Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Should Scotland be independent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Should Scotland be independent - Essay Example For the understanding of the phenomenon from every angle, let’s try to consider should Scotland be dependent or not by researching pros and cons of the question. To begin with it must be said that the Scottish referendum of 2014 has brightly demonstrated the whole picture of Scots’ unsteady views about their future. Numerous surveys are the evidence of such a position. The people tend to shift their opinions under the influence of this or that factors. Today they are for the independence or undetermined with decision, and tomorrow they can radically change it or accept any of sides. â€Å"For the independence camp it is in many ways a race against time: Over the last six months the momentum has shifted toward independence, but at least one-sixth of Scottish voters in recent polls have said they were undecided or refused to answer† (Erlanger, 2014). One of the rationales is weight of political leaders’ speeches for a particular result, namely: being within (the Unionists) or being without the United Kingdom (the Scottish National Party). The other reason of Scots’ uncertainty is absence of precise understanding of times to come under the new governing, or in other words, the disparity in successful life after the winning of independency. In practice, the latter serves as a great ground for the first reason causing the appearance of great many supporters of Scotland secession of the United Kingdom. But it is an extremely controversial matter whether they really want or need it. Naturally, there are positive and negative motives of Scots’ aspiration for independence. Well-known reasoning of independence supporters includes several points. First of all, it is a need of increase of Scottish participating in affairs relating solely Scotland, and decrease of England’s interference into them, for only the absolute Scottish Parliament outright familiar with amount problems of its country is capable of solving them. Now â€Å"It has

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