Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Intro: Survival of the Sickest by Sharon Moalem and Jonathan Prince is a book that questions what we know, and tells us why. They as well give great explananations Dr. Moalem talks about how exalt is essential to every human function., with it we die, without it we die also. weight-lift-storage disease is a valid exapmle of evolutions fight agaisnt the bubonic plague. As Dr. Moalem puts it Macrophages ar the shelter wagons of the immune corpse. They circle our systems looking for trouble; when they find it, they c tout ensemble up it, try to subdue or kill it, and bring it merelytocks to the station in our lymph nodes, they are important. The black plaguehowver, hijacks the macrophages and uses its iron to its advantage, increase its spread throughout the body. Hemochromatosis makes the macrophages lack iron, therefore cut back the chance of a cell takeover. Iron-deficient macrophages are the Bruce Lees of the immune system. He also talks about how blood allow is actually beneficial. It does function fight contagious diseases by reducing the add up of iron in the blood. Diseases actually were do to combat something malignant. I accept with Dr. Moalems logic about iron. The more(prenominal) iron you have, the more chance of infection you can have. Just like the moot with the Somalis. His use of create further validates my belief in his knowledge. I also believed his idea, that hemochromatosis that saved bulk from the Black Plague. Everything he said made sense especially with all of his data that he presented. I picked this topic because it was very interesting. I conception it would be boring, but after reading it i prove it surprising. I never knew iron could influence disease growth. I have had a bloodletting treatment when i was undersized in Mexico. It was in a rural area, it was foreign customs. Dr. Moalem proves that it is beneficial, because of all his studies. MORE Fava beans and separate plant mechanism have evo lved specifically more to people of other et! hnicities. It is most deadly-in Norht Africa...If you want to get a abundant essay, order it on our website:

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