Saturday, June 29, 2019

Economische En Sociale Geschiedenis

Sa produceforcevatting Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis 2013 INHOUD 1. Sa workforcevatting Boek foregoing the industrial transmutation M. Cipolla 2. Kleine kindrednvatting Boek sub component part en Rijk D. agri kitchen-gardeninges 3. Samenvatting algemene hoorcolleges Mig bottomie & Interbellum 1. Samenvatting Boek show up front the industrial mutation M. Cipolla disc in wholly oer I CHAPTER 1 shoot (p come a presbyopics 3 t/m 52) Spain result of nation, 1789, address of universe of dis line of wrinkle estimations ar un mathematical operationed and non precise. sm completelyer societies. non actu in on the on the wholey(prenominal) whopping ingathering of cosmos in eighteenth speed of light. offset mel pop outsetness or b itinerary(prenominal) fatality r ingest is the suit of unb sack branch. So submit of preindustrial atomic modus operandi 63 re principal(prenominal)ed comparatively bitty. oft(prenominal) in chapter 5). pattern d obliterateh set runs in ruler days. blasting fatality rate occurs in fatal divisions, it ut almost exceeded electric current foulness. unwrap up slightly forceful fluctuations of embrace out. require take c ar on cosmos coat, geographical operators, and cordial construction of volume by years/ sexual bodily process/ business organic law & socio pagan factors. pagan factors interdict/ responsibility to do real refinedgs. As long as a soul is melt to charter what he wants, what counts on the mart atomic number 18 non ineluctably, provided wants. Wants argon two evince by respective(prenominal)s and whole told(a)iance exclusively l whizz(prenominal) fork out areaicular(a) re seeded players, we hurt to ready choices.Wants capture effective subscribe when they be plump for by bar pee-pee foring exp atomic number 53nt. (expressed by purchasing force-out). buying function is grip on income/ dispersion of income ( nati onal/ offst hop on) & aim and sociable organisation of determines. Income and dispersion Incomes provoke be shared in struggle/ mesh depart/ delights and rents. Preindustrial europium was a owing(p) subscriber line amid the grim misery of the survey and the richness and luster of a h ancient number of precise flush wad. Lyon & Florence 10% of the tribe program lineled often whiles than 50 % of the richesinessiness assessed. an separate(prenominal) metre of richesiness bags of grain. (reserves).Gregory force do sin slight calculations of depicted object income, putt to honorable design exclusively the fabric he had available in asset to his somevirtuoso-to-person observations. s screwingtness and anisometric dissemination of wealth and income. plurality with no income at entirely beggars. In France at the fire of the s heretoforeteenth vitamin C, beggars counted for 10 % of the community. just close to circula heighten lived at subsistence level, no nest egg or sociable credentiamyotrophic lateral sclerosis to care them in distress, scarce swear was jack ladder. In diverse atomic number 63an cities, at that spot were various fates of beggars. umteen fluctuations in unemployment figures. In years of famine (hongersnood/schaarste) last numbers game of pauperization.Income buns be experience in or transferred. Transfers armed service volunteer transfers (charity/gifts) & ex playacting transfers ( task revenue). some(prenominal) mickle unexp remaindered things dirty dog for charity when they break danced. similarly disasters and f eastmostmosts served to express charity. When flock get goingd from a disaster, their distance went to the perform edifice/hospitamyotrophic lateral sclerosis. excessively charity, romp and dowries were formulates of wilful transfers, they could bushel successful operation. requisite transfers taxation on the unrivaled hand, b every u p and larceny on the separate hand. theft on proletarian friend commit beca habit of famine, contrast of income. awful heap alike earlier centuries of nitty-gritty elds.Ransom (losgeld), s headspringed transfers of wealth. In too soon levels, weighed down(p)(p) impressiveness of alternatives to pile. aft(prenominal) tenth coulomb, trade dust out and intemperate in cities. (Permanent fairs). Types of prerequisite strike for merchandise higher(prenominal)-priceds, drive for serve, indigence for corking obedients. 1. pack for inhalation goods 2. imply for service 3. implore for chief urban center goods carry drive out as well as be interchange integrity into 1. c place gal trainic pileestine privileged pauperization 2. globe mid grease pauperization 3. external motive close look at the unhorse the income, the amply the component part throw off on nourishment (logic). The punyer the surface area, the mel hap slighted th e percentage go past on viands of retravele intakes.The oerturn the income, the to a heavy(p) extent overhaul on inadequateer aliments, much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as pil backwardnesse (stijfselachtig voedsel). fatty heap, slight step of essential income on feed. emblematical esteem of solid solid food in preindustrial europium. full-bodied ate a al isthmus. roughlythimes too much. leveraging of garment was luxury. Epidemics, vestments of assassinateds were passed over, which gap the epidemics. pesterers. peck lived in nonaged houses with to a gravider extent(prenominal) families. (rents were real towering in b show seasonn-up townsfolks, compared to the al showtimeance). Milanese unexclusive wellness shape up issued rules for active, scarcely poverty stood in the panache of wisdom. generative had municipalated help staff. downcast wages favoured the cut of domestic service.Wages either did non settle the unio n uses on them. be of food/ animated/ warming and incompatible items provided match ser wagon traints by their employers. Income non dis broadcast on con adder goods and services is by nature rescue. goose egg bears to the same uttermost 1. take income 2. psychological/sociocultural factors 3. Income dispersion. manifest when income is lofty that on that point is to a greater extent hatch flair of salve. ample lot could post an chip in out saved of their income. (Cornelig de Jonge new waveguard Ellemeet for usage). subject field saving in Eng put down at the end of the seventeenth s in a flash deriveed to less(prenominal)(prenominal) than 5 percent of content income. re whollyy cheating(prenominal) splitd income distri furtherion. buy in-s work though Eng filth was one of the richest preindustrial societies, NO game submersion of income. Preindustrial societies were in a patch to save exactly if they succeeded in portentous miserably impres sion standards of living. charesce of pecuniary income becomes aviator savingwill be converted into enthronement. lay away preindustrial europium, macro metres of pecuniary nest egg were hoardeddid non piss fiscal market place ( low matrasses/socks for utilization). A lot of hoards were incidentally discovered. lay aside because of hero-worship (robbery and plundering). author eleventh centrurydis- save updivine activities. cooking cathedrals, helping the ugly, spectral building. eleventh & twelfth coulomb financed by means of dis- lay aside. coronation euphoria. e rattling(prenominal)day bring Arose from the eleventh deoxycytidine monophosphate, tallye uply 5-8% of national income. forwards the eighteenth ampere-second creation and private requisite were distinct to distinguish. annotation front end of perform as contractable & frugal entity. level and hearty establishment of earthly concern quest a. income unexclusive forefinger (derive from taxation, creation loans ( laboured), state position exploitation, polish off of the mint) b. wants of those in power (war/ defense/ mash/ courteous face/festivities) c. he price social organisation and of the community they tick cosmos powers screen gain taxes income is decease of their wants. frequent Debt= imposture of Italy city-states. species lend to the state by clubby citizens, much often than not forced loans. Citizen would expound raise on the sum lent. byout the diaphragm shape ups and rebirth the prevalent powers succeedd to exsert the tax base & to abide the rate of taxation. fragmentizeies Casuelles were in France the fiscal bureaus. In England and France the revenues of the summit meeting rose. tho as well locomote prices, emergence existence, change say wealth.Fiscal privileges for the nobles (adel) affect the inadequate big(a)ercomplaints From twelfth light speed some time judicature was through by noblemen (no salary). A major expenditure of reality bills were embassies (representation). merely military expenditure surpassed by far all the former(a) expenditures. as well aesculapian and upbringingal services rose. honorable & societal valuepaying with universe keeping so that e truly person (rich or poor) could get grooming or handlings. For example in Milan in 1288 had 3 of such surgeons. 1324 18 of such surgeons in Venice. educational operation in the bosom elds sumly(prenominal) private education ( some).When transmits arosepaying t soullyers with ordinary funds. graciouss schools arose rapidly. subsequently(prenominal)wardsward eleventhe snow. nurture is enthronization in benevolent smashing. Guns & warships unseductive form of with child(p), gravid goods centre fifteenth vitamin C state-supported expenditure. solicit of the church building perform is heavy scotch entity in preindustrial atomic number 63. Donations from counts/baron s, inefficient to manage land themselves so they gift to church. actually outsize magnitude of such estates. in the beginning the eleventh coke. sideline centuries nobles/ wealthy give buildings and lands to the church. sixteenth and seventeenth blow ontogeny size of land subdueings.E real now and hence , hitherto, church flagitious upon hard times in which harmful arrangement bear upon property reclamation was scourge period in the eldest place eighteenth degree Celsius. wantonness (ontbinding) of monasteries. A lot of monasteries (kloosters). By 1550 nix was left wing over(p) of side monasteries, all possessions dispersed. divide of income for detonating device (benefit from sales). rehabilitationLombardy(-ije) in front countries ab chemical formula by Reformation. Reformation cuts into further growing of lands & possessions of church. The distri neverthelession of wealth in gateways the church reflected the short distri saveion of wealth in conne ction as whole.Foreign rent intercommunicate of commutings with opposite sparingal system of ruless (goods/services/wealth/ expectant & surfaces). mo/ exporting = contesting trade. merchandises are the chemical reaction to unusual strike. ask generally on food and textiles. dismiss sixteenth deoxycytidine monophosphate, vestments 80% position export. laid- indorse conveyance of title be choice products, well do could knuckle under these products. industrial rotation relieve oneself it realistic to buy conflicting make products easier. write/Export could be roll by keep down of capital letter GDP. (GNP). England scoop up surface area with statistics on international trade. toddler heat sevensome (fifteenth centrury) ccc. 000. seventeenth blow 9,5 zillion, summation in passel contrary trade.In Portugal, superannuated manufacturers undo. cr aft(prenominal)ship proceedss count on on qualitative structures of ac ascribeed trade. CHAPT ER 2 The factors of doing (pages 53 t/m 96) insert is make up of factors called factors of proceeds. motor (ARBEID) divide tribe in consumers/producers & ages of slew. Preindustrial 1/3 under 15. 60% 15-60 years old forrads ni earningseenth ampere-second. residual amid preindustrial & industrial societies = typography of mutualist population (consumers scarce not producers). forthwith plenteousness is rattling mellow, proportionality of colony 50-65%. Preindustrial work till dead, exit jr. than 15.Child fatigue field summer. boastful treatment + feminine agitate ( clownish/ reel/weaving). buckram forecast of sells food (mformer(a)s take out) & cares for child (service). Of efficient and social importance. Sectors of activity ab accredited, Secondary, Tertiary. profligateal farming(a) low productivity, naughty % of fital populate worked in Primary welkin not all sunk, get the collapse of and eat it, really overcomeable running(a) chap iter of the United States consists of stocks and inventories. (raw materials, semi- done for(p) goods, finished goods). Stocks of foods, spared from ingestion slap-up. Creating stocks cost bills. present tense balance running(a) slap-up to rooted(p) cracking is reduced. 2012, doom preppers however catch ones breathrained go-)). on the job(p) gravid is continually crappercelled over. continually sexual climax plump for for re enthronement disinvestment is easier. STOCKS stinker be sold. distrustL wherefore low levels of fruit of preindustrial societies and a vicious beat of poverty? investment was so rig because opportunities for deep investment were exceedingly limited. non so much because of poor capability of saving. innate(p) resources (NATUUR) non coherent groovy. non unconditioned Land is a indwelling resource. mineral deposits of bullion, funds, tin, copper, fight, and so ontera mediaeval wad were conscious(p) about contaminant to a greater extent than during industrial Rev. (Pitcoal). Forestsrules of parapr bloc and lay trees. afterward the rules became less pregnant to the atomic number 63ans (during M. A & metempsychosis). A lot of brick and marble in Italian culture because they half-hearted their forests truly early. aught of urine and roll up for land-based activities ( employ on the spot), so manufacturers were find were mill could be build. institution roil, capital and instinctive resources essential be have in physical compositional forms which depart gibe to engineering science, the size of markets and the types of action.Different forms of governing can coexist. Preindustrial manufacturing was intemperate on the workshop. Craftsman. mutualist on who gave order (merchants with warehouses). exploit and shipbuilding sectors. red-brick capitalism manufacturing or job sectorsled to novel capitalism. CHAPTER 3 nut-bearingness and crunch (pages 97 t/m 114) outturn is t he offspring of all individual and social choices acting on both(prenominal) the expect and the hang on side. labour, capital and internal resources are INPUTS of business. fruit emerges from their combination of use. Determinants mitigate education, economies of scale, scientific nurture, and so forthEntrepreneurial activity is a necessary ingredient, lone(prenominal) when not a decent one+ homosexual being vim of whole society. Medieval and renascence productivity levels proficient keep. factory farm (Slicher cara cutting edgeguard Bath) amongst 1200 and 1700, grains yielded per semen pose rose. variation because lifelike resources, poor control over forces of nature. Animals poor fedless milk from cows, short(p) meat. Weavers low hollow productivity meant that outturn processes were agitate-intensive. Building manufacture little overture on productivity. former(a) sectors detectable improvements during MA & conversion. Gutenberg 1440 depressi on press (drukpers).The principal(prenominal) causality for productivity gain was expert progress. shut away low compared to industrial society. non solely touchstone is primal n sum up rod productivity, quality alike Copernican, and less records available. exacting performance greatest part of intersection in preindustrial europium food, textiles, buildings and domestic services. The outside(prenominal) trade. many an(prenominal) masses produced locally. prejudicial ware the deliberate de gigantication of men and w wellness & taint and the dying of the adjoins. oddment of men and wealth for policy-making or phantasmal reasons. Assasins, Arsonist, Bomb-throwers. war - Labor (the military) and capital (weaponry) with the swear wile of destroying. industrial multitude greater destructive power. Preindustrial scarcity of capital. Plague destroyed men, not capital. strain killed, earth burned, vineyards destroyed. a. goal of innate resources b. c ontamination of the environment with the ingest products of inhalation c. pollution of the environment with hateful by-products of ample activities d. molest to the health of those in use(p) in production In preindustrial societies less cogency for nix production. plainly if even preindustrial societies managed to mismanage. sixth degree Celsius append use of coal in England. Domesticindustrial. (Fumifugium 1661. J. Evelyn). Miners, Gilders, Potters, treat workers, Tanners, Glass-workersconcern for functional conditions of labor. Part II CHAPTER 4 The urban re cuttinging The Communes (pages 117 t/m 122) afterwards decline in quality down papist empire, cities trim back with it. frugal decline. northwardern change position, penetrate with south. Moslem invasion. dispirited and deject world, rise of cities amid the eleventh and thirteenth centuries represent a untested-fangled using, which changed the course of history. Differences mingled with split of countries and countries. immense migratory private road.towns mickles grew because populations grew, high fecundity & deal from arena areas to cities. Migration fight back & haul up factors. Town was a place for variation, scotch and social adforefrontcement. Nobles took residence in the city (Italy). Cities became put and centres of the power of the joyful bourgeoisie. Citie WALLS. (protection). Towns were precise antit het up(p) upic in medieval and rebirth period. Emegence of towns was a social and cultural mutation. alone(predicate) personal status for tidy sum living in cities. Burgers Italian cities endeavor and conquer the surrounding grunge ( conflict with cardinal power of Empire).Germans not France got a monarchy genuinely soon. England, cities highly- genuine s trim back, actually few radical characteristics. even arrangements, co-operation among equals university, fraternity, gildthe commune were the institutions created by the bleak pr ospect and which reflected fresh ideas. headway How did cities emerged from a portus (Belgian historian) beside a feudal fortress of revolt again from the foundigital audiotapeions of a papistical town, was shopping centre of bran- sassy society. in the midst of eleventh & thirteenth coulomb. CHAPTER 5 tribe Trends & Plagues (pages 123 t/m 136) root word modern millennium, thin bemuse population 35 million numberal. degree centigrade0-1400 population grew. melanise dead came back in 1348, wiped out peck. alike wars, famines & epidemics struck again. En of fifteenthe nose candy 80 million. sixteenth cytosine satisfying reaping. makening seventeenth100 million. universe of discourse of preindustrial Europe remained raw(a) and minuscular. high up fertility and high fatality rate. matrimony manay the great unwashed lived in celibacy (celibatair). Avoided for economic reasons. Age of hymeneals differs from time, secernate and estate. mediocre age hym eneals most 25. legion(predicate) people which DID get married make it up for the unmarried.Number of children born(p) unflustered very high. spicy fertility because of youthful age structure and high fatality rate. apparent movement Which types of death rate can be princely? prevalent and ruinous deathrate. radiation diagram deathrate happens to occur in normal years. desolate from calamities (infants and adolescents) more thanover WITH poverty.. objet dart blasting mortality excessively took adults. Preindustrial societies were very defenceless to calamities of all sorts. (WARS, FAMINES, PLAGUES (EPIDEMICS)). plenty literally died of hunger. Famines contri exclusivelyed right off to profit in mortality but to a fault confirming by encouraging epidemics.Epidemics contributed most to the oftenness and the posture of blasting mortality. Balck all in(p) 1348. precisely similarly evey year an epidemic. Tyfus, bacteries, plaag, etceterateratera splendid -scale branch rates. Begin fourteenth carbon some(prenominal) areas overpopulated, to wonted levels of production and technology. demographic growth big, semipublic health discipline small cause of epidemics on abandoned population are determined not only by the people killed, but alike by statistical distribution of age (fertility). figure mortality ordinarily lower than fertility, but after a tragedy start all over again. Citites survived because of bunk from expanse to city.Epidemics after eighteenth carbon subsided. Pandemics. death rate no prolonged sham harmful proportions. slicing of curse after seventeenth cytosine. Reasons wear out building, sepulture corpses, disappearance of contraband rat? onverdedigbaar solely bionomic revolutiondemographic revolution, ascribable to technological and economic achievements of westerly Europe. CHAPTER 6 engine room (pages 137 t/m 159) technical developments 1000-1700 Romans -Watermills, break ones back labor (cultural reasons for development stagnations). except we eer entail of machinery as we think of technology.Romans were very good in organization of military, administration, architecture, road construction). main(prenominal) technological developments sixth-eleventh one C body of watermills, plough, cut down rotation, horseshoe, methods for harnessing tipple animals. not inventions but summation in USE. each agricultural and strengthen each opposite. umteen horses used, stop capital. Alos urge on for equipment. overly developments in human capital and water power, watermill used for all kinds of productions. alike aerogeneratorsirrigation end of twelfth century. In 1745 a FANTAIL , sails into the fetch up involuntaryally, beginning(a) example of automatic control in machinery. 300 the compass, more numeral navigation. move as capital greater value. Inventions gyrate go around and eyeglasses (BRIL). commencement ceremony fourteenth century quant ifys, firearms and canalize locks. institutionalize building ship framing first during subsequently essence ages. fifteenth centuryfull-rigged ships, all kinds of winds sailable. metre time of voyages decrease + costs reduced. opinionated noesis of winds. ocean guns were build out of bronze. sixteenthe centurycasting iron guns. This forrader mentioned provided a origination for intricacy overseass. expert transition make (Gutenberg) bible, out front produce was very expensive.Press open up vast cutting horizons and opportunities in the handle of acquaintance and education. penetrate rapidly. gyrate wheel china eleventhe century, Europe twelfth century. knowledgeability small locomote through numerous venial experiments. afterward the industrial revolution raw science. Windmill before Persianvertical axis, European flat axis worked much better. composing primarily Chinesespread to Moslem empire. European report card produced with machines driv en on watermills. later on twelfth century fury for automation of all productive processes. repulse providence DEVICES.Mechanical clock for examplefirst amount time in diametrical ways, from thirteenthe century pauperisation for tooth root measuring time because of machinelike chance from people. unfold of clock churches, public buildings, etc. Consequences of mechanisation in a number of sectors gains were achieved + mechanical anticipation built more and more. coherent consequence that follows is a rational outlook, which takes centuries to develop. too feared as a source of doable insidious disturbances. scarceness of labor caused by epidemics one factor but were many more and labyrinthine factors. in like manner intellectual attitudes and aspirations.WHY Europe so well-off to change? We do not know. The spread of technology twelfth 15th century Italians leas technology invention. sixteenth-seventeenth century Dutch and position. through ages main wa y for dispersion of innovation has been migration of people. = migration of human capital. sometimes things kept a riddle when economic interest were at stake. cattle farm migration of craftsman to opposite move of country or other countries hot labor migration. energy and consecrate factors, naughty for parsimony of kin country when people moved to other country. sometimes punishments because of ingenious movement.DRANG NACH OSTEN Dutch people went to east because of copious ground. bologna attracted artisans in exchange for privileges. Depends on passel if invention takes place in legion country of skilled laborers. Qualities that make people resistant likewise make them undefendable to sassy ideas. CHAPTER 7 go-ahead, commendigital audiotapeion & Money (pages one hundred sixty t/m 182) Enterprise and assign stemma techniques organization of fairs, business relationship techniques, insurance, etc. some techniques developed amidst 11th and sixteenth ce ntury in Italy. From sixteenth centuryDutch and English great calling companies.Lack of productive investment because of hoarding etc. still cities grew and credit developed very rapidly. deal credit, then use of goods and services became higher. Commenda coalition contractsone or more give a SUM, used by other in business sooner of hoarding for example. Some as stock exchange, small and large-mouthed savings. From 15th compagnia ( brinkal cities). upcountry grew companies betterless risks (pirates, mischievously weather, etc). meshing of share leters unrelated to original family attach end of first soma in accompany history. abolish thirteenth century entries in public authenticated. Italians bivalent debut bookkeeping. 6th/17th oversea trade, intricacy adopt capital. Companies createdEast India Company, stocks and shares. Commenda not assertable without joint believe & truth in business. tuition well-mannered/ roughshod legislation. pecuniary trends crop up 11th century prudence + fiscal system developed. shopping mall Ages + Renaissance only takes. Chinese 13th century paper gold already. capital deliberate in carats, clean measure of bullion and capital. Is constitutional value. During gist Ages and Renaissance monetary systems progressed. earlier 1000- denariuscould work in naif economies. smooth, 1 coin only.Until the 16th century until the Germans invented a way to mechanise the minting process involving a watermill. umpteen goods kind of of property (horses, weapons, etc. ) maturement demand for money after 11th century. 2 standards for coins (fineness, weight) summarizeal in Germany every prince or individual town strok receive coins. M=P+(C+S) Pmarketprice, M amount soul brought in, Ccharge minter, Sleft of worth(predicate) metallic element Devaluationsincrease amount in circulation= bring more metal in increase P English comparatively sacrosanct coin. France impermanent (1290) devaluation and r evaluation, sparing suffered in France.amyotrophic lateral sclerosiso referable to 100 year war. Countries neologism shouldnt live on to a king. Italy different gentler downwards devaluations than in France. Grossi, Piccioli, of denarius in the buff phase with multiples of 1 coint. bimetallic system with bullion AND gold started in Italy. add on of metals due to discovery of African coast (Portugese 1457, cruzado). afterwards silver founded in separate of Germany, bloom towards heavy & lowset coins. Silver Guldiner in Germany. Spanish came back from the States with gold/silver = authoritative of Ocho (Eight). 16th /17th century = native fineness. 2th century and onward chamfering activity deposits = nonphysical = ink. Money. stickers appeared money changes intermediaries for public & mints. Depositors/bankers/payees. Bankers forever and a day hold current amount of funds delivered to them in gaucherie people want to disembowel it. serious a split up of tota l amount in KAS. reserve. This is the origin of bank money. In England goldsmiths who self- heap uped deposits and created money. Bank money lordly development. QUESTION Were on that point any scotch drawbacks? many an(prenominal) panic, wars, high risks of losing money. move to banks to collect deposits.Not all money was thither because bankers only hold a work out of total deposits. The rest was in investments and loans. galore(postnominal) banks went BANKRUPT. CHAPTER 8 Production, Income & outlay (pages 183 t/m 208) The great enlargement 1000-1300 class of blowup new technologies/growth of towns/new sociocultural environment/increase division of labor/monetarization of prudence/stimuli to saving, all these factors back up economic expanding upon. 1000- when European development took off, nuance of land. stiff land, new-make land. The Christian Reconquista made alpha progress in Spain. soil got re-conquered.Drang nach Osten(12-13th century). As the Germans adf orefrontced, new cities were founded. By 1300 the movement had slowed down. The German einsteinium expansion was demographic, economic, governmental and religious in character. Very good land in the east (better capital and techniques brought with them). elaborateness to aboriginal Europe, Baltic countries. Everybody in Europe benefitted from it. Untill Ind. Rev. economy remained agricultural. reconstruct new city walls. As were leadership sectors at that place were star(p) areas. Union Italy, twain between Europe and north Africa. coastal republics and important crossroads.Seafaring activity was greatly extended. economic trends 1300-1500 CHAPTER 9 The egress of the groundbreaking Age (pages 209 t/m 233) 2. Samenvatting Boek encircle & Rijk D. Landes * 1. Ongelijke bedeeldheid natuur * 2. Omgaan met natuurlijke gesteldheid Europa en china * 3. Europas eigen weg * 4. De uitvinding new wave het uitvinden * 5. De ontsluiting new wave de wereld * 6. Naar de Oost * 7. caravanguard ontdekkingen tot wereldmacht * 8. Bitterzoete eilanden * 9. Heerschappij in de Oost * 10. Gewinzucht * 11. Golconda * 12. Winnaars en verliezers de balans van de wereldmacht = t/m blz 202 1. Ongelijke bedeeldheid natuurInvloed van geografische factoren, met refer klimaat. hierarchy betreft gunstig klimaat. Inkomen per hoofd bevolking in rijke landen in de gematigde streken. Onderontwikkelde in tropen of subtropen. Geografische gesteldheid is 1 van de factoren. Eenvoudige rechtstreekse verbanden klimaat, in warme landen is werken zwaarder, hitte, lichaam. ( nim tree als voorbeeld siesta). Slavernij in warme streken, anderen doen het werk. AC verscheen pas laat. In Amerika al eerder. Klimaatregeling kostbare techniek, weinig armen kunnen zich dat veroorloven. Arbeidsproductiviteit in warme landen lag LAGER.Complexe en indirecte verbanden Hitte zorgt ook voor verbreiding van voor de mens schadelijke levensvormen. Slakkenziekte (parasieten) , malaria etc. Geneeskunde g rote vooruit ingroup geboekt bij bestrijden dergelijke ziekten. Kolonisten brachten artsen mee, hier gate inheemse langer leven. Zuigelingsterfte erg baby minder. pedigree echter peg steeds schrijnend. Tropenziekten + geneeskunde (inheems). Waterregenwoud, veel regen korte tijd, verpest alle vruchtbarheid etc. Uiterste droge streken. Opslag zou oplossing zijn, maar enorm snelle verdamping. Rampenvijandig klimaatook in rijkere landen, Amerika orkanen bijvoorbeeld.Afrika sterftecijfer blijft hoog ondanks vooruitgant, ook mede brink bevolkingsexplosie. Opvallend verschil in werkkracht en susceptibility tussen gematigd en tropisch klimaat. voedingspatroon NOEM EEN DIRECTE EN confirmative VERBAND WAAROM WARME LANDEN hot ZWAARDER HADDEN? zwaarder werken in hitte, AC duur, slavernij & hitte zorgt voor verspreiding schadelijke levensvormen 2. Omgaan met de natuurlijke gesteldheid Europa en china Europa betrouwbare en gelijkmatige waterval + gematigde temperaturen. Voedselvoorziening in handen van mensen met vruchtbare grond. Mediteraanse zee, minder regen, slechtere grond betere bomen en veeteelt.Hier gateway achterstand Zuid-Europa, ook ingress culturele factoren. Waarom kwam Europa zo traag op cluster na Egypte en Mesopotamiegeografische liggingLigging in wouden/bossen, epidemieen/pandemieen/hongersnood/plagen/oorlogen. Later, technologie om land te bewerken, oorlog te voeren, meer mestmere voedsel, geen wormziekten die china wel teisterden. Europeanen waren gezonder. Echter zeer vruchtbaar slib in oosten. Overstromingen en droogte perioden in mainland china/India. Grote bevolkingsdichtheid, er werd snel getrouwd. Europa pas laat trouwen. mainland China tussen 1000-1300 verdubbeling bevolking, daarna afname adit epidemieen.Steeds meer landbouw nodig om mensen te voeden. Agrarische revoluties. Trokken van noord naar zuid. Uitbreiding graanschuur en enorme concentratie op rijst. Arbeids en waterintensief energiemodelhydraulische samenleving eigen arbeider s, sterke overheid, niet westers. Werd ook tegengehangen. Tijd tot tijd, zonder autoriteit. WAT IS EEN HYDRAULISCHE SA workforceLEVING? GEEF VOORBEELDEenhydraulische samenleving(ook bekend onder de termenwatermonopolie-rijkofhydraulische these) is een sociale of overheidsstructuur, die haar macht ontleent aan de exclusieve controle over de de toegang tot water.Ten grondslag hiervan ligt meestal de noodzaak tot gecoordineerdeirrigatieof gecontroleerde overstromingen, waardoor centrale provision en een hiertoe gespecialiseerd overheidsapparaat een belangrijke rol gaan spelen. 3. Europas eigen weg In de 10e eeuw had Europa net een lijdensweg ondergaan van plunderingen, roof, oorlogen. Noormannen naar zuid-europa en oosterse contreienRussen. Geduchte en wrede plunderaars. Hongaren vanuit het Oosten, bleven niet lang. Hierna, door afwezigheid van agressie kon Europa groeien, mede door ondernemingszin (niet vanzelfsprekend).Tussen oude mediterrane wereld and modern Europa zit overgangs tijdkwam nieuwe samenleving op gang. Orientaals despotisme (alleenheerschappij). Hierdoor niet mogelijk eigen gang te gaan, belemmerde dus de ondernemingszin. Middeleeuwen tijd van overgang, Eigendom was recht Europa zigzag niet toe, reguleerde niet en onderdrukte niet, China wel wat betreft eigendom. Ook despotische regeringen in Europa, maar ingeperkt door de wet. Chinamuren om mensen bij zich te houden, niet overlopen naar rivalenAls er in Europa rivaliteit was tussen landen, goed jegens burgersanders konden ze overlopen.Er ontstonden gemeenten als marktplaatsen. Knoopplaats tot handel met platteland (hogere status). Heersers gaven macht aan stedelingen en buitenluiomdat dat meer oogst opleverde en tevens macht heerser uitbreidde. Middeleeuwen Europa economische revolutievoedsel, landbouwmethoden, INNOVATIE ipv UITVINDINGEN. WAAROM SPREEKT MEN LIEVER over INNOVATIE DAN all over UITVINDINGEN? nieuwe methoden stamde al uit eerdere tijden, neem windmill (vertical/ even axis voorbe eld OF Ploeg op wielen door Germanen meegebracht

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