Sunday, October 13, 2013

Organizational Decline

Introduction Today, in a radically changing environment, organisational discipline is inevitable for those organizations that are unable to take proactive and advance(a) actions. Decline is a process of negative change over time; these uncontrollable changes in the environment push firms to re-think and re-invent strategies. However, not all organizations respond innovatively. One of the interrogatives that have been examined in belles-lettres regarding organizational decline is whether decline inhibits or simulates innovation. As in the case of organizational response to decline, the writings offers support for any argument. Some research streams suggest that decline interferes with an organizations ability to innovate (Staw, Sandeland & Dutton, 1981). Other research implies the opposite; organizational decline stimulates innovation. This paper will aim to answer the motion and determine whether organizational decline has a negative or positive effect on innovation. The paper will possess with a review of the arguments presented by the two bodies of research. A give-and-take will follow the review, in which, we will present a critical analysis of the controversies. Lastly, the paper will end with a conclusion of the points discussed in the article and examine potential areas of attack research. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Necessity Is the Mother of Rigidity Much of the scholarly literary productions on organizational decline concludes that organizational decline negatively influences innovation. This school of thought is commonly termed the necessity is the mother of rigidness (Mone, McKinley & Barker, 1981).The most inf luential contribution made to this school is! likely Staw, Sandeland and Duttons (1981) threat-rigidity model. Staw et al. (1981) argue that threat¹ (such as might be represented by organizational decline) leads organizations to restrict information processing, metamorphose control, and conserve resources (Mckinley, 1993; Staw et al., 1981). This discussion will investigate, in...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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