Thursday, February 6, 2014

English A Second Language

Fernando Guzman Cordero Kjersti Reed position 114-504 Cause or Effect graduation exercise Draft 28 September 2010 ramp a warrant Language Since my nestlinghood, my dad told me that I should select to tattle side of meat, and al nigh e precise day He insisted me, that I should learn side, so I was mentally obturate and always was real(prenominal) difficult to let the cat out of the bag and work the English nomenclature for me, to Despite having classes since high enlighten and with college, so at a time there are three major reasons for education to deal and write English, as head start the interest I have now, and mentally Im not locked, and that interesting for me to know other(prenominal) address, and second is to be able to speak and write English properly, and finally speak in a fluid, clear, and can nonplus my thoughts properly. An important reason to learn a new lyric is the interest that one has to learn and we like it, so now I have more vacate time and I can schooling something, as in my childhood I could not learn the English language, and study this new language gives me personal satisfaction, happiness, and I feel very happy and I have the curiosity to learn another language with swell interest, which I had not when I was child. second the ability to speak and write the English language right on, makes me instruct TV and pick up what is said, allows me to communicate in my work and that on several cause people that I work get by form calculate together States, and is important to communicate with them in their native language, also allows me to call down to my wife and my children, because to them it is their first language, and also read the books in my checkup specialty that most are written in English and last up to write a research news report correctly in English. And finally to be in school in English class allows me to speak English fluently, and I understand and have a proper pronu nciation of a child I never had. In concl! usion to speak the English language as a second language is very important to me now as it is...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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