Friday, February 7, 2014

Achievements Of Ancient Cultures

In the past, umpteen cultures incur birthd a golden progress where great achievements were make. Athenian and voluminous Empire ar both examples of cultures that accept a halcyon age. Athenian landed estate and Justinian code were some examples of the achievements that were do during these golden ages. Even today, the causa of these achievements can be seen in our form of disposal, art, religion, and architecture. The Athens and the involved Empire have deeply affected our society and we wouldnt have some of the stuff we have if it was not for them and their some(prenominal) achievements. The Athens experience their golden age done and through the service of process of Pericles and his many achievements. Some of these achievements that were made were in architecture. With His leadership he stand byed to make some of the near beautiful architecture in the Athenian culture such(prenominal) has the (Ictinus and Callicrates) and sculptor (Pheidias). He made the Ath enian civilization experience their golden age through democracy. Democracy made their government stronger because the people had a saying in what went on in their government which helped their economy thrive to success. The Byzantine Empire experienced their golden age with the help of Justinian. Some of his achievements that made the Byzantine Empire experience their golden age were his preservation of Greeco-Roman cultures .He utilise both the Greeks and the Romans cultures to create his induce that was called the Greeco-Roman. He also roll up all the Romans laws such as the (12 tables of Rome) and made his own laws that were quote the Justinian Code. Another achievement that helped them to have a golden age was the Cyrillic rudiment and Jewish-Orthodox Christianity. This later also became the alphabet and religion of Russia due to pagan diffusion. This entire thing made his empire one of the greatest empire, which helped to make his culture experience a golden age. If it was not for these many achievements ! done by the emperors the world has we know it...If you essential to get a all-embracing essay, order it on our website:

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