Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Written assignment 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Written assignment 3 - Essay Example b. Longs Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park, is 14,259 feet in elevation. Can you see Cheyenne, Wyoming (about 74 miles away at an elevation of 6,062 feet, so youll have to subtract to get the height to use in the equation) from its summit? Use part a! Explain your answer. (I—your facilitator—used to live pretty close to Longs Peak; I could see it out my office window, and my brother lives in Wyoming. Ive been able to test this by looking for Longs Peak from Cheyenne since being able to see Longs Peak from Cheyenne is equivalent to being able to see Cheyenne from Longs Peak. Ive also climbed Longs Peak, but I didnt look for Cheyenne when I was there. If you do the algebra correctly, you do in fact get the same answer that Ive observed. So, D = 1.32 * = 119.51 miles ïÆ'   this is the distance from the summit that an observer can view to the horizon and 74 miles is within this range, therefore, I would be able to see Cheyenne, Wyoming from the top of Longs

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