Saturday, August 10, 2019

The Reluctant Workers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Reluctant Workers - Essay Example Aston is then forced to schedule morning meetings. Secondly, Aston seems not to come up with a method to make sure his employees to communicate with him (Morris, 2012). At most times, the employees presume that they are conversant with everything and are not interested in the job at all. This may also recount to the fact that a great proportion of them are aged, and are not weary of the fact that Aston will be their boss for the longest time ever (Morris, 2012). Thirdly, the employees have no interest in their job. Morris (2012) give an example of when Aston had scheduled a test, and the customer’s top management had planned flying out for 1st hand observations, but two people had already made arrangements for their vacation, another had planned to go out fishing, and another had planned to spend time with the orphans (Morris, 2012). This is to mean that the employees were more interested with what ensued outside the office premises as contrasted to their work. Aston complains that none of the employees planned for the test, all because of social responsibilities and other interests (Morris, 2012). As the project manager, Aston has shown tremendous interest and passion to his job. Were it not the uncooperative team members, Aston would by now be the best driver for his project. In relation to the core skills mentioned above, Aston is clearly motivated in his job, and is willing to do anything to see to it that the employees work closely with him son as attain the goals of the project. He complains that he has never seen such non-commitment by employees like he does, explaining why he consults Phil Davies, the project director (Morris, 2012). In terms of communication, Aston is fast to communicate with his senior in relation to the project issues. As drawn by Morris (2012), the entire project entails a detailed discussion between Aston and

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