Friday, February 14, 2014


fgfgfgfg Islamic - The teachings of the Muslim faith comes from their founder, Muhammad. Muhammad was born in Mecca c. 570 and died c. 632. He claimed to be the prophesier whom divinity (Allah) had chosen for mankind. The Islamics consecrate book, the Quran, was believed to be superior to the Judaic Torah and the Christian Bible. Muhammad did find them divinely inspiring, tho not ample to be the final revelation. The shariah (law of Islam), Quran, and hadith (sayings) were the basic elements of Islam as a theology, a legal system, and a way of life. It was the mosque, the quint pillars of Islamic faith and behavior, and the Sufi brotherhoods that very made super acid people feel they were Muslim. The faiths five pillars atomic number 18 (1) the belief in the avouchment that there is no immortal but Allah, (2) the duty to beseech five times a day in trustworthy prescribed way, (3) the responsibility to project alms in support of the slight fortunate, (4) the obligation to fast during the calendar month of Ramadan, with comple...If you want to name a full essay, companionship it on our website:

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