Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A Career in Project Management - 1577 Words

Proposal This proposal on pursuing a career as a Project Manager is designed to provide research and criteria concerning elements for entering into the field of Project Management. The research will provide the essential skills and a job description of a Project manager. As background information, I have provided researched information based on the interest of being a Project Manager. The Survey results provide an insight to how some individuals pursued their careers and their educational backgrounds. My pursuit of this career comes from many years of being in management for several industries and my partnership with a former colleague who is in this field. The opportunity to work closely with†¦show more content†¦The results of this survey were meant to identify what made these individuals choose their careers and how they pursued those career choices. As high school seniors, there are many opportunities to pursue. I would like to highlight a field that I have found interesting; the field of Project Management. What specifically does a Project Manager do? Emily Carr (2007), a design professional, says this is hard question since the field of Project Management is most often not clearly defined; however this is also what makes being a project manager fun and exciting. (1) Choosing a career in Project Management can require an educational background in business, information technology or both. One who is seeking a career in this field should inherently possess, meaning qualities that one already demonstrates, essential skills that will contribute to the success in project management. Project Management is the ability to plan successfully, organize, and manage resources to implement the completion of project goals and objectives. The professional in charge of project management is called the Project Manager. A project manager can be considered the project owner. A project can be anything from designing a network for a software company, to the construction of a hospital. The project manager is responsible for the inception, meaning the start of, to the completion of eachShow MoreRelatedAssessing A Career In Business: Project Management. Project1584 Words   |  7 PagesAssessing a Career in Business: Project Management Project management is the discipline of using policies and procedures to manage a project from creation to competition. The intent of this paper is to assess the role of a project manager and determine if I am well suited for a career in project management. To achieve this goal, I will be discussing the following areas: job description, general career path, education requirements, salary, career outlook, and the pros and cons. 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