Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Week 4 Assignment

9.13) Recall that very satisfied customers give XYZ-Box video feeble system a ratting at least 42. approximate over that the manufacturer of XYZ-Box calles to use the stochastic pattern of 65 pleasure ratings to provide proof supporting the produce that the regard as manifold mirth rating for the XYZ-Box exceeds 42. a. Letting u salute the stringent abstruse satisfaction rating for the XYZ-Box, set up the zero hypothesis H0 and the alternative hypothesis Ha unavoidable if we wish to attempt to provide evidence supporting the claim that µ exceeds 42. H0: u < 42 Ha: u > 42 b. The random sample of 65 satisfaction rating yields a sample squiffy of x = 42.954. anticipate that s equals 2.64, use sarcastic values to turn up H0 versus Ha at from each one of a = .10, .05, .01, and .001. mu = 42, n = 65, x-bar = 42.954, sigma = 2.64 z = (x-bar - mu)/(sigma/sqrt n)  z = (42.954 - 42)/(2.64/sqrt 65) = 2.9134  Critical upper berth train z- scores for ar e 1.2816, 1.6449, 2.3263 and 3.0902 for a = 0.10,  0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 respectively.  Since 2.9134 > 1.2816, 1.6449 and 2.3263, we go down in the mouth Ho and accpt Ha at a = 0.10,  0.05 and 0.01, and purpose that the think of rating exceeds 42  Since 2.9134 < 3.0902, we interrupt to reject Ho at a = 0.001, and fail to conclude that the  mean rating exceeds 42 c. utilize the information in part b, calculate the p-value and use it to runnel H0 versus Ha at each of a = .10, .05, .01, and .001. fastness tail p- value for z = 2.9134 is 00018  Since 0.0018 < 0.10, 0.05 and 0.01, we reject Ho and accpt Ha at a = 0.10,  0.05 and 0.01, and conclude that the mean rating exceeds 42 Since 0.0018 > 0.001, we fail to reject Ho at a = 0.001, and fail to conclude that the  mean rating exceeds 42 d. How much evidence is there that the mean composite satisfaction rating exceeds 42? There is evidence that the mean rating exceeds 42 at a = 0.10, 0.05 and 0.01, bu t   non at a = 0.001 9.22) How do we ! ensconce whether to use a z test or a t test when testing a hypothesis virtually a...If you want to choose a full essay, order it on our website:

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