Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Women's Education: Results of Changed Attitudes in the 19th Century

Education was the wall keeping women from obtaining equal status in confederacy during the nineteenth century. Before women gained the rights and privileges to a high(prenominal) knowledge, they were believed to be propertyless citizens, non worthy of voting, geting land or any different dur able rights. Women were detained of their pride and privileges by men of the community and their own husbands. However, they were able to escape these social limitations through with(predicate) fosterage. When educated, they gained a smack of assumption and the power to change history. The struggle for women?s nurture has been a rising conflict since the beginning. During the mid-eighteenth century, women were expected to live up to societies ideals of feminism. This political orientation required women to be domestic and pure. None of these ideals could be achieved through procreation; during this era, getting an education meant you were not selection your localize in society. P eople feared that if women became educated then they would not be able to fulfill their traditional roles and society would crumble. However, in the nineteenth century, women began to desire knowledge for themselves and pauperizationed for higher education. Through this, the attitudes towards higher education for women changed substantially during the nineteenth century allowing women the right to this opportunity. This musical constitution will try to discuss the evolution of higher education for women and the consequences of changed attitudes in the nineteenth century. During the nineteenth century, little to no contestation ever arisen over whether women should be allowed to attend elementary or high schools. Canadian society accepted the fact that both(prenominal) males and females mandatory to be educated in reading and writing. However, it wasn?t until women started to demand for a higher education, did thereal controversies develop. Women wanted to attend higher educat ional institutions but at that age, society.! .. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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