Thursday, January 23, 2014


What is ganja? hemp ( halter) generally refers to the dried, shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of the Cannabis Sativa plant. This human body typically is green, brown, or gray in color and nearly resembles the appearance of tobacco. The major mind altering chemical in Cannabis is THC (delta-9-tetrahydro brush asidenabinol). The effects of Marijuana depends on the summation of THC it contains. For the year two hundred6, most Marijuana contained, on average, 7 percent THC. How is Marijuana used? Marijuana and otherwise Cannabis products atomic number 18 most ordinarily smoked. The Marijuana is often roll using tobacco stem (called joints) or staind into a hollowed out cigar wrapper (called blunts). Users back tooth in any case smoke Marijuana by placing it in a tobacco pipe or weewee pipe (commonly referred to as a bong). You can also acquaintance the effects of Marijuana by eating, as some users place Marijuana in baked goods much(prenominal) as bro wnies or cookies. How long does the effects of Marijuana brook? This mainly depends how some(prenominal) is used but the most common resoluteness is 3-4 hours. straightaway effectuate of Marijuana1 loss of restlessness excitement hallucinations, paranoia, psychotic person episodes impaired coordination impaired go ability mood swings increase appetite impaired ability. Long Term Effects of Marijuana:1 the loss of brain cells lung cancer chronic bronchitis get-up-and-go loss opposed confused thinking apathy and root vessel blockage. Use by adolescents can disrupt wound up development, delay puberty, and can delay the periodical cycle in females. Marijuana may produce a mild fleshly dependence that causes minor withdrawal symptoms when discontinued, including nausea, insomnia, irritability, and anxiety. What ar some lane names for Marijuana ? There are over 200 slang terms for Marijuana in the popular vernacular. several(prenominal) of more popular names acknowledge: Pot, herb, ! weed, grass, widow, boom, ganja, hash, Mary Jane, Cannabis, spill the beans gum, northern lights, fruity juice, gangster,...If you want to overtake a good essay, order it on our website:

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