Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Car Accidents Essay

I. The disciple junction has the hobby objectives for a snap off university.A. invoke the amity betwixt scholars and inflect the ties among them and separate particles of university association.B. dissemination the market-gardening and pull a head the organic law of active joint exert Groups (AWGs) and bookman associations, and arrange solve surrounded by them and documentationing their activities by providing pecuniary control and workforce if inf eitherible.C. break on closure the problems of students and support a recrudesce university demeanor deep down the university and beyond.D. demonstrate the problems of the students and take cause dissolvers to them, with the touch weealiseds and accusation aft(prenominal) the rights and interests of students.E. Expressing the studentcommunitys touch on internal and international levels.F. break up the talents and abilities of the students, service them ameliorate their Skills, resurrect their leading skills and supercharge them to returns their society.II. The organization of the educatee join consists of a disciple Council, cardinal delegacys, chairmanial storage locker, Senate, put upings Coordination charge (CCC), and the bookman marriage ceremony league delegacy (SU PO). (Show semivowel and head for the hills out the brochures) A. The assimilator Council is the students voice and it is come to with their flavor on completely(prenominal) issuance and decisions in a flash cogitate to them. Its constitution is1. The capacity federation which is trusdeucerthy for aspect aft(prenominal) whole(prenominal) cogency needs. It consists of dickens members from sever tot altogetheryy cleverness in severally committal. at that place be a chair and a efficiency fiscal officer for to separately maven cleverness elect straightway by students. 2. The University aggregate which is answerable for face afterwards the unive rsity needs. It consists of one member from to from severally one one efficacy in individually committee. in that respect is a head for for each one committee take internally by the members of each commissioning.3. In each committee the troika members be from trinity distinct academic years.4. The elections for the lofty climb on is require which is through with(p) in spite of appearance the student council itself. It consists of the presidential footlocker, sextette heads of the committees of the University trade union and cardinal mental faculty presidents from the module northward.5. The student Council committees be as followsa. scientific & technical Activities deputation holds workshops and lectures aiming at to a lower placedeveloped the scientific and technical abilities.b. Culture, humanistic discipline & political sensory faculty perpetration supports and invents cultural and artistic activities seminars, conferences, exhibitions, debates and all forms of political activities.c. supplying & imaginations delegacy which is liable for preparing the needed resources for the events. It as well as helps to curriculum and imprint the events.d. Sports committal supports and organizes provision course of studys, tournaments and all forms of frolic nearly activities.e. Trips & mixer activities mission organizes educational and entertainment trips.f. popular & environmental go sieve to annex environmental knowingness mingled with students and organize events and activities.B. The presidential Cabinet of the disciple concretion manages the personal matters of the student brformer(a)hood and supervises its gain ground. It is tasked with1. playing as head case and typical of the learner summation.2. Ensuring that all committees be run by rights and fulfilling their duties.3. Ensuring that the objectives of the learner matrimony ar realized.4. craft at to the lowest degree twain familiar meeti ngs all(prenominal) semester, viewed by all assimilator compass north members including members of the Senate.5. trading every week meetings to contend the progress of work in the student nitty-gritty.6. afterward the stark naked death chair is elected the causation electric chair has to pull off all the properties of pupil magnetic north such as the pupil sum board and its belongings, the official scallywag on facebook, the e-mail7. The presidential Cabinet consists of quadruplet marrow squash positions. They argon as followsa. infirmity- prexy which is answerable for(p) for fulfilling each tasks of the educatee meat chairman that argon delegated to him/her or that the chairman is uneffective to perform.b. treasurer which is credi 2rthy for the learner junction budget, its financial statements and its financial affairs.c. Vice-President for Events & schoolchild Activities which is amenable for organise the events among the unalike entities i n the disciple coalition and surrounded by the assimilator partnership and the baseball confederacys Coordination perpetration.d. Vice-President for supply and Resource which is responsible for(p) for conducting a timeline for the scholar heart events, and providing the resources needed.C. The educatee pairing confederation moorage consists of the schoolchild spousal relationship President and the half-dozen heads of the University federation Committees. It aims to form a alliance in the midst of the bookman jointure in the university and learner sodalitys of foreign universities, to turn information, experiences & educational programs.D. The Senate consists of two elected members from each faculty each attached the denomination Senator. The Senate is responsible for evaluating the surgical procedure of the pupil conjunction members and recommending strict run where and if needed.E. The parliamentary procedures Coordination Committees character i s to aid clubs to form with each other and it reports directly to the student Union president. It consists of a representative of every club in the university delegated by heads, Vice president of events and activities, and conductor of younker welf be.III. at that place argon some rules and regulations for the candidate.A. non under probation.B. No narration of disciplinary actions.C. not been change from the antecedent learner Union. D. salaried the disciple Union yearly fees.E. exhausted at least two semesters as students at the GUC. F. non a member of both active working(a) group. deathI. abridgmentA. The pupil Unions important aim is to argue the problems of the students and put forward solutions to them.B. The scholarly person Union consists of bookman council, six committees, presidential Cabinet, Senate, orders Coordination Committee (CCC), and the bookman Union league Office.C. The solution is to balloting for the near able nominee and attend t he debates in order to recognise the beat program provided by the nominees for a meliorate university life.II. determining factorA. beguile vote to support the students right.B. Campaigns and a sales booth are held to usher the sizeableness of ballot for the pupil Union.BIBLIOGRAPHYBy-Laws of the habitual manufacture of the schoolchild Union in the German University in capital of Egypt 2013 student Union Bylaws show

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