which the statistics reflect patterns in society. Quantitative sources of data are acquired through a mixed bag of methods, such as questionnaires, structured interviews, experiments and official statistics. The practical advantages of these are that the data equanimous is not influenced by the inquiryer and therefore, virgule is reduced. Quantitative studies can cover a huge applaud of people, making them reliable and representative. This is impractical in qualitative research as a great amount of time is ex act in order to get data. Statistics are cheap and quickly to use, as they are often published and readily available. Durkheim could ascertain the data of many European countries in his Suicide empyrean of operation at little cost. Statistics furthermore produce liable and reliable sources of information, through mediums such as the government. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
However, the practical problems with quantitative data is that is hard to compare data that has been collared in unfitting ways. Furthermore, data can quickly change and thus the information composed may need to be store uped repeatedly, with data such as populatio n growth. Statistics are secondary sources o! f data, so any errors in the data cannot be picked up by a third party so the statistics could have been stipulate to fit a trend or incorrectly collected and thus not valid. The ethical advantages of quantitative sources of data is that the fake will always give permission before you collect the data as they are aware of what you are experiment to do. However, this is not always the case, such as in pretty lab...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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