Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Community Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Community Resources - Essay Example In the United States alone, various non-profit organizations (NGOs) have come devoted themselves in helping local communities to achieve self-sufficiency, well-being, and develop self-confidence. Luckily, Berks County, Pennsylvania is the home to two different agencies which have the same goal of resolving crisis management, namely: BerksTALKLINE and Opportunity House. With a mission of â€Å"providing free, confidential, nonjudgmental, skilled listening services to individuals, and assistance in assessing their options,† Berks TALKLINE’s hotline is available 12 hours a day, from 11 am to 11 pm, seven days a week. It was establish in order to create a positive impact on the various situations of its callers. By positive impact, this NGO allows each and every individual to be heard, make them feel better about themselves, and eventually help them solve their own problems or conflicts. At times, Talkline is also an alternative referral source to health and human service agencies, as well as schools, for youth and adult callers. Talkline handles a variety of crisis management cases, particularly in the areas of child abuse, drug and alcohol use, physical violence, gangs, self-image and self-esteem problems, loneliness, and social/emotional problems. The organization started way back in 1989, when a consortium of Berks County leaders, from school districts, civic organizations, social service agencies, and even business leaders, found out from a survey conducted with 1,000 students and school personnel that school personnel supported the concept of a local telephone hotline that will serve as an â€Å"effective means to provide children with confidential support and referral.† About 80% of student interviewees also supported that such concept would most likely work. With the help of an extensive two-year research, the aforementioned consortium founded BerksTALKLINE in October 15, 1990. This was seen as a model program for initially providing

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