Saturday, October 26, 2013

Essay - Was King Henry VIII a good or a bad king?

His majesty is 29 years old and is very handsome. How the Venetian Ambassador described henry between 1515-1519. A tyke who cares for nothing but girls and wasting the money his father left. How the french Ambassador described henry between 1509-1511. The French Ambassadors peach up is not surprising as he and Henry were enemies and subsequent they went to war. Henry VIII was the second son of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. He was born on June 28th 1491, was crowned king in 1509 and passed away in 1547. In Henrys spirit he had umpteen things wrong with him including: gangrene, syphilis and scurvy (when gums chemical decomposition reaction due to need of vitamin C - he thought harvest was for peasants). Henry had a brother, Arthur who died before him of tuberculosis. Jousting, wrestling, tennis, music and women were among Henrys interests. He wish women so frequently he married six times. His wives were: Catherine of Aragon (divorced, subsequently Henry qualific ation himself the head of a new church, I will serve onto that later) mother of Mary, Anne Boleyn ( behead, I found protrude that before she was beheaded she spoke the words I require God go on the King, and send him long curb over you... is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
for to me he was eer a good, gentle and strain person), mother of Elizabeth I, Jane Seymour (sadly she died liberal birth, this is called maternal death), the mother of Edward, Anne of Cleves (divorced), Catherine Howard (beheaded, as Henry believed she was cheating on him, called adultery) who was still however a teenager (and Henry was 45! ) when they got married and finally Catherine Parr (surviv ed) who was the just now wife to outlive He! nry. From only this paragraph you can influence Henry was very raise in women, does this mean he was focusing... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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