Sunday, September 15, 2019

The poems I, Too and The Negro Speaks of Rivers by Langston Hughes Compare & Contrast

Have you ever read a poem that cached your eye? Ever wondered how that poem is similar to others or different? Perhaps you read a poem about animals, the economy or someone’s feelings. The poems I, Too and The Negro Speaks of Rivers by Langston Hughes, have many important similarities and differences. One could have been when he was young and the other when he was older. He describes what he’s seen and done in The Negro Speaks of Rivers. In the poem I, Too, he describes what he wants to do. In both of these poems they cross a point where it is noticeable what they have in common. Both have very strong views, along with the positive attitudes that he has towards inequality and discrimination. He attempts to get his voice out so everyone can see what he really wants to say. Also, they have many differences with the things he has done. There are many differences between I, Too and The Negro Speaks of Rivers. In I, Too Hughes expresses more internal than external and he speaks about himself more than speaking about others around him. Secondly, he describes racism and the way he is unequally treated. They don’t treat him fairly and he has challenges to over come. Therefore, he opens up to what he did and is going to do. He also wants people to notice him more. Hughes, wants to be visible to others, not invisible. Americans should be treated the same and that’s what he says he wants to be treated, the same as others, because he too is American. His tone is surprisingly joyful, hopeful and confident. His feelings as well as his being, are important. He is, he isn’t ashamed of who he is and tries to explain who he is and the actions he wants to take. He wants a change in his life and will no longer put up with the situation he is in. Another difference between the two poems is that in The Negro Speaks of Rivers, he is expressing more of an external concerned vs. an internal manner. However, he speaks more about beauty, nature and the world and describes the things he’s seen and wants to see. Hughes, wants to explore and travel the world. He wants to see the things around him. Next, the poet describes the different things he has seen and the places where he has gone. He, therefore expresses how beautiful the world can be if one goes out an explores; this shows he is more free than before. Hughes, takes on a serious tone and the poem is more formal. Time has passed when he wrote this poem according too, the places and events he has seen with Abe Lincoln and slavery. Hughes, describes the things that have occurred during the time of his life and him seeing everything. There are some similarities between the two poems, I, Too and The Negro Speaks of Rivers. For example, they both talk about the abolishment of slavery. Everyone has the right to be treated equally. The world can be cruel to everyone but everyone has something to look forward to and live life happily. In both poems, he expresses how in both situations he had obstacles to over come and how the world can come to a change. He had both strong and positive words to express in both poems. According to his poem I, Too â€Å"My soul has grown deep like the rivers† he says his soul hasn’t stopped, he continues to fight for what he really wants and he is beautiful no matter what. He also states, â€Å"Besides, They'll see how beautiful I am and be ashamed† he says he’s beautiful inside and out. He wants to show everyone who he really is and says he is both strong and confident. Hughes, is no longer the same man as he was before as he expresses in the line â€Å"bathed in the Euphrates. † He expresses, the lives of African Americans and how they are being treated during that time. In conclusion, although both have many differences, they also have many things in common. Both poems have very strong views and ways to express his feelings. He also had positive views towards both of the poems to get his voice out so everyone can hear and see what he really wants to say. He expresses the obstacles he has done and wants to do with the challenges he is going to face. In both poem he abolishes slavery and express the way they wanted slavery to be vanished. In both of these poems they cross a point where it is noticeable what they have in common. He describes what African Americans really go through and what they really feel. They came to America for an opportunity not for slavery. As time passed, things had changed along with himself and the world. He did an amazing job to express himself with his writing to get his point across with both poems.

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