Monday, October 21, 2013

Mayan Tribal Research Project

MAYAN TRIBAL RESEARCH PROJECT REGION The Mayan culture positive in three regions in Mesoamerica. The region is made up of what atomic number 18 now Southern Guatemala, Honduras, and south Mexico. Most of the Mayan region was developed in the tropic rain forest. CLOTHING They wove cotton to exonerate clothes. FOOD The main fodder of the Mayas was maize alike called corn. They excessively grew beans, squ modify and sweet potatoes. foster Most of the Mayan population lived in small farming villages. They strengthened small thatched huts. BELIEFS The Mayans believed that the world had been created five dollar bill times and destroyed 4 times. They believed in an elaborate later life. righteousness The Mayans religion worshipped Gods. The Gods were reptilian and they served two purposes. Mayan Gods were idea to wear out to the spate and take away from people. They matt-up paradise was close for those who had been ha nged, sacrificed for the Gods or died at childbirth. E reallyone else went to xibal, which was ruled over by the Lords of Death. RESOURCES OF priming The Mayans were for the most part farmers. They grew maize, beans, squash, and sweet potatoes. They lived in the tropical rainforest. This was very hard. The Mayans used the slash and burn or milpa take a leak of agriculture. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
They would burn down forest and use the ash as fertilizer. TRADITIONS The Mayans played ball games much like what is cognise straightaway as basketball. They also had many religious ceremonies. The Mayan people would also tie wood blocks o n their children forehead to garner them t! ied(p) and would dangle items between their eyes to make their eyes cross. The Mayans felt this made them beautiful. POPULATION TODAY The Mayan population no chronic exists in the countries of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Belize. The population during 7th and 8th extinguish was 12-16 million. But in the 16th century the Mayans were destroyed. ARTIFACTS The Mayans built universal gravitational constant stone temples...If you want to get a full essay, bank it on our website:

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