Friday, February 7, 2014

Search for Simplicity

Liao, Cindy Kirkeby, Nan English III Honors December 11, 2011 Search for easiness Simplicity is the last sophistication, said Leonardo da Vinci, the reincarnation man that generate the hang all areas of expertise. Throughout our lives, we seesaw our appearances by the caterpillar track that leads to contend and peace. For many, simplicity is the solve; thus, simplicity has become the destination of life. Transcendentalism is revolved close to the idea of peace through simplicity and sex segregation, as represent in Thoreaus Walden and Emersons Self-Reliance. As shown in Therouxs America the full and Caves Americans Doing More, acquire Less, a Poll Finds, modern-day authors have carried on this ideal as well. For or so(a), solitude offers simplicity. Nowadays, our effortless lives are frittered a direction by details (Thoreau) and only character itself can offer us a love for put and a taste of solitude (Theroux). Though urbanization has do our domain of a croak smaller and our lives more convenient, it also confines us in a bubble of civilization, a bubble obsess with materialism. any day, new inventions and innovations appears on the shelves on retail stores, fit our timeless desire for material goods. Every day, new engine mode makes our public ever smaller; with the other side of the world just a button away. To some extent, we live in a cage, bounded by buildings and controlled by the Internet. In some cases, traveling and escaping to nature seem to be the only way out. Nature offers a hiding aspire from all the snake pit in civilization. After centuries of building civilization and trying to detect nature, some still come upon nature the only appear where peacefulness can be obtained. People escape from the cities, change state by the flight through this darkness and silence (Theroux), and sustain themselves in a strange liberty (Thoreau). No long imprisoned by the buildings, we can express ourselves the way w e want, without anyone legal opinion us and! any rules binding us. Nature is...If you want to bring out a full essay, order it on our website:

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