Sunday, November 24, 2013

Psychosocial Mechanisms of Stress

Abstract Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychological rejoinder to experiencing or witnessing a signifi fecal mattertly stressful, traumatic or horrible fact. This strength be a war, or a hazard exchangeable an earthquake, flood or fire. It might be a car crash, a rape or other sensual or sexual abuse. Any situation where there was a fortune of being killed or injured, seeing others killed or injured, or sometimes even hearing about such things, sight result in PTSD. This screen will discuss the psychophysiological mechanisms voluminous in the stress response, the psychosocial sources of stress which contribute to PTSD as swell as a range of defence strategies used. The cosmopolitan version Syndrome and Lazaruss views on individual perception of a stressor will be mentioned as well as dodging move strategies. Chelsea is a 25 year old expect on the job(p) in a well-known café in Christchurch. On February 22 2011, a massive earthquake hit the Chr istchurch character in the middle of the lunch rush. Although Chelsea escaped the trauma relatively solid and was able to assist patrons of the café to safer ground, unfortunately one guest did non make it and died as a result. Chelsea was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder half-dozen months aft(prenominal) the Christchurch earthquake and is still working through a talk plan. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychological reaction to experiencing or witnessing a significantly stressful, traumatic or shocking event (Mental Health foundation of New Zealand, 2004). PTSD is indiscriminati ve of age, head for the hills or gender how! ever with the correct diagnosis and treatment it can be resolved. PTSD can only be diagnosed at least one month after a traumatic event has happened in order to correctly specialize between Acute Stress deflect and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (2004). This essay will focus on the specific physical cultivate of the stress response with Chelsea, particularly with regards to the General translation Syndrome (Selye,...If you pauperization to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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