Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Analysis Of George Orwell s Brave New World Essay

In the novels ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ and ‘Brave New World’, George Orwell and Aldous Huxley present the conflict between individuality and conformity as a key theme of their dystopian societies, inspired by the totalitarian governments of the early twentieth century. This idea is reflected in critic Jenni Calder’s argument that ‘the striking feature of society in both the novels is uniformity and lack of individualism’. In the novels this conflict is presented through the portrayal of state controlled conditioning, the protagonists resisting through expressing their individuality, the conformity/non-conformity of the female characters, and the extent to which the protagonists succumb to convention by the end of the novels. ‘Brave New World’, written following the growth of consumerism and technology in the 1920s, is set in a technology-dominated future society known as the World State, which enforces conformity through th e use of coercive scientific processes; ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’, written in 1949, features a future totalitarian society run by the Party who use surveillance and the threat of violence to force uniformity and lack of individuality on the population. Huxley and Orwell both present the extreme methods used by the state to control the population and the dehumanizing impact this has to portray the conflict between individuality and conformity. In ‘Brave New World’, the World State uses repeated slogans to ensure conformity and limit individuality. The resultShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of George Orwell s Brave New World 1447 Words   |  6 PagesThe three books, â€Å"1984†, â€Å"Brave New World†, and â€Å"Candide† all encapsulate similar dystopian elements but attack the issues at totally different angles. In â€Å"1984,† Orwell uses Big Brother and the thought police to keep control and reins on the middle and upper class, while the proles are left to themselves because they are not feared to rebel. In â€Å"Brave New World,† the citizens of the World State are scientifically created and programed to be happy and content with their status in the society. SomaRead MoreAnalysis Of Geor ge Orwell s Brave New World 1087 Words   |  5 PagesTotalitarianism diminishes the idea of individuality and destroys all chances of self-improvement, and human’s natural hunger for knowledge. 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