Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Pain of Which of the Following Topics Would Make an Effective Comparison Essay?

The Pain of Which of the Following Topics Would Make an Effective Comparison Essay? Which of the Following Topics Would Make an Effective Comparison Essay ? - Dead or Alive? You're able to take benefit of the business in case you genuinely feel watching out for it and prove to be fully convinced relating to your substantial grades and achievement. A lot of them keep searching for a consultation on the disturbing issue. A resume must seem professional and ought to demonstrate the employer he is the man or woman who can join in the team. By taking a look at the resume, employers have to be eager to understand about you better. Which of the Following Topics Would Make an Effective Comparison Essay ? at a Glance The secret to writing an effective essay is fantastic preparation. When you compose the introduction, you will need to see that you have some idea what you're going to write in the rest of the part of your essay. Then the next step is going to be to find out more about the expository essay structure. State briefly your key points of arguments and analysis in exactly the same order that you will follow through the remainder of your essay. When you sit down to compose an essay, it's important to recognize that your essay is going to have considerable influence on your score and that means you should offer your best for it. If your essay shouldn't be formal as hell, it's time for humor and irony. Write the introduction you can Now sit down to begin writing your essay. Writing a comparison essay isn't really hard. If you're going to compose an expository essay, be ready to devote much time hitting books. At times, the quotes of famous people are able to enhance your essay. It is extremely important to pay exclusive attention to the opening sentence. When you're writing, attempt to prevent employing the exact words and phrases over and over again. What You Should Do to Find Out About Which of the Following Topics Would Make an Effective Comparison Essay ? Before You're Left Behind Choosing the appropriate topics might take a while in case you don't have a list of sample topics before you. Deciding upon a topic is a critical issue that partly estimates final success of the job. Finding prompts is not in any way tough. The response is comparable to your description of the issue. In a Proposal to address an issue, it is necessary to spell out the issue specifically and globally. After you believe you have selected a topic, keep researching on it as a way to narrow it down and find a notion of what you're going to write about. You must research your topic to select three claims. Before you begin, it is imperative to choose topics which you really know well. The topic should specific so it does not generalize on the locations that are not under study. Locate the trustworthy information for the essay topic you are likely to work on. The presented topics can typically be classified into two divisions. Besides the phonetic rhythm, it is essential to create your essay dynamic by its sense. If you're writing a background synthesis, in some instances it could be appropriate that you provide an interpretation of the material or have a position (thesis). If in the procedure for writing you really feel like the outline needs adjustment, don't hesitate to repair it. It is essential that the reader trusts your writing and your sources of information. From its name, you can guess you need to have a very clear picture of a specific thing to be able to supply your reader with a very clear and concise explanation. The reader must comprehend the reason for your pick of research procedure. Your reader will observe all details throughout the prism of your ideology. Therefore, when you have information that's regarding the solution, select the info that moves your solution forward. Your choice for the remedy is directly regarding the specificity of your audience. Your research that helped you comprehend the issue and develop a solution required that you comprehend the justification for the solution. Which is the reason why a suggestion is a really priceless component!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Analysis Of George Orwell s Brave New World Essay

In the novels ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ and ‘Brave New World’, George Orwell and Aldous Huxley present the conflict between individuality and conformity as a key theme of their dystopian societies, inspired by the totalitarian governments of the early twentieth century. This idea is reflected in critic Jenni Calder’s argument that ‘the striking feature of society in both the novels is uniformity and lack of individualism’. In the novels this conflict is presented through the portrayal of state controlled conditioning, the protagonists resisting through expressing their individuality, the conformity/non-conformity of the female characters, and the extent to which the protagonists succumb to convention by the end of the novels. ‘Brave New World’, written following the growth of consumerism and technology in the 1920s, is set in a technology-dominated future society known as the World State, which enforces conformity through th e use of coercive scientific processes; ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’, written in 1949, features a future totalitarian society run by the Party who use surveillance and the threat of violence to force uniformity and lack of individuality on the population. Huxley and Orwell both present the extreme methods used by the state to control the population and the dehumanizing impact this has to portray the conflict between individuality and conformity. In ‘Brave New World’, the World State uses repeated slogans to ensure conformity and limit individuality. The resultShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of George Orwell s Brave New World 1447 Words   |  6 PagesThe three books, â€Å"1984†, â€Å"Brave New World†, and â€Å"Candide† all encapsulate similar dystopian elements but attack the issues at totally different angles. In â€Å"1984,† Orwell uses Big Brother and the thought police to keep control and reins on the middle and upper class, while the proles are left to themselves because they are not feared to rebel. In â€Å"Brave New World,† the citizens of the World State are scientifically created and programed to be happy and content with their status in the society. SomaRead MoreAnalysis Of Geor ge Orwell s Brave New World 1087 Words   |  5 PagesTotalitarianism diminishes the idea of individuality and destroys all chances of self-improvement, and human’s natural hunger for knowledge. In George Orwell’s famous novel, â€Å"1984†, totalitarianism is clearly seen in the exaggerated control of the state over every single citizen, everyday, everywhere. Totalitarianism can also be seen in the book â€Å"Brave New World† by Aldous Huxley, in which humans are synthetically made and conditioned for their predestinated purpose on earth. The lack of individualismRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s Brave New World 2696 Words   |  11 Pagesinterpretation. In such societies, responsibility is almost universally placed on an oppressive and inexorable state, denaturing what defines one as human. This can be applied to both the settings of ‘Brave New World and ‘1984’. However, both authors approach their respective dystopian visions i n different ways. Orwell envisioned INGSOC, a state based on security and repressive surveillance, utilising totalitarianism forms of control. Whilst Huxley depicted a society held captive by profligate consumptionRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s Brave New World 1769 Words   |  8 Pagesofficials. In George Orwell’s 1984, totalitarianism is demonstrated by the complete control of the superstate, Oceania, by the elite over every single citizen. Totalitarianism can also be seen in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, in which humans are synthetically made and conditioned for their predestined purpose on earth. The lack of individualism will lead a community towards a dystopia in which freedom is vanished by the uncontrolled power of the state. As both Oceania and the World State existRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s Brave New World And 19841400 Words   |  6 PagesB.N.W. v.s. 1984 Synthesis Essay Hypothesis become theories and theories become laws. Brave New World and 1984 were both predictions made in the 1900s about what the future of the world would be like. Both of these books were written during the time when communism rose, and they show a world where it would have been like if communism was never struck down. Certainly, one novel makes a better prediction of the future than the other, and this case it will be 1984. 1984 is a better prediction becauseRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s Brave New World And King Lear 2620 Words   |  11 PagesPower and Control is a central theme presented in â€Å"Brave New World†, â€Å"1984†, and â€Å"King Lear†. The ways in which power and control are deployed in the omnipresent governments depicted in both â€Å"1984† and â€Å"Brave New World† draw large areas of comparison to each other. Conversely, in â€Å"King Lear† it is the dissolution and eventual division of power that remains at the centre of the play. This will allow me to further my analysis of how the authors have presented power and control in each three texts.Read MoreGeorge Orwell s Brave New World1601 Words   |  7 Pagesto predict what the future holds for our society. If one was to narrow their focus on the past century they would see the works and predictions of Aldous Huxley and George Orwell. Both Huxley and Orwell, as one could infer, composed novels that describe future societies and their inner workings. Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World, where members of society originate from a lab and who’s lives are pre-determined by the controllers. The controllers of Huxley’s futuristic society’s fundamental goalRead MoreHow Is Marxism Portrayed in Animal Farm by George Orwell? Essay1369 Words   |  6 PagesMarxism portrayed throughout ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell? The main aim of Marxism is to bring about a classless society, and ‘Animal Farm’ is generally considered to be a Marxist novel, as all its characters share a similar ambition at the beginning. ‘Animal Farm’ represents an example of the oppressed masses rising up to form their own classless society, whilst offering a subtle critique on Stalin’s Soviet Russia, and communism in general. Orwell is, ironically, revolutionary in his work, asRead MoreThe Party’s Attitude Toward Love and Sexuality1574 Words   |  7 PagesThe Party’s attitude toward love and sexuality 1984 is a novel written by George Orwell, the main theme of the novel is about how totalitarian society can control every aspect of a person thought, sexuality and action. Totalitarianism can be define as a repressive one-party that has total control over people thoughts and actions. In 1984, people are being control totally by the Party through device such as the telescreen. People are stripped away from their freedom to do things that they want.Read MoreNineteen Eighty Four By George Orwell Essay1601 Words   |  7 PagesBook Review for Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell Jason Lee December 12, 2015 SECTION A Date published June 8, 1949 City where published London, England Publisher Secker Warburg Number of pages 267 SECTION B Summary of your book (key details only...address the beginning, middle, and end of the book) Nineteen Eighty-Four takes place in the fictional nation

Monday, December 9, 2019

Different metals Essay Example For Students

Different metals Essay Outline1 Introduction2 ELECTROCHEMICAL SERIES3 E ° ( V )4 Ref.5 2H++ 2e?H2 ( g )6 0.00007 ?08 Oxidation / decrease and the electrochemical series9 Reducing agents and oxidizing agents10 REACTIVITY SERIES11 Chemical reaction with H2O and acids12 Single supplanting reactions13 Comparison with standard electrode potencies14 Application of electrochemical series Introduction Different metals get ionised at different rates. For e.g. , metals like Na when exposed to air unite about immediately with the O present therein ( sodium atom gives up an negatron about every bit shortly as it is in contact with O ) . On the other manus, metals like gold if exposed to aerate even for a really long period, do non respond with air. Even if gold is dropped into an acid, it remains unaffected. Based on the easiness with which metals lose their negatrons and organize their ions, the metals are besides arranged in a series called Metal Activity Series. Metallic elements that ionise most easy are placed at the top of the Metal Activity Series, and those that ionise least easy are placed at the lower most terminal. Most of the elements of the periodic tabular array can be arranged in such a manner, which reflects their order of activity. This agreement of elements in order of their increasing rates of ionization i.e. oxidising and cut downing strength, is besides called the activity series or the electrochemical series. ELECTROCHEMICAL SERIES Half-reaction E ° ( V ) Ref. N2 ( g ) + H++e?HN3 ( aq ) ?3.09 Li++e?Li ( s ) ?3.0401 N2 ( g ) + 4H2O + 2e?2NH2OH ( aq ) + 2OH? ?3.04 Cs++e?Cs ( s ) ?3.026 Rb++e?Rb ( s ) ?2.98 K++e?K ( s ) ?2.931 Ba2++ 2e?Ba ( s ) ?2.912 La ( OH ) 3 ( s ) + 3e?La ( s ) + 3OH? ?2.90 Sr2++ 2e?Sr ( s ) ?2.899 Ca2++ 2e?Ca ( s ) ?2.868 Eu2++ 2e?Eu ( s ) ?2.812 Ra2++ 2e?Ra ( s ) ?2.8 Na++e?Na ( s ) ?2.71 La3++ 3e?La ( s ) ?2.379 Y3++ 3e?Y ( s ) ?2.372 Mg2++ 2e?Mg ( s ) ?2.372 ZrO ( OH ) 2 ( s ) + H2O + 4e?Zr ( s ) + 4OH? ?2.36 Al ( OH ) 4?+ 3e?Al ( s ) + 4OH? ?2.33 Al ( OH ) 3 ( s ) + 3e?Al ( s ) + 3OH? ?2.31 H2 ( g ) + 2e?2H? ?2.25 Ac3++ 3e?Ac ( s ) ?2.20 Be2++ 2e?Be ( s ) ?1.85 U3++ 3e?U ( s ) ?1.66 Al3++ 3e?Al ( s ) ?1.66 Ti2++ 2e?Ti ( s ) ?1.63 ZrO2 ( s ) + 4H++ 4e?Zr ( s ) + 2H2O ?1.553 Zr4++ 4e?Zr ( s ) ?1.45 TiO ( s ) + 2H++ 2e?Ti ( s ) + H2O ?1.31 Zn ( OH ) 42?+ 2e?Zn ( s ) + 4OH- ?1.199 Ti2O3 ( s ) + 2H++ 2e?2TiO ( s ) + H2O ?1.23 Ti3++ 3e?Ti ( s ) ?1.21 Mn2++ 2e?Mn ( s ) ?1.185 Te ( s ) + 2e?Te2? ?1.143 V2++ 2e?V ( s ) ?1.13 Nb3++ 3e?Nb ( s ) ?1.099 Sn ( s ) + 4H++ 4e?SnH4 ( g ) ?1.07 SiO2 ( s ) + 4H++ 4e?Si ( s ) + 2H2O ?0.91 B ( OH ) 3 ( aq ) + 3H++ 3e?B ( s ) + 3H2O ?0.89 TiO2++ 2H++ 4e?Ti ( s ) + H2O ?0.86 Bi ( s ) + 3H++ 3e?BiH3 ?0.8 2H2O+ 2e?H2 ( g ) + 2OH? ?0.8277 Zn2++ 2e?Zn ( Hg ) ?0.7628 Zn2++ 2e?Zn ( s ) ?0.7618 Ta2O5 ( s ) + 10H++ 10e?2Ta ( s ) + 5H2O ?0.75 Cr3++ 3e?Cr ( s ) ?0.74 ?+e?Au ( s ) + 2CN? ?0.60 Ta3++ 3e?Ta ( s ) ?0.6 PbO ( s ) + H2O + 2e?Pb ( s ) + 2OH? ?0.58 2TiO2 ( s ) + 2H++ 2e?Ti2O3 ( s ) + H2O ?0.56 Ga3++ 3e?Ga ( s ) ?0.53 AgI ( s ) +e?Ag ( s ) + I? ?0.15224 U4++e?U3+ ?0.52 H3PO2 ( aq ) + H++e?P ( white ) + 2H2O ?0.508 H3PO3 ( aq ) + 2H++ 2e?H3PO2 ( aq ) + H2O ?0.499 H3PO3 ( aq ) + 3H++ 3e?P ( ruddy ) + 3H2O ?0.454 Fe2++ 2e?Fe ( s ) ?0.44 2CO2 ( g ) + 2H++ 2e?HOOCCOOH ( aq ) ?0.43 Cr3++e?Cr2+ ?0.42 Cd2++ 2e?Cd ( s ) ?0.40 GeO2 ( s ) + 2H++ 2e?GeO ( s ) + H2O ?0.37 Cu2O ( s ) + H2O + 2e?2Cu ( s ) + 2OH? ?0.360 PbSO4 ( s ) + 2e?Pb ( s ) + SO42? ?0.3588 PbSO4 ( s ) + 2e?Pb ( Hg ) + SO42? ?0.3505 Eu3++e?Eu2+ ?0.35 In3++ 3e?In ( s ) ?0.34 Tl++e?Tl ( s ) ?0.34 Ge ( s ) + 4H++ 4e?GeH4 ( g ) ?0.29 Co2++ 2e?Co ( s ) ?0.28 H3PO4 ( aq ) + 2H++ 2e?H3PO3 ( aq ) + H2O ?0.276 V3++e?V2+ ?0.26 Ni2++ 2e?Ni ( s ) ?0.25 As ( s ) + 3H++ 3e?AsH3 ( g ) ?0.23 MoO2 ( s ) + 4H++ 4e?Mo ( s ) + 2H2O ?0.15 Si ( s ) + 4H++ 4e?SiH4 ( g ) ?0.14 Sn2++ 2e?Sn ( s ) ?0.13 O2 ( g ) + H++e?HO2†¢ ( aq ) ?0.13 Pb2++ 2e?Pb ( s ) ?0.13 WO2 ( s ) + 4H++ 4e?W ( s ) + 2H2O ?0.12 P ( ruddy ) + 3H++ 3e?PH3 ( g ) ?0.111 CO2 ( g ) + 2H++ 2e?HCOOH ( aq ) ?0.11 Se ( s ) + 2H++ 2e?H2Se ( g ) ?0.11 CO2 ( g ) + 2H++ 2e?CO ( g ) + H2O ?0.11 SnO ( s ) + 2H++ 2e?Sn ( s ) + H2O ?0.10 SnO2 ( s ) + 2H++ 2e?SnO ( s ) + H2O ?0.09 WO3 ( aq ) + 6H++ 6e?W ( s ) + 3H2O ?0.09 P ( white ) + 3H++ 3e?PH3 ( g ) ?0.063 HCOOH ( aq ) + 2H++ 2e?HCHO ( aq ) + H2O ?0.03 2H++ 2e?H2 ( g ) 0.0000 ?0 AgBr ( s ) +e?Ag ( s ) + Br? +0.07133 S4O62?+ 2e?2S2O32? +0.08 Fe3O4 ( s ) + 8H++ 8e?3Fe ( s ) + 4H2O +0.085 N2 ( g ) + 2H2O + 6H++ 6e?2NH4OH ( aq ) +0.092 HgO ( s ) + H2O + 2e?Hg ( cubic decimeter ) + 2OH? +0.0977 Cu ( NH3 ) 42++e?Cu ( NH3 ) 2++ 2NH3 +0.10 Ru ( NH3 ) 63++e?Ru ( NH3 ) 62+ +0.10 N2H4 ( aq ) + 4H2O + 2e?2NH4++ 4OH? +0.11 H2MoO4 ( aq ) + 6H++ 6e?Mo ( s ) + 4H2O +0.11 Ge4++ 4e?Ge ( s ) +0.12 C ( s ) + 4H++ 4e?CH4 ( g ) +0.13 HCHO ( aq ) + 2H++ 2e?CH3OH ( aq ) +0.13 S ( s ) + 2H++ 2e?H2S ( g ) +0.14 Sn4++ 2e?Sn2+ +0.15 Cu2++e?Cu+ +0.159 HSO4?+ 3H++ 2e?SO2 ( aq ) + 2H2O +0.16 UO22++e?UO2+ +0.163 SO42?+ 4H++ 2e?SO2 ( aq ) + 2H2O +0.17 TiO2++ 2H++e?Ti3++ H2O +0.19 SbO++ 2H++ 3e?Sb ( s ) + H2O +0.20 AgCl ( s ) +e?Ag ( s ) + Cl? +0.22233 H3AsO3 ( aq ) + 3H++ 3e?As ( s ) + 3H2O +0.24 GeO ( s ) + 2H++ 2e?Ge ( s ) + H2O +0.26 UO2++ 4H++e?U4++ 2H2O +0.273 Re3++ 3e?Re ( s ) +0.300 Bi3++ 3e?Bi ( s ) +0.308 VO2++ 2H++e?V3++ H2O +0.34 Cu2++ 2e?Cu ( s ) +0.340 3?+e? 4? +0.36 O2 ( g ) + 2H2O + 4e?4OH? ( aq ) +0.40 H2MoO4+ 6H++ 3e?Mo3++ 2H2O +0.43 CH3OH ( aq ) + 2H++ 2e?CH4 ( g ) + H2O +0.50 SO2 ( aq ) + 4H++ 4e?S ( s ) + 2H2O +0.50 Cu++e?Cu ( s ) +0.520 CO ( g ) + 2H++ 2e?C ( s ) + H2O +0.52 I2 ( s ) + 2e?2I? +0.54 I3?+ 2e?3I? +0.53 ?+ 3e?Au ( s ) + 4I? +0.56 H3AsO4 ( aq ) + 2H++ 2e?H3AsO3 ( aq ) + H2O +0.56 ?+e?Au ( s ) + 2I? +0.58 MnO4?+ 2H2O + 3e?MnO2 ( s ) + 4OH? +0.59 S2O32?+ 6H++ 4e?2S ( s ) + 3H2O +0.60 H2MoO4 ( aq ) + 2H++ 2e?MoO2 ( s ) + 2H2O +0.65 + 2H++ 2e? +0.6992 O2 ( g ) + 2H++ 2e?H2O2 ( aq ) +0.70 Tl3++ 3e?Tl ( s ) +0.72 PtCl62?+ 2e?PtCl42?+ 2Cl? +0.726 H2SeO3 ( aq ) + 4H++ 4e?Se ( s ) + 3H2O +0.74 PtCl42?+ 2e?Pt ( s ) + 4Cl? +0.758 Fe3++e?Fe2+ +0.77 Ag++e?Ag ( s ) +0.7996 Hg22++ 2e?2Hg ( cubic decimeter ) +0.80 NO3? ( aq ) + 2H++e?NO2 ( g ) + H2O +0.80 ?+ 3e?Au ( s ) + 4Br? +0.85 Hg2++ 2e?Hg ( cubic decimeter ) +0.85 MnO4?+ H++e?HMnO4? +0.90 2Hg2++ 2e?Hg22+ +0.91 Pd2++ 2e?Pd ( s ) +0.915 ?+ 3e?Au ( s ) + 4Cl? +0.93 MnO2 ( s ) + 4H++e?Mn3++ 2H2O +0.95 ?+e?Au ( s ) + 2Br? +0.96 Br2 ( cubic decimeter ) + 2e?2Br? +1.066 Br2 ( aq ) + 2e?2Br? +1.0873 IO3?+ 5H++ 4e?HIO ( aq ) + 2H2O +1.13 ?+e?Au ( s ) + 2Cl? +1.15 HSeO4?+ 3H++ 2e?H2SeO3 ( aq ) + H2O +1.15 Ag2O ( s ) + 2H++ 2e?2Ag ( s ) + H2O +1.17 ClO3?+ 2H++e?ClO2 ( g ) + H2O +1.18 Pt2++ 2e?Pt ( s ) +1.188 ClO2 ( g ) + H++e?HClO2 ( aq ) +1.19 2IO3?+ 12H++ 10e?I2 ( s ) + 6H2O +1.20 ClO4?+ 2H++ 2e?ClO3?+ Water +1.20 O2 ( g ) + 4H++ 4e?2H2O +1.23 MnO2 ( s ) + 4H++ 2e?Mn2++ 2H2O +1.23 Tl3++ 2e?Tl+ +1.25 Cl2 ( g ) + 2e?2Cl? +1.36 Cr2O72?+ 14H++ 6e?2Cr3++ 7H2O +1.33 CoO2 ( s ) + 4H++e?Co3++ 2H2O +1.42 2NH3OH++ H++ 2e?N2H5++ 2H2O +1.42 2HIO ( aq ) + 2H++ 2e?I2 ( s ) + 2H2O +1.44 Ce4++e?Ce3+ +1.44 BrO3?+ 5H++ 4e?HBrO ( aq ) + 2H2O +1.45 ?-PbO2 ( s ) + 4H++ 2e?Pb2++ 2H2O +1.460 ?-PbO2 ( s ) + 4H++ 2e?Pb2++ 2H2O +1.468 2BrO3?+ 12H++ 10e?Br2 ( cubic decimeter ) + 6H2O +1.48 2ClO3?+ 12H++ 10e?Cl2 ( g ) + 6H2O +1.49 MnO4?+ 8H++ 5e?Mn2++ 4H2O +1.51 HO2†¢+ H++e?H2O2 ( aq ) +1.51 Au3++ 3e?Au ( s ) +1.52 NiO2 ( s ) + 4H++ 2e?Ni2++ 2OH? +1.59 2HClO ( aq ) + 2H++ 2e?Cl2 ( g ) + 2H2O +1.63 Ag2O3 ( s ) + 6H++ 4e?2Ag++ 3H2O +1.67 HClO2 ( aq ) + 2H++ 2e?HClO ( aq ) + H2O +1.67 Pb4++ 2e?Pb2+ +1.69 MnO4?+ 4H++ 3e?MnO2 ( s ) + 2H2O +1.70 H2O2 ( aq ) + 2H++ 2e?2H2O +1.78 AgO ( s ) + 2H++e?Ag++ Water +1.77 Co3++e?Co2+ +1.82 Au++e?Au ( s ) +1.83 BrO4?+ 2H++ 2e?BrO3?+ Water +1.85 Ag2++e?Ag+ +1.98 S2O82?+ 2e?2SO42? +2.010 O3 ( g ) + 2H++ 2e?O2 ( g ) + H2O +2.075 HMnO4?+ 3H++ 2e?MnO2 ( s ) + 2H2O +2.09 F2 ( g ) + 2e?2F? +2.87 F2 ( g ) + 2H++ 2e?2HF ( aq ) +3.05 The Great Gatsby and Browning’s Poetry EssayThe places oflithiumandsodiumare changed on such a series: gold and Pt are besides inverted, although this has small practical significance as both metals are extremely unreactive. Standard electrode potencies offer a quantitative step of the power of a reduction agent, instead than the qualitative considerations of other responsiveness series. However, they are merely valid forstandardconditions: in peculiar, they merely apply to reactions in aqueous solution. Even with this provision, the electrode potencies of Li and Na and hence their places in the electrochemical series appear anomalous. The order of responsiveness, as shown by the energy of the reaction with H2O or the velocity at which the metal surface tarnishes in air, appears to be K gt ; Na gt ; Li gt ; alkalic Earth metals, the same as the contrary order of the ( gas-phase ) ionization energies. This is borne out by the extraction of metallic Li by the electrolysis of aeutecticmixture oflithium chlorideandpotassium chloride: Li metal is formed at the cathode, non K. Asaltis a chemical incorporating ametal ionand anegative ionbonded together. The metal ions might dwell of Cu, Na or Zn etc. The negative ions could be sulphate, chloride or oxide etc. Some metals are stronger than others. If a strong metal is assorted with a salt from a weaker metal, the strong metal grabs the negative ion from the weaker 1. Here is an illustration: Lead is stronger than Gold, so if Lead is heated with Gold chloride, it reacts to give Lead chloride and Gold Calcium is stronger than Zinc, so if Calcium is heated with Zinc chloride, it reacts to give Calcium chloride and Zinc Iron is stronger than Silver, so if Iron is heated with Silver sulfide, it reacts to give Iron sulfide and Silver Zinc is stronger than Lead, so if Zinc is heated with Lead phosphate, it reacts to give Zinc phosphate and Lead Sodium is stronger than Iron, so if Sodium is heated with Iron bromide, it reacts to give Sodium bromide and Iron Features of the electrochemical series ( Activity series ) In the electrochemical series the elements that are lower in the series get discharged ( lose their charge to go impersonal ) more easy than the 1s above them. Hydrogen is besides included as a mention point in the series. The positively charged power and the cut downing power of the elements on a regular basis decrease downwards while the negatively charged power and the oxidising power of the elements regularly addition upwards. Significance of the electrochemical series ( Activity series ) This series is an of import tool that helps in foretelling many electrochemical reactions. All metals placed above H will displace H from acids while those below it do non displace H from acids. Elementss with high electropositive or negatively charged power are extremely reactive elements. Each component in the series will displace any other component below it from a solution of its salt. For e.g. , when we add zinc turnings in Cu sulfate solution, Cu is replaced by Zn because Zn is in higher place as compared to Cu. In the replacing of one metal ion from its solution by another metal, the component that gives up negatrons most easy to go an ion will be in the solution. This is because it will accept the negatrons back with greatest trouble. Application of electrochemical series Higher the SRP, greater is the inclination to accept e- , higher is the inclination to acquire reduced and greater is the oxidising power. Fluorine system ( F2/F ) -has the highest SRP and hence it possesses highest oxidizing power and this increases down the group. Lower the SRP, lesser is the inclination to accept e- , higher is the inclination to donate negatrons, higher is the inclination to acquire oxidized and greater is the cut downing power. In the ECS, Lithium has the lowest SRP. Hence, it has the highest cut downing power and this goes on diminishing down the series. Higher the SRP, greater is the inclination to accept e-to signifier anions, higher is the electro negative nature. In the ECS, Fluorine system has the highest SRP and hence it is most electro negative and this goes on increasing down the series. Lower the SRP, lesser is the inclination to accept the negatrons, greater is the inclination to donate the e-to signifier cations and higher is the electro positive nature. In the ECS, Li system has the lowest SRP and is extremely electro positive which goes on diminishing down the series. A metal system happening above H2, displaces H2from dilute acids, from H2O steam depending on its place and gets tarnished. A metal system happening below H2does non displace H2from dilute acids, H2O or steam does non acquire tarnished. In general, a metal system with highest SRP, has highest oxidising power, more electro negative, gets displaced by all other system above it and ever Acts of the Apostless as positive electrode. A metal system with lowest SRP has highest cut downing power, more electro positive, displaces all other systems below it and ever Acts of the Apostless as negative electrode.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Kennedy Assassination Essays (1733 words) - Texas, United States

Kennedy Assassination Kennedy Assassination "President Kennedy was dead. I stopped by a giant live oak tree on the vast front lawn of Parkland Hospital and cried." As this reporter said, people everywhere were distraught when they heard that President Kennedy had been assassinated. News reporters from other countries flew in, called up, and sent letters back to tell the people in their country what had happened and to give advice to the Dallas Police Station. Everyone everywhere was upset by this tragic loss. People were sent home from work, kids sent home from school, and an entire nation with one question, who? The only answer that was given and is still the accepted answer is that, Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin in the murder of President John F. Kennedy. The events surrounding President Kennedy's death are still under speculation, but this is known for sure: President Kennedy landed in Love Field, Dallas along with his wife, Jacqueline Kennedy at about 11:35 a.m. They left the airport in the motorcade along with Governor Collany and followed by Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson and his wife, Claudia "Lady Bird" Taylor. At approximately 12:30 p.m., both President Kennedy and Governor Collany were shot. Lee Harvey Oswald left the Texas Book Depository just three minutes later. By 1:00 p.m., just an hour and a half after Kennedy arrived in Texas, he was announced dead. After the assassination, Oswald got onto a city bus, but once the bus got stuck in traffic, Oswald got off. He then took a taxi to within 4 blocks of his house, but did not go directly to his house. Oswald grabbed a different coat, a handgun, and left without saying a word to his housemaid, who was watching the assassination details on television. He then began walking around Dallas. A police officer named J.T. Tippet saw a man that fit the description of the assassin, so he stopped to ask Oswald some questions. Oswald panicked and shot Officer Tippet and then fled the area. He then entered a cinema where police finally arrested him. The public was outraged that President Kennedy was murdered and wanted an explanation. President Lyndon B. Johnson set up the Warren Commission lead by Earl Warren to head investigation. The Warren Commission concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin in the murder of John F. Kennedy. Lee Harvey Oswald had a major role in the assassination of President Kennedy, no matter how it is looked upon. Oswald moved twenty-two times as a child and went to eleven different schools, causing him not to have many close friends. A psychologist at a New York City Youth Home concluded "...Lee has to be seen as an emotionally, quite disturbed youngster who suffers under the impact of really existing emotional isolation and deprivation, lack of affection, absence of family life and rejection by a self involved and conflicted mother." Oswald joined the Marine Corps Basic Training on October 26, 1956 and was released form active duty in September 1959. During his time there, Oswald once attempted to shoot himself. He again attempted suicide on October 21, 1959. Just ten days later, he tried to renounce his U.S. citizenship and moved to Minsk, Russia in the following January. He decided to return to America in February 1962. Oswald ordered the Mannlicher Carcano rifle in March 1963. On April 10, 1963, Oswald attempted to kill General Edwin Walker. He had left a note for his new wife, Marrina, tell her what to do if he was killed or imprisoned. This shooting demonstrated Oswald's lack of compassion for human life. It seemed like no problem nailing Oswald as the assassin. Witnesses saw a gunman in the window on the sixth floor of the Texas Schoolbook Depository; those witnesses matched Lee Harvey Oswald to the person in the window. The bullets found in the limo and on the stretcher were from the 6.5-Millimeter Mannlicher Carcano rifle, which Oswald owned and was found in the Book Depository. Three used cartridges were also found in the Book Depository. It seemed as though the Warren Commission had their man nailed. But there were a few pieces of evidence that made people begin to wonder. The angle of the bullets caused a lot of controversy. After the assassination, the first official autopsy on the human body took place on President Kennedy. There were two autopsies on President Kennedy, one in Bethesda Naval Hospital, and another in Parkland Hospital in Dallas. In Bethesda, the doctors said that the bullets had entered President Kennedy's body in this upper portion of the neck, and emerged out of