Saturday, August 31, 2019

Medical Terminology Paper

Medical Terminology Paper #1 A Friend of mine went to a girls basketball game with his daughter one night a couple of weeks ago. While they were there, his daughter Nia was complaining of CRAMPING in her right GASTROCNEMIUS, it got so bad at one time her Dad (Scott) told her to point her toes upward to try and stop the CRAMPING. When she did, she had temporary PARALYSIS in her legs and fainted. He then took her home where she seemed to be fine for a while.After a while had passed she then went to get up to do something and fainted again. He then called the rescue squad who came and took VITAL SIGNS and with their DIAGNOSIS brought her to the Glens Falls Hospital Emergency Department to be assessed in the TRIAGE room. After several blood samples and ANGIOGRAPHY there PROGNOSIS was she was full of THROMPLIC OCCLUSIONS from her ABDOMIN CAVITY to her TOES.At that time the PHYSICIAN decided to send her by helicopter immediately to Albany Medical Center where they have a NEUROLOGY SPECIALT Y GROUP. Once she was assessed in TRIAGE there they immediately ran a PHLEBOGRAPHY along with a DUPLEX ULTRASOUND, and lots of bloods samples that checked ERYTHROCYTES, HEMOGLOBIN, LUEKOCYTES, THROBOCYTES, LYMPHOCYTES MONOCYTES, NEUTROPHILS, among many other things.The SURUM is very important in a blood sample of this sort because it is used to find FRIBRINOGEN AND PROTHROMBIN which is CLOTTING PROTEINS. After the test where done they started her on an ANTICOACULANT to prevent any more clotting, and a DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS TREATMENT to break up the clots she had. After a few days the THROMBUS were gone and she was able to come home. She is still seeing SPECIALIST because they have not found out why this has happened. All they know is that it is a Factor #5 defect.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Fashion and Gender Essay

In the western culture, fashion has affected and reflected the distinctions between the social and economical status of men and women throughout the years. From the 19th century on, gender, social understanding of femininity and masculinity, became clearer and more precise. They were identifiable through fashion and clothing and were an important aspect in distinguishing roles of men and women. However, changes in fashion will blur as much as emphasise the differences between gender, evolving in parallel borrowing from one another. Thus, as the constant changes in fashion, the level of differences between men and women varied very so often. Fashion was influencing and defining gender role and gender lifestyle was influencing fashion. Masculine men and feminine women The first signs of gender distinctions appeared at the start of the 19th century following the French Revolution. In addition to separating social classes, fashion now established a clear division between male and female clothing. Men were no longer powdered or perfumed and they got rid of ornaments and wigs, now signifies of femininity. Their clothing was characterized by a restricted use of material, tailored construction, simplified set of surface, uniformity, net and spotless garments, perfect hats and limited color (29 January). According to the trickle-down effect, fashion trends were still created by the upper-classes and were followed by others down the scale (05 February). Then, according to Georg Simmel, two types of males emerged from the middle-class. Dandies were followers of the leisure class and never went against a particular fashion dress code while bohemian were rejecting fashion (05 February). Men of the upper-class are characterized as a Flaneur by Walter Benjamin: â€Å"Empathy is the nature of the intoxication to which the flaneur abandons himself [†¦]† (05 February). The upper-class still needed to follow three rules in order to stay on top and keep the middle-class from rising; the expensive fabric, the lack of movement inflicted by the garment and the novelty of the ensemble (05 February). They conformed to a conspicuous lifestyle with their absence of labour and function in the society, but still in a more subtle way than women in terms of dress (29 January). Indeed, women became a physical display representing the husband’s wealth through fashion, assuring their social rank in the leisure class; the new aristocrats. Important gatherings such as the Grand Prix de Paris were a place where â€Å"one went to the races, as to the theater, partly to look over the women and their apparel† (Hebert, 24). They would wear multiple colors, dresses with pouf skirts, light fabrics, beading and flower ornaments, parasols and other accessories. Women were placed in the forefront with fashion and devoid of any role or power. [†¦] the adornment of both the female person and her environment was an expression of women’s inferior economic power and her social status as a man’s chattel† (Veblen, 91). Unattached and unmarried women were also expected to dressed respectfully and fashionably for the dignity of her family and for future husbands. Lower-level women such as actresses and prostitutes, who were mingling with the upper-class, wore more revealing clothes but still in fashion. Women were thought of as irrational and sensible creatures who adhered to fashion by weakness, to have a sense of belonging. During the 19th century and early 20th century, there is a clear distinction between man and woman fashion. It is reflected in their clothes and in their social status and role in the society. Gender was easily identifiable with the shape formed by the garment. While men wear clean cut, sober and solid suits, holding all the power, the women dress in soft, elaborate and colourful dresses, trophies to the men. ? Fashion upside-down With the start of the World War I, women were now helping out and filling more masculine jobs. Roles were no longer clearly defined according to hysical characteristics. â€Å"Because while war work forced women to life in new social and physical environments, they had to adapt their clothing to unfamiliar activities and spaces† (Matthews David, 101). New technology and new combat techniques meant also a change in menswear. Soldiers had to wear uniforms that hid their masculine forms to allow movement. They replaced their flat and boxy hats with a mo re feminine and round one with leaves and flowers to hide in the trenches. â€Å"A definite outline, a traditionally masculine attribute, proved a deadly handicap in battle† (Matthews David, 97). Upper-class men were traditionally supposed to show their status through clothing. The advent of the war blurred distinctions between classes as both had to participate in the war effort. Men were no longer useless and ineffective in the society, with meant a necessary change in fashion. Restrictions in luxury fabrics, such as silk, fur and ornaments, forced a transformation of men’s masculine and luxurious attire. All men were now wearing jersey fabric clothing, darker earth colours and softer silhouettes. In the early 20th century, there was a eminent need for change in fashion. While men were adopting feminine fashion to survive during the war, women started borrowing the simplified and linear masculine silhouette. â€Å"The flip side of this feminization of the sniper was the much more generalized masculinization of women’s civilian and uniform dress during the war† (Matthews David, 101). They started wearing suits with sober colours to adapt to their more active lifestyle in the warfare. The latter was the start of a changing role in society for women. Before this change, women had no power on fashion or society. They were now needed for labour and they showed to be very efficient. This allowed women to make decisions and have a definite role society. By adopting the masculine look, they gained power. They were no longer considered as an accessory to men. The exchanges of particular characteristics of gender made the distinctions and the differences more blurry. The World War I was a turning point in fashion for both men and women. Shortages of materials transformed clothing; new fabrics emerged, new silhouettes using less fabrics, less ornaments, leaner cuts, suits for women and softer clothes for men. Women were now looking more or less like men with the square suits and linear dresses, requisitioning their roles as women as though the clothes itself hold the power. While men were still the dominant figure, women were revising their position in the public and private sphere. ? Conclusion To conclude, gender is a social perception of masculinity and femininity. Through the 19th and 20th cent ury, both men and women were affected by fashion; gender leading the distinctions. Sexes were defined by gender in the 19th century with the specific trends of clothing for each. Men were wearing clean and linear cuts, showing their boxy figures, while women wore elaborate and frivolous clothes highlighting their silhouette. Roles were also clearly different according to gender. Men held all the power and women served of accessories, displaying the husband’s wealth. The World War I acted as a turning point for men and women. Both were transforming their fashion because of their active lifestyle by adopting each others gender characteristics of fashion. Men softened their figures while women started wearing masculine suits. Gender differences became were blurred and roles redefined; women gained power and all men got functional for the society. Hence, the level of distinction between gender is in constant change. Fashion influences gender roles and gender lifestyle influences fashion. The latter blurs, blends as well as emphasis the social perceptions of what a men and a women is and looks like. Gender continues to affect and reflect distinctions between sexes, both constantly borrowing and exchanging from one another.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Results and Conclusion Paper Essay

Once these children had been selected, height and weight measurements were calculated and the children began enduring the tests. There were different tests for height, weight, sex and age brackets for the children. Also, body mass index (BMI) was figured out for the children. This method of data collection is appropriate for this article due to the fact that the problem is that there is too much childhood obesity in 9 and 10 year old children and the testing of children of all heights, weights and both sexes is a good way to figure out an average of just how much the average child is overweight. The reliability of this article is just that the tests were done over and over again during different parts of the years to show that the children’s body mass index differed very little. The validity of this article is that the testing was done on a wide enough group of children that the point was well proven. In this article and during the testing of the children, they were not run ragged or forced to do these tests. Sportslinx was the one to help find the children from the schools, the article does not state if there was any other type of protection or permissions for these children to attend the testing for this survey. In doing testing on a especially children, there are many laws that have to be followed. For one the children are minors, meaning that the people doing the testing have to have parent or guardian consent. If something were to happen to these children medically speaking the parent or guardian would have to be notified, and then be present at the time of the child’s treatment. Each child would then have HIPPA rights, as well as privacy rights if they were treated for medical reasons. For the testing each child would have the human rights as well as privacy rights. All of these have to be taken in to account due to the fact that the children are after all just little people. Qualitative and Quantitative Data Qualitative and quantitative data are very important in research studies. The distinctions between qualitative and quantitative is that qualitative is the quality of the research data, and quantitative is the quantity of the research data. The qualitative data in this research study is the fact that the study was done on children of multiple ages, both genders, different weights and multiple body mass indexes, (BMI), and put them through the same types of test continuously. This was done to get baseline readings for different types of situations, and multiple height weight ratios. The quantitative data in this research study was the fact that the study repeated the testing on the children year after year to continue the readings, and configure the data readings. With this being done this helps be more factual with what is happening per child rather than an estimation or an educated guess of what could possibly happen with each child. Data Analysis Procedures Data analysis procedures are important in research studies because they tell if the a sample is taken or if this research is done as a whole. In the event of this study research, the data analysis procedure is an inferential statistical analysis. â€Å"An inferential statistical analysis involves observation of a sample of a given population. Conclusions about the population are inferred from the information obtained about the sample† (Neutens & Rubinson, 2010). In the case of this research study, there is a sample of children that are taken from the population and are tested an observed. Conclusions are drawn after the testing is concluded, and the data is recorded. Study Findings/Study Conclusion The findings of the article were great. The findings were much different than what was expected. The body mass index, (BMI), of the children changed very ittle of the year with the testing, and the same activities. Their body mass index hit a plateau because the children got used to the routines that they were doing. Which in modern diet and exercise, this has been shown to happen, so this can be expected of the children. Now if their routines had changed every now and then maybe they would have had better results. In the case of this research study, it is hard to believe that these children were on very strict diets for this long. It is stated that the testing was done on a year to year basis. Children are constantly eating junk food and having soda, and many other things that they should not be having, and it is very hard to believe that they went without these types of things for this long, unless they lived in a facility for the entire time of the testing, which is not stated. For better testing results a better research study would have to be done. For this research study the participants would have to live on-site, in a facility that could house many people for over 30 days. The next thing that would have to be done, is that all of the participants would have to be on the same type of diet. IF the participants are allowed to eat whatever they like this defeats the purpose. Lastly, for a research study like this all of the participants would have to do the same amount of daily exercise. Within 30 days of the start date of the study there would be a change in the participants, many would notice weight loss, and some would even notice new muscle growth. If the test was elongated then the participants would notice more changes. The limits of the research study that was done limit the conclusion that can be made for future predictions. In Closing In closing there are many things that could have been differently to change the results of the research study that was done. Maybe there could have been better results and outcomes out of the study as a whole. Yet at the same time there were many results that came out of the study that was done, and this will still be able to help many children in the world now. Maybe in the future another study will be done with newer and more improved testing structures. Reference Neutens, J. J. , & Rubinson, L. (2010). research Techniques for the Health Sciences (4th ed. ). San Francisco, CA: Pearson Education.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

East and South East Asia Differences Term Paper

East and South East Asia Differences - Term Paper Example The Asian Economic Miracle: Asian "Tigers" According to Chong (284), the Southeast Asian "tigers" is terminology whose usage is in reference to the Southeast Asian economies such as Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Indonesia. Chong (284) elucidates that the term economic miracle has found usage in the definition of the speedier growth amid these nations within the past decades reaching its heights in the 1990s and culminating into the fiscal crisis of 1998. Reportedly, this era of economic augmentation brought with it an appreciable modernity as well as superior living standards amid their populace. Chong (284) observes that the accelerated development is traceable back to the sixties when the East Asian wealth grew at a miraculous rate given the slower over global rates. The subsequent decades witnessed similar growth rates that were far better than any other nation across the globe. According to Chong (284), none of the nations within this matrix experience wealth appreciation lesser than the highest values re corded else where within the globe. According to Cardarelli & Vivek (64) the developments witnessed in the south east and Southeast Asia are the results of two principal wealth creation strategies. Firstly, the considerable state involvement and secondly is the design and implementation of a successful export orient wealth augmentation base. ... According to Chong (284), China bears considerable resemblance to its southeastern neighbors with a characteristic strong aristocratic leadership and dependence on export-oriented growth model for its fiscal and wealth creation enhancements. Additionally, the wealth expansions in china have appreciably enhanced the modernity with observable increment in the overall living standards. Nonetheless, the nations persist to experience principal environmental predicaments which are inclusive of huge floods, extreme weather situations as well as recent life fatal accidental incidences within its rapidly progressing transport section. In spite of the closed up political system, China enjoys considerable levels of interactions with the rest of the globe. Cardarelli & Vivek (79) observes that such interactions are evident in its massive exports and enormous foreign exchange preserve. According to Cardarelli & Vivek (80), Chinese exports in the preceding year totaled about 1.5 trillion dollars with an overall global ranking of number two. Similarly, its imports were a considerable 1.3 trillion, which was third globally, while attracting massive foreign preserve of close to 2.6 trillion fiscal units. This massive reserve ensures China ended the preceding year as the leader in the foreign deals. Similarly, the past year saw Chinese external investment increment to about 279 billion dollars while the unswerving foreign deals reached an unbelievable 578 billion dollars. Cardarelli & Vivek (80) believe that these massive exports are confirmation of the presumed excessive dependency on exports.

One of the exhibits from San Francisco academy of science museum that Essay

One of the exhibits from San Francisco academy of science museum that relates to physical anthropology - Essay Example nt life forms is to gain a detailed understanding regarding the evolution of modern species of animals, including human beings, which posit a relation to physical anthropology. Additionally, the paper attempts to highlight the behavioral patterns of these life forms. Through these exhibits, it is possible to piece together evidence of man and the life he lived in the ancient times. Such evidence makes it possible to estimate the exact period in which the said hominid lived, the habits and lifestyle he was accustomed to, as well as other dynamics he faced. Through the study of Selam, it is possible to prove numerous facts concerning the existence of early man. The Academy has the remains of an ancient child by the name Selam. These remains belong to a three-year-old child of the Australopithecus afarensis species. The fossils of Selam were discovered in Dikika in Ethiopia, four kilometers from where Lucy was found. ‘Lucy’ is believed by many archeologists to be the mother of Selam.The vestigial remains found consists of an entire torso, plus the arms and legs. Further indications suggest that the remains of Selam were buried after an event of great significance such as a flood. At the time of her death, Selam already possessed visible characteristics of her species, and these were already distinctively noticeable. The postcranial skeleton of Selam brings about many questions as to how she was able to cope with the landscape that she was in. However, research suggests that she was a creature who walked on two legs. Many researchers question how she was able to walk bipedally because its upper body contained many primitive traits. The lower body, however, shows visible adaptations that proved capability to walk. Selam had legs that were built for walking and fingers that were built for climbing. Many features on the body of this species suggest that she was also an arboreal creature (Price, 2012). Further analysis of Selam suggests that she possesses shoulder

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Humn Recourse Mngement in Indi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Humn Recourse Mngement in Indi - Essay Example It occupies Ð ° strÐ °tegic locÐ °tion in South Ð siÐ ° for internÐ °tionÐ °l trÐ °de. With Ð °n Ð °reÐ ° of 3.3 million squÐ °re km, IndiÐ ° is the second lÐ °rgest country in Ð siÐ ° Ð °nd the seventh lÐ °rgest in the world. Ð  former British colony, IndiÐ ° hÐ °s emerged Ð °s the lÐ °rgest democrÐ °cy in the world since independence in 1947. IndiÐ ° is the birthplÐ °ce of three of the world’s mÐ °in religions: Hinduism (Ð °bout 7000 yeÐ °rs BC), Buddhism (487 BC) Ð °nd Sikhism (1699 Ð D). IndiÐ °n society comprises six mÐ °in religious groups: Hindus (83.2 percent), Muslims (11 percent), Sikhs (2 percent), ChristiÐ °ns (2 percent), JÐ °ins Ð °nd Buddhists (less thÐ °n 1 percent). There Ð °re over three thousÐ °nd cÐ °stes. IndiÐ ° hÐ °s 179 lÐ °nguÐ °ges Ð °nd 544 diÐ °lects. The Constitution recognizes sixteen lÐ °nguÐ °ges, Hindi Ð °nd English being the two officiÐ °l lÐ °nguÐ °ges. IndiÐ ° hÐ °s one of the lÐ °rgest English-speÐ °king populÐ °tions in the Ð siÐ °-PÐ °cific region. The literÐ °cy rÐ °te for those over 15 yeÐ °rs of Ð °ge is 51 percent, but literÐ °cy is unevenly distributed (BudhwÐ °r, 2000Ð °). These fÐ °cts show the diverse nÐ °ture of the IndiÐ °n workforce. Though rich in culture Ð °nd nÐ °turÐ °l resources, IndiÐ ° currently fÐ °ces Ð ° number of problems: politicÐ °l Ð °nd religious instÐ °bility; ever-increÐ °sing levels of populÐ °tion; unemployment Ð °nd poverty; corruption in government offices; cÐ °stism; Ð ° low per cÐ °pitÐ ° income; instÐ °bility of output in Ð °griculture Ð °nd relÐ °ted sectors; slow privÐ °tisÐ °tion of the bloÐ °ted public sector; lÐ °ck of Ð °dequÐ °te intellectuÐ °l property protection; excessive bureÐ °ucrÐ °cy; Ð °nd Ð °n increÐ °sing gÐ °p between rich Ð °nd poor. The level of corruption in politics is rÐ °pidly rising.

Monday, August 26, 2019

2.4 Consumer Behaviour & Holidays Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

2.4 Consumer Behaviour & Holidays - Case Study Example The regular elements that basically impact the holiday decision-making process are levels of contribution, situational variables, expectation, sentimentality and fantasizing. Then again, this is altogether different from customary decision-making process that is generally sequenced and organized. In this model, the requirement for a particular administration or item is distinguished and data pursuit and different choices are assessed. The consumer is further headed towards acquiring an item and there in the wake of setting a buying decision (Moore & Simmons, 2010). In the conventional consumer decision-making, the technique for hunting down data is generally organized and it is either outer, interior or both of them. Data gathering process in the holiday decision-making is a continuous and nonstop process. The data is gathered throughout and after the holidays experience and it is generally memory based than outer based. Holiday decision creators are low data searchers and data is ac cumulated in a non-reason way. Then again, in conventional consumer decision-making, get-together data is exceptionally vital and the data is seen as the main impetus in the consumer decision-making process. Under this model, the consumers are sharp data searchers and they complete a genuine research before settling down on a specific item (Weiss & Wenger, 2002). The interviews conducted in the case shows the different behaviour of the two persons who were deciding on going for a trip. The first issue talks about a situation where the decision maker is confused about finally going on a holiday or not in spite of the fact that they had already decided on two destinations for their holiday. This clearly shows a confusion in the decision making process. Thus as a holiday service provider it will be very difficult to assess whether or not to consider them as a consumer. The next scenario talked about is a

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Strategy for Call Centre Development Assignment

Strategy for Call Centre Development - Assignment Example Based on these considerations, this paper shall outline how a fully functional call centre could be implemented; including equipment use and usage of technologies alongside costs.   This paper is being conceptualized for NUI Galway which is a third level educational institution with 15,000 + students and a staff of about 500 with many different departments. First and foremost, it is important to consider the labour pool for the call centre. This labour pool would trigger the decision on where to set the call centre up. The decision on where to pluck the labour pool for technical support should be based on labour availability in the area where Galway is located, the labour competition, the educational level of potential agents, and appropriate wages for potential agents (Copito, 2000). It is also important to consider geographical factors, cost of living, quality of schools, transportation and similar factors affecting the labour pool. After duly considering and establishing particular qualities which the company would need from its technical support agents, potential locations and areas where the labour pool would be recruited can be set forth. Next, Galway also needs to decide whether it would own or lease property for its call centre (Copito, 2000). Leasing or owning property would now be based on the availability of resources within Galway’s resources. If a property is currently available for it to set-up its call centre, then there would be no need to lease property. The infrastructure involved in the call centre property should, however, be set-up in such a way as to meet the needs of the agents (Copito, 2000). In effect, the area should also house a place where the agents can park, eat, relax, and where they can avail of their immediate needs. Parking space is an important accommodation for the property because the most of the employees would be working night shifts and public transport would likely not be available to them (Copito, 2000). Parking should be on the ground level and should be outside to reduce the cost of accommodating indoor parking areas.                 

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Architecture and the Environment Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Architecture and the Environment Paper - Essay Example Narrow rooms with low ceilings make people feel suffocated. People feel uneasy being in such places. On the other hand, voluminous rooms with high ceilings lend a sense of freedom and openness to the people. If the employees in an office are granted separate rooms with boundaries between adjacent rooms, they feel more relaxed as compared to being in the room where there are several employees with no walls marking the boundaries of their spaces. Hence, they tend to be more careful and reserved when they cough, sneeze, or even talk over the mobile phone than when granted individual rooms. The environmental psychological implications of commercial and residential design, including purpose and considerations â€Å"Environmental psychology is a science that studies how human behavior is influenced by the environment. The environment in this context comprises social, natural, constructed, learning and information settings† (Tipton, 2012). The environmental psychological implications of the commercial design include but are not limited to privacy and noise pollution. People don’t like to live in places where there are a lot of shops because such places remain crowded, and are not very peaceful. The commercial design should be such that it should provide the customers with appropriate parking spaces so that they do not park their cars in front of others’ homes. The commercial design should allow for the construction of toilets. The acoustical design of a cinema or club needs to be designed properly so as to ensure that the sound does not pass through the walls to reach the people living in the surroundings of the building. The environmental psychological implications of the residential design are numerous. The biggest concern in the residential design is privacy. For example, the window sills in the toilets should be high enough to block external viewers from looking inside the toilet. The windows in the rooms should be located such that the conten ts of the room are not visible to the neighbors. The exterior paint of the house should be attuned to the general trend, or it looks odd and destroys the color theme of the area. The purpose of providing windows in homes is both ventilation and illumination of the rooms with natural light, but when these windows become the unintended means to sneak into the neighbors’ private life, their change of location must be considered or may be demanded by the neighbors seriously. â€Å"Architects are practical visionaries with an ability to project possibilities and to connect knowledge with action† (Glyphis, 2001, p. 10). It is the responsibility of an architect to make environmentally responsible design in all sorts of construction works. The importance of architectural development supporting sustainable development Architectural development supporting sustainable development is a topic of immense importance in the present age where people are concerned about running short of natural resources, and the increase of global warming, and where living green is encouraged at all levels. Construction, whether residential or commercial, is one of the main areas where natural resources are required. Architecture creates several challenges for sustainability. It

Friday, August 23, 2019

Explore the idea of historical embeddedness in The Brief Wondrous Life Research Paper

Explore the idea of historical embeddedness in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao - Research Paper Example The narrator therefore wonders if writing this novel is his own way of saying zafa. Every body seems to be cursed! The first chapter, which happens in 1974 to1987 in Paterson, details Oscar’s childhood and early adolescence. For one week when he is seven, Oscar dates two girls, Olga and Maritza, at the same period. However, the threesome momentarily falls apart and the life of Oscar goes downhill from then onwards. In adolescence, he was fat, dorky, and unattractive. His interest in Genre creates him even more unattractive, and his only true friends are Miggs and Al. Oscar’s sister Lola try to encourage him to lose weight to be more masculine for him to land a girlfriend, but Oscar does not regard their advice. When Miggs and Al find girlfriends and purposely dessert him out, Oscar realizes that they even contemplate that he is a failure. Oscar goes to Santo Domingo to visit Nena Inca, and starts writing science fiction as a channel. When Oscar returns he finds a girl c alled Ana Obregon at SAT prep class, instantly falling in love with her. Oscar and Ana become good friends, but never physically intimately attached. Eventually Ana’s boyfriend named Manny returns from an army mission and Ana stops having time with Oscar. Afterward, Oscar goes to Rutgers for college. He hopes life in college may be different, but in there, he realizes that still he is a loser. Oscar, the character who collects the novel together, justly perceives himself as a doubly marginalized figure. A Dominican-American boy growing up in Paterson during the 80s, he is hampered by counter-stereotypical nerdiness in addition to problems of racism and social class. Bashful, precocious, and overweight, Oscar is well versed in Marvel comics and "Japanimation" lore. His ambition is to write a space fictional. A Dominican accent manipulates "Wilde" into "Wao" wile in college. Yunior (Solis 49), his college roommate and best friend, does not quite apprehend Oscar, however loves h im and sees that there something is within Oscar that needs to be known. As the key narrator of the story, Yunior provides a loving portrayal of a tortured person within a tortured family. Redemption of Oscar â€Å"brief wondrous life† manifests at a momentous, but justified, price. Told from the viewpoint of Oscar’s sister Lola with his best friend Yunior, the story of the search for revitalization leads the reader through some of the darkest junctions of a country under severe dictatorial control. Lola pursues her own redemption, far away from her family, particularly her mother and her heritage. She only loves her younger brother Oscar and seeks protecting him from the curse which is tragically affecting their family. Saying that Hapatia Belicia was born to hard era would be an understatement. Beli’s mother died when she was only two months old, never met her father, held by her sisters a few times before they disappeared too, and spent no time in Casa Hatuey . Beli had multiple things sailing against her from the beginning of her pathetic life. She was born sick and underweight, at a time and environment where it would be difficult for any newborn to survive with her accompanied situation. She was also dark skinned, a reason that made her father’s family to absolutely dislike anything to do with her. At this juncture, her life is saved uniquely by a single woman’

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Objectives Project Essay Example for Free

Objectives Project Essay Project termination can happen for many reason some out of control of the project managers. If the project is successful or not successful you have to ensure that many task are complete to terminate the project. Our project is going to be successful and when the project is complete will be sure that all final task will be closed out properly. There will be a proper termination of the project making sure that it ends effectively and efficient. At the ends of the project the following task must be completed the project will be complete, it will be delivered and accepted by the client, a finalized report will be prepared, all bills will have been paid and invoiced to the client, all resources will be returned to the proper places, all documentation for the project will be stored in the proper manner, and the project books will be properly closed. The methods that we are going to use to ensure that the project met its objectives is by using retrospectives. While conducting the retrospectives we will evaluate many sections from the project context and descriptions, the project timelines, and evaluations of what is going right and what went wrong throughout the project and how to prevent those issues in the future. By evaluation where the project had issues and coming up with a solution will better provide us an example of thing to avoid in the future. There are six main criteria that will be reviewed to the fullest to determine the success rate of the project. The first criteria is the schedule, was the project completed in the proper time frame if it was not what was the issues that caused the project to take longer to complete to be successful. The second criteria is going to be cost. Was the project completed under budget, on budget, or over budget and if over budget what was the cause of being over budget. The third criteria would be product, was the product satisfactory and meet the need of the client. The fourth criteria is use, was the project implemented and used for its original purpose and was it function able. Fifth criteria being value, was the project and overall success. The last criteria is going to be learn, what was learned throughout the project, should have there been changes that could have been made to make the project more successful. Reviewing all six of these criteria will ensure that our project was successful on our part and that our client is also satisfied.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Helping Children with Learning Disabilities Essay Example for Free

Helping Children with Learning Disabilities Essay Children with learning disabilities are smart or smarter than their peers, but may have difficulty with things like reading, writing, reasoning, and organizing information by themselves. A learning disability is a lifelong issue that cannot be cured or fixed with a snap of the fingers. Children who have the right support and intervention can succeed in school. Then later they will be able to go and be successful later in life. Children with learning disabilities need the support of parents, school and their community to be successful. Parents need to be able to encourage children with their strengths, know what their weaknesses are, and be able to understand the educational system to be able to work with professionals. Learning Disabilities cannot be categorized into one diagnosis. Learning disabilities are caused by biological factors that are caused by differences in the structure and functioning of the nervous system. Many people, both in the local and professional community, use the terms handicap and disability interchangeably, but they are not. A learning disability means that preschoolers are unable to complete tasks in a certain way. Children with learning disabilities have a hard time functioning in areas such as sensory, physical, cognitive, and other areas. Handicap means that preschoolers are unable to function and cope in their environment. These children have impairments such as cerebral palsy or down syndrome. In 1991, the federal government amended the disabilities label to â€Å"Individuals with Disabilities Act† (PL 102-119). This act allowed states to be able to not identify with one of the thirteen federal disability labels, but to classify preschoolers with special needs. (Kilgo, pg 27) With the new changes professionals were able to use new terms like developmentally delayed and at risk when identifying children. Developmentally delayed is determined on the basis of various developmental assessments and/or an informed clinical opinion. Children starting at the age of three years old can now be identified for services. Delays can be expressed in a difference between a child’s chronological age and his/her performance levels. Delays occur when a child does not reach his/her developmental milestones at the expected age level or time. If a child is slightly behind it is not considered a delay until he/she are lagging in two or more areas of motor, language, social or thinking skills. Developmental delays are usually diagnosed by a doctor or medical professional based on strict guidelines and take more than one visit to diagnose. Parents or childcare providers are usually the first to notice children not progressing at the same rate as other children. Testing will help to gauge a child’s developmental level. At risk describes children with exposure to certain adverse conditions and circumstances known to have a high probability of resulting in learning and development difficulties? (Kilgo, pg 28) These children have not been identified as having a disability, but as children who may be developing conditions that will limit their success in school or lead to disabilities. There are three factors that can result in a child’s environment. The first is established risk/genetic. This could be where a child is born with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, or spinal bifida. Biological risk means that a child has a history of pre- or post- natal conditions that heighten the chance of development. These could be conditions such as premature births, infants with low birth weights, maternal diabetes, and bacterial infections like meningitis or HIV. Environmental risks are considered biologically typical, meaning they are environmental conditions that are limiting or threating to the child’s development. All three at risk factors can result in cognitive, social, affective, and physical problems. (Kim, pg. 4) Some signs of learning disabilities in young children are: †¢ A toddler may reach developmental milestones quite slowly. †¢ The child may have trouble understanding the concept of time. Is the child confused by the use of words like tomorrow, today, and yesterday? †¢ Young children have a lot of energy, but some have an excessive amount of kinetic energy, known as hyperactivity. †¢ A child that has difficulty distinguishing right from left may have difficulty identifying words. †¢ A child with a learning disability often masters several areas, while failing in two or more areas. A child that is perceived as disobedient may actually have difficulty understanding and following instructions. Once a child has been identified as having a possible learning disability, assessments need to be completed. An assessment is the process of gathering information for the purpose of making a decision about children with known or suspected disabilities in the area of screening, diagnosis, eligibility, program planning, and/or process monitoring and evaluation. (Kilo, pg. 90) During the assessment, evaluations should be accomplished with the e goal of identifying developmentally ppropriate goals, identifying unique styles and strengths, looking at parent goals and outcomes for their children, reinforcing family’s competence and worth, and creating a sense of shared commitment between families, schools, and professionals. Families possess a wealth of information and should play a very active role in the decision making, planning, and evaluations of their children. Schools are required to foster a child’s education, offering and supporting the needs of each child through a series of individualized instructions and interventions. School districts must provide documentation stating that the student has received the required instruction by qualified personnel. These interventions help teachers and staff to educate and foster the needs of children with learning disabilities. Assessments are an ongoing process. The initial assessment should be used to screen, diagnose, and check for eligibility for services. Ongoing assessments are to focus on a child’s skill level, needs, background, experiences, and interests, as well as the family’s preferences and priorities. Over the years practice has shown that there is a link between assessments and curriculum to provide for the needs of the child. It is important to keep records of a child’s progress. A very useful way is through portfolio assessments. These portfolios can be considered a looking glass into a child’s growth. Portfolios also help teachers and team members to keep observations and comments about a child’s activities and behaviors. The information collected can help meet many of the required criteria for planning and monitoring. An important responsibility of an educator is to have an environment that will both nurture and foster learning. When designing an environment childcare providers should use best practice guidelines from places like National Association of Education of Young Child (NAEYC) and National Association of Family Childcare (NAFCC). Environments should look at available space, age of children, visual appeal, safety and health, and organization. (Perri Klass, pg. 46) Always remember that environments exert powerful influences on children and help to play a vital role in children’s lives. Activity areas should include gross- motor, quiet/calm, discover, dramatic, therapeutic, and arts and crafts areas. Rooms should not have furniture that is used to separate centers or activities but should use things like lower lightening, parachutes hanging from the ceiling and area rugs to help children understand the use of different centers. The main goal of childcare providers and educators is to provide the best possible services for children with learning disabilities by providing services â€Å"as early and comprehensively as possible in the least restrictive setting†. Services and interventions should be supported in the most natural environments that will include the child’s primary care giver. Individual Education Plans (IEP) plays a large role in the education process of children with learning disabilities. These IEP’s require professionals, parents, and caregivers to work together as a team. They hold teams to accountability standards for the care of children with disabilities. A child’s IEP helps to furnish an instructional direction, sort of like a blueprint of care, to measure the effectiveness and progress of children. If an IEP is carefully written and appropriate goals are set, it will provide special education services to a child that will be reflected throughout his/her life. In the field of early childhood education, the definition of special needs has drastically changed for children with learning disabilities over the years. We live in a very diverse society of languages, foods, music, values and religious beliefs that brings us the strengths of our nation. Every day the makeup of our society changes and so does the needs of our children, especially those of children with learning disabilities. Our community is seeing a growing need for services for children with learning disabilities. Young children with learning disabilities need to receive services at the earliest age possible. Parents need to remember that learning disabilities do not go away overnight and for some children it takes years of recognizing, expressing, thinking, and problem solving to succeed at being the young adult that they are meant to be.

Multiple Questions On Issues Of Sustainability Environmental Sciences Essay

Multiple Questions On Issues Of Sustainability Environmental Sciences Essay Suppose you are taking a course in Strategic Sustainable Development. One of your colleagues, who works for a company as a Director of Sustainable Development, calls you up and asks what you are learning about. Please list five (5) broad/overarching concepts that you could use to describe the core of Strategic Sustainable Development. (5 points) Note: it is not necessary to describe them, only list them. The FSSD is a generic framework for planning and decision-making for achieving success in a system of socio-ecological sustainability. Based on scientifically-based principles (discussed below) and systems thinking, the FSSD supports decision-making in conditions of high complexity, recognizing the interdependence of the natural world and society. It can serve as compass to guide society towards a sustainable future; a strategy for sustainability can be developed which links scientific knowledge to decision-making. The FSSD has five distinct, non-overlapping levels: system, success, strategic guidelines, actions and tools. By using the FSSD together with a principles-based definition of sustainability, it becomes possible to judge how actions can be strategically planned and prioritized to move an organization and society towards sustainability. Based on a common language and understanding in order to facilitate cooperation, to  communicate effectively, build consensus and ultimate ly move toward a vision, the FSSD provides a shared mental model of sustainability. Because it uses an upstream approach, the FSSD anticipates and avoids problems before they occur, rather than reacting to their downstream effects. B Scientific foundations of FSSD The FSSD is a scientifi ­cally rigorous Framework; scientific foundations (e.g. laws of thermodynamics, energy, entropy, photosynthesis, biogeochemical cycles, interdependency of species, system dynamics, cyclic principle and biogeochemical cycles) are used to derive the basic principles of ecological and social sustainability. C Metaphor of the Cylinder and the Funnel In its whole-systems view, the FSSD uses the metaphor of the Cylinder and the Funnel to illustrate the flawed interpretations and trends about current reality, problems with our current industrial system and the challenges of sustainability. The funnel helps to visualize the economic, social and environmental pressures that impinge on society as natural resources and ecosystem services are depleted and decline while global population grows in number and there is an ever increasing consumption of those resources and heightened demand for those services. D Four Sustainability Principles (SP) and the Model of Nine Universal Human Needs The four, first-order Sustainability Principles (SP) of the FSSD clearly spell out what ecological and social conditions must exist in order for a society and therefore, for development, to be sustainable now and in the future. Understood within SP 4 is a model of the nine universal human needs as defined by the Chilean economist Manfred Max-Neef, as well as the interrelationships between human needs, wants, satisfiers, and pathologies/poverties. E Backcasting and the ABCD Methodology Backcasting from sustainability principles (planning from success) is a tool used in the FSSD. First a vision of success is defined and then a gap analysis, using the lens of sustainability is performed, which then helps define strategies and prioritized actions that work toward closing the gap. In the ABCD Methodology First step (A) understanding how to apply Backcasting from Principles to the system for analyses of step (B) current practices and step (C) solutions/visions and (D) prioritized actions to create a strategy to achieve success. In step (D), actions are prioritized to ensure that all selected actions are  (1) moving in the right direction (towards sustainability), (2)  flexible platforms that avoid dead-end investments, and (3) good business decisions (i.e. offer an  adequate return on investment). In  Chapter 1 of  Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability, the author makes frequent mention use of the words systematic and systematically to describe difference between the cylinder paradigm and the funnel paradigm.   For example: In the cylinder paradigm: it is believed that socio / ecological impacts come and go. In the funnel paradigm: in reality society is on a downhill course the very conditions of social / ecological welfare are being systematically undermined. In the cylinder paradigm: it is believed that social / ecological impacts are isolated events. In the funnel paradigm: in reality social / ecological impacts are interconnected through systematic errors of societal design. Why are the words systematically and systematic important to make the distinction between the two paradigms? (4 points) The problem of unsustainability (as represented by the funnel metaphor) is that the negative impacts we see from our unsustainable way of living are due to an underlying systemic error of societal design that will continue to worsen. In the current model of industrial organization and neoclassical economics, society at large is organized in such a way that the environmental impacts pollution, loss of biodiversity, greenhouse gas emissions etc. will continue to increase as long as society continues on the same paradigm of development. As long as the systemic errors continue, the conditions for ecological and social survival and prosperity will continue to decline systematically. The funnel metaphor represents a systems theory way of thinking, which understands the principle functioning of the ecological and social systems, recognizing the interdependence of the natural world and society. Why were the System Conditions developed according to the criteria of (i) necessary, (ii) sufficient, (iii) distinct, (iv) general, (v) concrete and (vi) science-based? (2 points) In order to be successful and widely accepted as legitimate and valid, the system conditions must be necessary (required in order to achieve the planning objective, i.e., sustainability) and sufficient (to cover all aspects of the objective), distinct (to enable comprehension and facilitate development of indicators for monitoring and assessment) general (to structure all societal activities relevant to sustainability and make sense for all stakeholders),concrete (to guide problem solving and actions, serve as a guide in problem analysis and solutions ), and science-based. (proven, scientifically robust model, based on systems thinking and scientific foundations (e.g. laws of thermodynamics, energy, entropy, photosynthesis, biogeochemical cycles, interdependency of species, system dynamics, cyclic principle and biogeochemical cycles) from which are derived the basic principles of ecological and social sustainability). What does it mean to be strategic? (1 point) Part of a decision-making process in which choices are made, a strategy is a plan of prioritizing actions in order to achieve a particular goal. Once an organization has established its purpose/mission/vision of an idealized future, it can select policies and actions within that strategy to move an organization towards achieving that goal. If we have a clearly principled view of a future sustainable society, then we have a perspective on which we can strategize base our decisions on strategic guidelines which direct us on the best way to proceed in order to achieve success in the system, i.e. sustainability. In the FSSD, together with a principles-based definition of sustainability, it becomes possible to judge how actions can be strategically planned and prioritized to move an organization and society towards sustainability. If each of the actions below were done in an ongoing manner, which Sustainability Principle would be affected? Please fill in the blank with the primary Sustainability Principle that the action contributes to, i.e. 1, 2, 3, or 4 (Write one SP only for each answer). (0.5 point each, 5 points total) ___3___ overharvesting of fish ___3___ development of fertile land into urban infrastructure ___2___ release of antibiotics into rivers ___1___ leaching of mined cadmium from batteries ___2___ release of methane from cows (if one considers that a concentration of methane occurs because of a human activity herding cattle to support a meat based diet in excess of the natural ecosystems capacity to absorb the excessive waste this produces) ___2___ fertilizer run-off that leads to the overproduction of algae in nearby lakes ___4 __ lack of development of a healthcare system ___1___ leaking of uranium from mining operations ___3___ extraction of groundwater at rates that exceed natural replenishment ___4___ unsafe working conditions The Brundtland definition of sustainable development is to meet the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs (Brundtland, 1987). Explain how this includes the concept of ecological sustainability. (2 points) Though it is not explicitly stated, ecological sustainability is a key component of the Brundtland definition; all aspects of human existence and survival the ability to meet human needs are integrated with the sustainability of viable ecological systems. In a systems model of thinking, what happens in one part of a system affects every other part. The Brundtland definition is adequate in some ways, but does not give guidance as to the design of such a society or how to achieve this sustainability. It is not specific enough nor does it have the simplicity of the FSSD with the four, first-order Sustainability Principles (SP) which clearly spell out what ecological and social conditions must exist in order for a society and therefore, for development, to be sustainable now and in the future. In the sustainable society, nature is not subject to systematically increasing: concentrations of substances extracted from the Earths crust (such as fossil fuels or metals), concentrations of substances produced by society (such as chemical compounds, CFCs, insecticides, and endocrine disrupters), degradation by physical means (such as clear-cutting of forests and over-fishing) Moreover, in such a (sustainable) society, people are not subject to conditions that systematically: 4. undermine their capacity to meet their needs (such as from the abuse of political and economic power). The FSSD asks upstream at the first approximation in the chain of cause-and-effect, what are the primary mechanisms of human activities which set off unsustainable impacts downstream? The FSSD recognizes that downstream impacts are rooted in upstream errors of societal design and operation. All ecological and social sustainability problems which society faces today can be attributed to violations of one or more of these four mechanisms, expressed by the 4 SP. If the society seeks to meet its needs now and in the future, it must conform to the ecological constraints of the first three Sustainability principles, and conform to the societal constraints of the fourth Sustainability Principle, then the resources must be enough to succeed, in meeting those needs. Please describe the concepts of a tool and a framework, what they are useful for and the difference between them (3 points) A tool is a device that is necessary to, or expedites, a task; it can also be a procedure or process used for a specific purpose. A framework is a basic conceptual structure, a shared mental model, for moving an organization towards achieving a goal that it has established. A framework should inform the selection and use of tools to support the framework; tools should be selected and used as needed at each stage. Within the structure established by a framework, tools are often used to facilitate actions, gain necessary information, monitor actions and measure progress. The purpose is to ensure that actions are chosen strategically, so that the goal (success) in the system is achieved. In the FSSD, tools is the fifth level of the framework. When backcasting from principles of success, a tool of the FSSD, is combined with another FSD tool, the ABCD methodology, together they can be used as facilitation tool for analysis, brainstorming sessions, learning, vision development, program design, leadership and change. In planning for sustainable development, examples of other useful tools include indicators, management systems, and life cycle assessments. If your colleague asks you whether this Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD) is better than other tools or concepts in sustainable development, how would you respond? (2 points) With a science-based definition of socio-ecological sustainability, based on systems thinking with four basic first-order Sustainability Principles the FSSD is a very effective planning methodology; it can be used for assessing current conditions, visioning an ideal future, and developing effective strategies and prioritized actions to achieve that vision. FSSD is perhaps a unique framework in that it is, almost by definition, a simple (understandable) yet comprehensive approach that encourages dialogue, consensus-building and systems-thinking, all of which create the conditions which can facilitate profound change. The FSSD provides a process of continual learning that incorporates other methods, tools, and concepts into a shared, structured overview. By its upstream approach understanding the broader system within which problems occur as well as define the principles which govern success in that system it becomes an invaluable mental model. It can address those problems at the source and turn those problems into opportunities for innovation, organizational change and success. When a practitioner understands the 5 level FSSD, the 4 Sustainability Principles, Back-casting and the ABCD methodology, and knows how to apply them, that practitioner has a very powerful guide to navigate the many complexities of living sustainably in a comp lex system. a) Please discuss the difference between a fundamental human need, and satisfiers for those needs. Give 2 examples of each. (4 points) The Chilean economist Manfred Max-Neef presents a different framework for New Human Development. He stresses that it is important that human needs are understood as a system i.e. they are interrelated and interactive. Max-Neef considers that human needs are finite, few and classifiable (as distinct from the conventional notion that wants are infinite and insatiable). He defines these fundamental human needs: subsistence, protection, affection, understanding, participation, recreation (in the sense of leisure, time to reflect, or idleness), creation, identity and freedom. Max-Neef considers that these needs are constant through all human cultures and across historical time periods, but what does change over time and between cultures are the satisfiers the way these needs are satisfied. In this model, any unmet human need generates pathology poverty. In his view, society today is experiencing collective pathologies because of the scale and dimension of unsatisfied, unmet human needs . Need: Satisfier: Subsistence Healthy balanced diet versus one of high fat, high calorie, no nutrients which negatively impacts ecosystems Leisure Time to reflect/dream versus watching violent television passively for long hours b) Explain how this concept is helpful for sustainable development. (2 points) Max-Neefs definition of what human beings need, and what motivates them, is fundamentally different from the currently held notion. If decision-makers operated according to his assumptions rather than those of most economists, then the choices they would make would be radically different. Instead of using GNP which only quantifies the economic growth of things and an ever-growing demand for finite natural resources, development must be about people and meeting their fundamental human needs, not about material objects or money. For the purpose of sustainable development, this presents a radically different way of thinking: a new indicator which quantifies the improvement in peoples lives is required and the best development process is the one that will ensure the maximum increase in this indicator of improvement of peoples lives. With the Max-Neef model, sustainable development becomes fully human-centric. In the past, the fourth system condition for sustainability was worded: In a sustainable society, resources are used fairly and efficiently in order to meet basic human needs worldwide. Currently, it reads: In a sustainable society, people are not subject to conditions that systematically undermine their ability to meet their needs. What is the significance of the change in wording and what does this mean for planning? (2 points) The second wording is less ambiguous and focuses more on the human versus resource component of the principle. As previously stated in the first wording, it is not clear how one quantifies what is a fair and efficient  use  of resources as well as what exactly are the basic needs worldwide. Who decides? How is this defined? Also, the phrase is passive, it is not clear who meets the needs of humans worldwide? In contrast, in the second wording, people themselves decide what they need in order to meet their needs. In this second wording, conditions are ensured so that each person meets the needs that he/she defines. Another key point is the inclusion of the word systematically which emphasizes the larger, holistic view a systems thinking theory of the condition of sustainability, and how conditions are created or are undermined. Since the focus is now on how humans define and meet their own needs, planning must focus on the users, not the resources, as well as  utilize a systems approach  to analyzing, creating and maintaining sustainable conditions. Consider the following 2 sentences: Organization XYZ contributes to the violation of System Condition One byà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Organization XYZ violates System Condition One byà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Which wording would you use in a sustainability analysis of an organization? Why? (2 points) The wording of a) is more appropriate to be used in an organizations sustainability analysis since it is understood that contributing implies that other organizations are also capable of contributing, and that the behavior of any one organizations is part of a larger system of behavior which can have an impact on the 4SP. Wording a) recognizes that Organization XYZ is not a sole actor in violating the SP, there are others who also contribute. Wording b) is too all-inclusive no single organization can violate the 4SP by itself. The first step an organization must make in order to perform a sustainability analysis of itself is to translate the sustainability principles into their own organizational context. With an understanding that the 4SP are minimal requirements for sustainability, it is necessary to evaluate how it is already violating these 4SP and act first to be restorative, and then act to comply with the 4SP. If an organization does not want to cause more problems into the system, then a logical and ethically relevant rewording of the 4SP would be to add not contribute in to the phrasing of the 4SP, which then gives guidance on how to proceed towards achieving sustainability in compliance with the 4SP. Module 2: Applications of Strategic Sustainable Development 35 points Organizational Learning and Change a) Please describe the concept of Creative Tension and how it can be useful within Organizational Learning and Change towards sustainability. (2points) According to Peter Senge, creative tension is the central principle of personal mastery and a key component in personal as well as organizational learning and change. Creative tension comes from a gap analysis rather like the one in backcasting from principles of success, but on personal (or can be, on an organizational) scale. Creative tension comes from our clearly having a vision of where we want to be in contrast to an accurate assessment of our current reality which does not reach that vision. Awareness of that gap between the vision and the existing reality causes that creative tension, which is the source of all creative energy. In a situation of Organizational Learning and Change towards sustainability, leadership to achieve success in the system starts with a vision of ecological and social sustainability in contrast to current unsustainable reality; this gap causes the creative tension, which can motivate personal and organizational change in order to alter that unacceptable reality. b) Briefly describe the personal-organizational dynamic and give two reasons why it is important to consider when you are planning to move strategically towards sustainability. (3 points) There are two ways to resolve creative tension, either by raising current reality toward the vision, which requires change, or by lowering the vision toward current reality. Individuals, groups, and organizations that learn how to work with creative tension are better able to use this energy to move reality more reliably toward their visions. Leading through creative tension is different than solving problems. In problem solving, the energy for change comes from attempting to get away from an aspect of current reality that is undesirable; the motivation for change is extrinsic. With creative tension, the energy for change comes from the vision, from what we want to create, juxtaposed with current reality. With creative tension, the motivation is intrinsic and therefore, more powerful and transformative. c) What are some of the organizational and perceptual challenges that organizations need to overcome when transitioning towards sustainability? (4 points) Some of the organizational and perceptual challenges that organizations would need to overcome when transitioning towards sustainability include: A failure to grasp the fundamental paradigm shift that sustainable development requires. By maintaining long-held mental models, organizations fail to fundamentally alter the ways in which they produce goods and services. Such organizations believe that sustainability simply involves better controls, marginal improvements, or other efficiencies within their existing, linear business model, strictly following government mandates. Such patriarchal thinking leads to a false sense of security and personal responsibility for sustainable behavior is reduced. Many individuals have the sense that the challenge of sustainability is not something that they can resolve that someone else is taking care of it (or not). Unfortunately, it can be a belief that having a special Green committee or a particular person who is indicated as being responsible for recycling, advertising Earth Day events, etc. absolves each individual from actively engaging in addressing sustainability.  Ã‚  Therefore th ere is lacking both a  sense of  personal concern and responsibility as well as a lack of perceiving that we each have the ability to make a difference, to bring about these necessary changes Organizations do not incorporate sustainability in their core policies and procedures. When an organization maintains a Silo approach to addressing issues related to environmental and social concerns, sustainability is not integrated into all aspects of the organizations activities. Lack of a clear vision about sustainability which is limited to only complying with required governmental mandates, perpetuating the status quo, i.e., business as usual. Lacking a systems theory understanding of what causes unsustainability; there is a focus on symptoms and not the root causes of the problems. Lack of sufficient information that is clear and can easily be understood which explains the negative aspects of the current linear production paradigm and the neoclassical economic model which have brought us to the current unsustainable conditions. Lack of adequate mechanisms for the personal/organizational learning and change which are necessary in order to alter current held, engrained notions. 13. Urban Planning and Land Use a) Suppose you had the opportunity to talk to a member of the American Institution of Architects. She knows you are taking the SL1401 distance course and would like to know your overarching opinion on the 10 principles of Living Communities that the Institution has developed. What would you say to her? (3 points) Architecture, landscape architecture and urban design certainly can influence and improve the quality of life in our nations communities, and while the AIAs 10 Principles of Living Communities (AIA 10 Pr.) are commendable, they are not as inclusive as the FSSD and the four Sustainability Principles. Although the AIA 10 Pr. can reduce a communitys contribution to the violation of the four SP to a certain degree, it does not provide a consistent, organized structure for the achievement of societal and ecological sustainability, in contrast to the FSSD which does. As a tool, the AIA 10 Pr. mainly focuses on reducing contributions to violations of the first three SP through the utilization of alternative energy, reuse and recycling of materials, implementation of energy and water efficiency programs, etc. AIA 10 Pr. partially tackles the SP4, but it does not explicitly address economic or social issues, nor does it address human fundamental needs (such as protection, participation, understanding, etc.). In the FSSD, the AIA 10 Pr. can be used as one of several tools which can be used to complement each other. When such complementary tools are used together, they are more comprehensive and powerful, allowing an organization to continuously improve towards achieving a principled definition of sustainability. b) Explain how the aspects of Urban Planning and Land Use covered in Module 2 can be used to help society move towards sustainability. (4 points) Based on the analysis we derive from the FSSD, 4 SP and systems thinking, supported by the work of ecological economists, we now understand that decision-making for Urban Planning and Land Use how we plan our physical occupation of space by humans must focus on the integration of humans within the ecosphere, an integrated urban planning strategy. As Bill Reed eloquently describe in his model of the Living Systems Approach to Design, the design process must first begin by understanding the life processes in each unique place in which we are building and then we must design that engagement in order to sustain and restore the health and wealth of the place. In this new way of operating, the objective toward which the citys government and institutions work must be to improve the life of citizens and regenerate the health of the natural space which is occupied. The city plan, developed within a process of dialog and with the full participation/representation of the stakeholders, must clearly articulate these core values. Integrated urban planning actions, based on valuing the individual putting people first within the ecosphere, conserving and restoring natural resources, will result in an ecological, people-centered city. Commitment to values such as accessibility, transparency, social justice and poverty reduction and efficient resource management will result sustainable urban development. This overarching strategy would inform all aspects of urban planning, including social, economic and environmental programs. This ecological city-strategy, with strong, coherent governing/design values and a focus on integrated systems, combined with strong, informed leadership, can be used successfully to align the actions of planning departments to meet these strategic objectives, resulting in successful, long-term implementation of strategy. Integrated transportation and land-use should be a key component in the citys development, controlling growth, cutting pollution and enhancing the life of residents. The environmental quality and economic efficiency of a city are highly dependent on transportation systems; it is important that these are well-integrated with urban form in order to avoid weak transportation systems and unsustainable dependencies on private cars. A close relationship between public transportation and land-use legislation can be established as a guidance and development tool. Integrated planning processes structured to assure that planners in all areas know the strategy and are working with a shared vision and are developing their plans together, would avoid the many problems of unlinked development (e.g., not enough provision for green space). The integration of different elements of urban development would also avoid problems associated with piecemeal development such as pollution, traffic congestion and unsustainable fuel consumption rates. The creation of an independent Institute of Planning can be an effective mechanism for ensuring planning continuity and success regardless of political, economic and social challenges; this forum can serve as a laboratory for finding creative, integrated solutions to urban planning problems, a focal point for learning and ever-evolving organizational growth and change. Developing new models that provide inexpensive, creative urban solutions and reflect local values are an alternative to standard, often-higher-cost approaches. This Institute could also be the channel through which planners and stakeholders could learn about best practices in sustainable urban design which is being implemented successfully in other locations and nations. 14. Economics a) Environmental economists and ecological economists have different worldviews explaining the relationship between the economy and the ecosphere. Describe the environmental and ecological economists worldviews (4 points). In the 20th century, environmental economics was developed with the intent of internalizing the external effects of our current mode of economic production, such as pollution, social problems, loss of biodiversity, etc., into the economic system. Environmental economics modified the neoclassical economic system by using taxes and subsidies to raise prices on scarce resources while promoting the use of abundant ones. In the model of environmental economics, it is recognized that society and the economy are dependent upon the ecosphere. Their intent is to solve the problem by putting a price on natural resource supply, emissions and other externalities and bringing them into the economic analyses, by pricing mechanism which include: 1.Willingness to pay, 2. Cost to restore, and 3.New universal currencies. Through taxes, resources become more expensive, reflecting the societal and environmental costs of using them and thereby attempting to indirectly reduce their use to sustainable leve ls. In their model, market participants will behave in the accordance to the enlightened invisible hand of the neo-classists, which will result in a society which meets human needs, with acceptable levels of pollution and sustainable use of resources. Ecological economics is an interdisciplinary field of study that addresses relationships between ecosystems and economic systems in order to develop a deep understanding of society and nature as a basis for effective policies strategies for sustainability. Ecological economics utilizes a holistic, systems approach which views that socioeconom

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Smart Car Technology :: essays research papers

Smart Car Technology Answer A : The TravTek navigationsystem is installed in 100 Oldsmobile Toronados, the visual part of the system is a computer monitor. Through detailed colour maps, it leads the driver through the town. The map changes all the time, cause a computer connected to a navigation-satellite, and with a magnetic compass installed, calculates the fastest or easiest way to your destination. When yellow circles appear in a particular place on the screen, it means that there is traffic jam here, or there has been an accident on the spot. The computer receives this information from the Traffic Management Centre, and it quickly points an alternative route out. b: The driver interact with the system through the so called "touch screen". 7000 buisnesses in the area are already listed in the computer, and you can point out your destination by searching through a lot of menus until you find it, or simply by typing the name of the street. when the place you want to go are registered you push the make destination button, and the computer programmes a route, the second after the route appears on the screen, while a voice explains it to you through the loudspeaker. c: The TravTek guides the driver through the traffic. The computer always knows where you are, and the navigation system makes it impossible to get lost in the traffic, unless you really want to, and deliberately make the wrong turns. It also guides you past traffic jams and problems who might crop up around an accident. In a town where you have never been, you will quickly be able to find your way to hotels, restaurants, sports arenas, shops and much more, just by looking through the various menus of the TravTek. d: The text definitely prefers the accuracy of the computer to the insecurity and misunderstandings who occur between two persons. The passage from line 54 and down clearly shows the point of view (quote): "...a guy on the gas station who, asked for directions, drawls: "Bee Line Expressway? Ummmm. I think you go up here about four miles and take a right, or maybe a left..."" The guy at the gas station are described as the incompetent fool who actually have no idea where he is himself... and his guidelines, insecure as they are already, will probably also be very hard to remember because of Ummmm, I think, maybe and or... Answer B: Japanese drivers can now find their way almost blindly, if they equip their cars with a digital map, who shows the position of the car. Based on the position of

Monday, August 19, 2019

Free Essays on Invisible Man: Seeking Self :: Invisible Man Essays

Seeking Self in Invisible Man    Invisible Man is a story told through the eyes of the narrator, a Black man struggling in a White culture. The narrative starts during his college days where he works hard and earns respect from the administration. Dr. Bledsoe, the prominent Black administrator of his school, becomes his mentor. Dr. Bledsoe has achieved success in the White culture which becomes the goals which the narrator seeks to achieve. The narrator's hard work culminates in him being given the privilege of taking Mr. Norton, a White benefactor to the school, on a car ride around the college area. After much persuasion and against his better judgement, the narrator takes Mr. Norton to a run down Black neighborhood. When Dr. Bledsoe found out about the trip the narrator was kicked out of school because he showed Mr. Norton anything less than the ideal Black man. The narrator is shattered, by having the person he idealizes turn on him. Immediately, he travels to New York where he starts his life anew. He joins the Brotherhood, a group striving for the betterment of the Black race, an ideal he reveres. Upon arrival in the Brotherhood, he meets Brother Tarp and Brother Tod Clifton who give him a chain link and a paper doll, respectively. I choose to write about these items because they are symbolic of his struggle in his community fighting for the black people and of his struggle within himself searching for identity.    The narrator works hard for the Brotherhood and his efforts are rewarded by being distinguished as the representative of the Harlem district. One of the first people he meets is Brother Tarp, a veteran worker in the Harlem district, who gives the narrator the chain link he broke nineteen years earlier, while freeing himself from being imprisoned. Brother Tarp's imprisonment was for standing up to a White man. He was punished for his defiance and attempt to assert his individuality. Imprisonment robbed him of his identity which he regained by escaping and establishing himself in the Brotherhood. The chain becomes a symbol between the narrator and Brother Tarp because the chain also symbolizes the narrator's experience in college, where he was not physically chained down, but he was restricted to living according to Dr. Bledsoe's rules. He feels that he too escaped, in order to establish himself again (386).

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Concept of Death and Afterlife in W.B.Yeats Byzantium and Sailing

I. INTRODUCTION Every soul shall have a taste of death. That brings us to a question of what death really is. Generally speaking, the basic concept of the process so called death is build up on the facts that this process starts when the heart stop its work to pump the blood which leads to the brain damage and the failure of the whole systems of human body. When all the system or the functions of human organs are out of work, the body itself becomes lifeless or dead. Furthermore, according to the religious points of view, being dead, as we mention above does not mean that the journey of human soul has come to an end. On the contrary once the soul left the body, it will transform into another living form and will live until the judgment day arrives. ?When all sequence comes to an end, time comes to an end, and the soul puts on the rhythmic or spiritual or luminous body and contemplates all the events of its memory and every possible impulse in an eternal possession of itself in one single moment. That condition is alone animate, all the rest is phantasy, and from thence came all the passions, and some have held, the very heat of the body?. (Norman, A. Jaffares. 1984, p.333) Apart from religious definition of death above, in fact Yeats is neither orthodoxy religious nor orthodoxy scientific. He has his own science, which is an occult one, and his own religion or sophisticated lower mythology and in prose he sometimes reconciles them at the level of mystic. His tolerance in religions resulted in inconsistent and ambiguous attitude as reflected in his Byzantium and Sailing to Byzantium. II. RELIGIOUS DOCTRINES INVOLVED 2.1 Christian Doctrine On the matter of death, according to Christian doctrine of man, God created hu... ... go through relieving its earthly life and will be purified in purgatory. All the evil deeds in human soul will be cleansing so that the soul becomes good and pure again and after that the soul will be united with the body again and he rebirth to lead on earthly life. All the evil deeds and good deeds done in the previous life will done in the previous life will determine the condition of the present life, be it good or bad. The above concept of Yeats no doubt is idealized by him from mixing up the two doctrines: Christian and Hinduism. In fact there is no incarnation in Christian doctrine of man. When a man dies he will go for spiritual journey to heaven (of course after cleansing in purgatory) as suggested by the title Sailing to Byzantium. But W. B. Yeats is so impressed and influenced by Hinduism and may be his love for earthly life so he wants to be incarnated.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

How Social Media Does Harm to the World

How can Social Media do harm to the world? Ethan Chan I am going to explain how social media does harm to the world in this essay. Social Media is an easier way to socialize with other people because you can connect with them no matter how far apart you are from them. By typing on a electronic device you can see what people are up to and communicate with them. However does that make social media a useful communication app? An example of social media would be Facebook, which was created by Mark Zuckerberg at the age of 18. As just as a kid himself, he may not have realized the negative consequences social media has on the community. Facebook is only one of the few types of social media which teens, housewives and just about any adult lock in to either chat on line or play games online. This group of people turns out to be social media addicts, spending hours upon hours of their days online. This results to a breakdown of the family morals and values. It also results to lost communication amongst the family members. However, teens are the main source of addiction and this can take up to 8 hours a day. They are spending too much time on social media because they are chatting with their friends and searching for unnecessary people which prevents them from studying. Hence, lowering their grades. Teens like to socialize with social media, instead of playing sports and getting exercise, which means that they are getting lazier and unhealthy. My personal opinion is to stop it before it escalates to become a huge pack of very lazy people. There is a great concern about these chats on the social media leading to negative self-esteem, leading depression and subsequently, even suicides amongst teens. Hence, the negative influence of social media amongst teens can be fatal and needs to be stopped. Business is also being affected by social media. If businesses advertize on social media, people can comment bad things on their business, which could cause unfounded or bad rumours on the company. Then people wouldn’t support their business and may destroy their reputations. Moreover, the wrong online brand advertising may be the wrong strategy for the business. This is because social media sites are not affective for building brand awareness. Social media is ideal for increasing sales and providing customer services, not to build brand awareness. Social media can have a negative influence on workers productivity. The workers are known to waste valuable time lock into social media apps, such as Facebook and Twitter. Basically, Mark Zuckerberg was a kid when he created Facebook and didn’t know how addicted teens would get and how his creation impact negatively on businesses. Social media like Facebook completely changed the way people interact and form opinion about people or things in life, which could negatively changed our value in life.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Ansell Condoms Case Study Essay

Question 2: What are the pros and cons for Ansell acquiring a European competitor? In your opinion, is it a good idea? Pros Ansell will be able to get a greater share of the market in Europe. Acquiring a new company in Europe will help to build their portfolio. They should be able to increase their number of recognisable brands. Ansell will be able to acquire the new companies existing contracts and contacts. It will help to create a reduction of overcapacity in the industry. Increase sales/revenue. Cons It was mentioned that the companies that Ansell are thinking about taking over are in some financial difficulty at the moment so Ansell will have to take on that difficulty. There is an increased change of job cuts. It will be hard for Ansell so see all of the hidden liabilities the company may possess. Ansell will more than likely have to pay goodwill for the acquisition. Conclusion Overall in my opinion it would be a good idea for Ansell to try and acquire a European competitor because although there is some financial risk and it could be a difficult process I think that the pros that I mentioned above will outweigh the potential cons. Ansell will need to get a strategy in place to make sure that the takeover goes as smoothly as possible. Learning Points: * Condom market is extremely competitive This case study shows us that the condom market is extremely competitive with five main companies competing with each other and a large number of smaller companies continually trying to gain a greater market share. * Acquisition of European competitor good for Ansell It would be a good idea for Ansell to take over one of their smaller European competitors to try and increase their market share and increase their number of recognisable brands around the world.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Steps of Coducting an Audit

I sincerely hope that this assignment meets your approval and demonstrates my ability to resent assignments. If you require further clarification, I will be happy to contact you according to your convenience. Sincerely, Ishrat Nahid ID: 0930183 Executive Summery An auditor is an official whose Job it is to carefully check the accuracy of business records. An auditor can be either an independent auditor unaffiliated with the company being audited or a captive auditor, and some are elected public officials. Auditors are used to ensure that organizations are maintaining accurate and honest financial records and statements.In this report I have written about the plan of audit and the importance of ndependence of auditors. Planning the audit is an important step to conduct the audit. Auditor uses different planning methods to determine risk assessment, assessment of internal controls etc. The auditor either internal or external cannot complete all the aspects of the audit in one year. The auditors plan the audit is such a way they can cover the audit over a period of time. Auditor independence is one of the most important issues in accounting practice today.Independence increases the effectiveness of the audit by providing assurance that the auditor will plan and execute the audit objectively. High-quality audits enhance the reliability of the financial reporting process by investors and other users. Topic 1. Planning of audit 15- 163. References Page no 5-14 2. Independence of auditor 17 audit report Planning refers to the process of deciding what to do and how to do it. Planning involves selecting mission and objective and the actions to achieve them; it requires decision making that is, choosing from among alternative future course of actions.Plans thus provide a rational approach to achieving reselected objectives. Planning is an intellectually demanding process; it requires that we consciously determine ourses of action and base our decisions on purpose, knowle dge and considered estimates. An audit plan is the specific guideling to be followed when conducting an internal or external audit. Internal audits are usually conducted by a company's accounting staff and are primarily used for a management review of accounting process.External audits are conduct by external public accounting firms or private certified accountants (CPA) to ensure outside stakeholders that the company's financial information is prepared in accordance with that Jurisdiction's accepted accounting principles. External audit usually use a formal audit plan for auditors to follow when conducting audits. Audit planning improves the quality of audit work. It is necessary for an effective, efficient and timely audit. Adequate audit planning establishes the right means to achieve the objectives of audit.It helps in identifying potential problems and ensures that work is completed expeditiously. An audit plan does help the auditor not only to understand the scope of audit but also facilities smooth conduct of audit. Auditors use five types of test to determine whether financial statements are fairly stated: rocedures to obtain understanding of internal control, tests of controls, substantive tests of transactions, analytical procedures and tests of details of balances. All audit procedures fall into one or more than one of these five categories.By these tests detection risk reduces and effectiveness of internal control has increase. Five types of tests are firstly, update and evaluate the auditor's previous experience with the entity. Secondly, make inquiries of client personnel. Thirdly, read client's policy and systems manuals. Fourthly, examine documents and records. Fifthly, observe entity and operations. A meaningful audit plan considers some basic steps. If these basic steps are the minimal possible time. Step 1: Talk to the client The auditor discusses the nature of the engagement and the client's business and industry trends at the beginning of planning.Insights gained from this discussion help the au ditor navigate through the remainder of the audit planning procedures. These insights set the stage for an active two way communication process that result in a fully engaged audi tor. Step 2: Obtaining background information An extensive understanding of the clients business and industry and knowledge bout the company's operations are essential for doing an adequate audit. The auditor asks about recent developments in the company that may cause the audit to differ from prior years.Developments such as mergers, new locations or new product lines may have a significant impact on the audit plan for the current year. These discussions take place at the client 10 cation. Going on site provides the auditor the opportunity to meet with key employees or new employees and to see for him or herself any changes in the overall operations of the client. Step 3: Prepare A Complete list of items needed from the client Before starting uditi ng auditors require samples, documents and many other papers those auditors need to audit.A meaningful audit plan pro vides an updated list of client-prepared items that considers the following: New schedules because of changed risk profiles at the client New schedules resulting from a change in audit ap proach Example schedules and templates so the client prepares them in the auditors desired format Insertion of due dates for each schedule that has been agreed to by the client For larger clients, insert the name of a person respon Sible for the completion of the schedule that has been agreed to by the client

In Mrs Tilschers Class Essay

In Mrs Tilschers Class The poem â€Å"In Mrs Tilschers Class† by carol Ann Duffy deals with childhood throughout. The theme of the poem is that childhood is a time of fun and learning but also change as we reach adolescence. The poem is about the poets memories of primary as she takes the reader on a journey through being in a classroom to eventually being ready tot go to high school. The readers understanding of childhood is deepened by the use of techniques such as the word choice, imagery and structure.At the end of the first stanza, Duffy demonstrates the fun and joy of being a child. This is depicted in the lines â€Å"A window opened with a long pole. The laugh of a school bell swung by a running child. † Duffy uses the word â€Å"laugh† to suggest a human action which is full of joy and shows the fun of being a child. The words â€Å"running child† shows the freedom of being a child and how it is a time of happiness as children have no worries. Duff y uses quite short sentences to emphasis the happiness of a child.The readers understanding of the poem is deepened further as they realise that childhood is a time where you are care free and have a magical time having fun and learning at the same time. In the second stanza, Duffy demonstrates the attitude of a child and how they are easy to excite and please. This is shown in the lines: â€Å"Mrs Tilscher loved you. Some mornings, You found she’d left a gold star by your name. † The word â€Å"loved† shows the child’s attitude and how they enjoy the feeling of knowing that they are liked and loved by their teacher.When Duffy uses the words â€Å"gold star† it instantly draws the reader in closer as it is something they can relate to as it brings back memories of being a child and feeling proud whenever you got rewarded. The memories and feelings off primary school are emphasised to show how good it felt as a child. The third stanza starts to show the changes as you get older, as you start to realise that things aren’t as simple as they used to be. The lines that show this are: â€Å"A rough boy told you how you were born. You kicked him, but stared at your parents, appalled, when you got back home. Duffy uses â€Å"A rough boy† to show how she thinks boys are disgusting and isn’t interested in them yet. The last sentence shows that now that she knows this, she has lost all her innocence. The reader becomes aware of the changes we go through from being a innocent child and thinking that everything is sugar ‘N’ spice and everything nice, to learning things about ourselves and the world that seems so wrong and out of place from what we are used to. The final stanza shows the changes in ourselves as we reach adolescence and how we cant wait to grow up.This is depicted in the lines: â€Å"You ran through the gates, impatient To be grown, as the sky split open into A thunderstorm. Duffy illustr ates the impatience and desire to grow up into a teenager. The word â€Å" thunderstorm† is used as a metaphor to show adolescence as it wont be a smooth ride, it will be full of bumps along the way. The readers understanding of growing up is deepened in this final stanza as it shows how we all want to grow up and how it is an amazing time for us. Megan Mackie

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Case study on cafe expresso

This is a detailed report on a research case study cafe expresso. This report throws light on how the company was facing problems because of their stagnant marketing strategy. And how did the company loose its market share and went to number three position after it faced down fall. They appointed a new chief executive Ben Thomson who brought up many changes in the company. This report also highlights about Ben Thomson’s leadership qualities. In this context few of important types of leadership theories and styles are explained. Ben Thomson also appointed Kam Patel as a new global HR who brought many important changes in the organization. This report critically analyses the situation of the cafe expresso and the role played by Ben Thomson and Kam patel, through underpinning theories of leadership, human recourse management and team work. The report also makes few recommendations to the company that will help the company to grow with its goodwill and will be able to get back to the number one position in the market with new name and fame. Table of Contents 1. 0. Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 5 LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction This case study elaborates us about a cafe house which was one amongst the most well reputed cafe houses in the world. Due to certain unfavorable situations, the cafe expresso had to face some problems. This report has discussed about Leadership, human resource management and team work in relation to this case study. I have also highlighted certain points on leadership styles and quality, human resource management characteristics and factors, team work and working effectively with the team. The report gives a clear picture on how the company worked together and how the new chief executive Ben Thomson worked in the situation of crisis. Then when the new HR director was appointed what kind of strategies she applied and what kind of new innovative idea she came up with, to encourage and motivate employees. It also discusses what kind of strategic planning she followed and so on. Strategic participation is very important for HR executives who desire to have increased influence in their company. A number of prior studies have suggested a great connection between Human resource management and strategic planning (Uen and Ahlstrom, 2012). Leadership is a special quality that not all individual possess. It is a kind of talent that has to be developed. According to Claydon. et. al, (2010, pg. 295), leadership in an organizational role involves establishing a clear vision and sharing that vision with others so that they follow willingly. In other words, the activity of leading people or a group of people or an organization or the capacity to follow the aim is called as leadership. The report also elaborates on team work and how the entire team in the organization helped the organization to get back its number one position. According to Claydon. et. al, (2010, pg. 650), â€Å"team work is difficult part of administration as it involves employees to work together trying their best to work under any situations and circumstances†. In other words, team work is the process of working together collaboratively with a team of people in order to achieve a goal . The main things that are highlighted in this report is, how did cafe expresso prelaunch their marketing strategy to get back their number one position back. According to Torrington and Hall (2011, pg. 57) â€Å"Human resource management includes conducting job, planning the needs, training orienting, communicating, recruiting the right people for right job†. It was an administrative discipline of engaging and developing employees so that they become more valuable to the organization. The report gives a clear picture of performance management and how did all employees work together to attain the goal. According to Kleynhams, Markham. et. al (2007), â€Å"A work of an employee is to progress towards predetermined goals†. LITERATURE REVIEW Cafe Expresso was one of the most leading cafe houses and it was also one among top three players in the cafe house. Cafe expresso had enjoyed 15 years of advantage of being on number one position. The main drawback which was committed by Cafe expresso was that, they being in a dynamic service sector, they did not change their marketing strategy and hence it caused them a problem, because other competitors from coffee world took over their business strategy and hence they had to face a major drawback in the market. Cafe expresso lost its market share. For a company to succeed in the turbulence of today’s business markets, it must never stand still or allow employees mindsets to congeal. This was one of the main mistakes committed by cafe espresso. Cafe expresso did not patent their company, so that any other companies couldn’t copy their business strategy. (Smith and Day, 2000). Strategic planning in many organizations has never given space for strategic thinking. However the planning is not sufficient. The requirement for strategic planning has never been in demand (Uehlinger,2004). Valuing employees in crucial time and communicating with them can help employee to motivate and reduce tension among employees. It helps building of essential trust and commitment to company. When the company hired a new chief executive Ben Thomson he transformed the entire organizational strategy. Ben Thomson took over the company’s marketing policy to a new level and helped it to come up with new marketing strategy. LEADERSHIP STYLES AND QUALITIES In a business there is a leadership style called â€Å"transformational leadership† which is essential and effective. Transformational leaders have ability, skills and integrity by which they encourage people to manage and communicate (Clegg, et. al, 2011, pg. 141). There are other few styles of leadership that are very famous like, 1. Transactional Leadership 2. Autocratic Leadership 3. Bureaucratic Leadership 4. Charismatic Leadership 1. Transactional Leadership According to Clegg,et. al, (2011, pg. ,138), â€Å"Transactional Leadership is a leadership style that starts with an idea that, the followers agrees to obey their leader â€Å". In this kind of leadership the leader has all the right towards their employees. This is such a kind of leadership which is based on management more than a dictator kind of leadership. In this kind of leadership the employees are encouraged by giving incentives, commission etc. 2. Autocratic Leadership According to Torrington,et. al, (1998, pg. 295), â€Å"Autocratic Leadership is a kind of leadership is an extreme kind of leadership where only the leaders have control over their employees†. This kind of leadership is used only in crisis when any kind of complex decisions have to be taken. That permits groups to relate their attention on performing there given tasks and vision, mission. 3. Bureaucratic Leadership According Torrington,et. al (1998,pg. 299), â€Å"Bureaucratic leadership is a Style where they work by books, follow procedures and ensure that their people work accordingly†. This can cause resentment when members don’t follow their advice or expertise. 4. Charismatic Leadership According to Clegg. et. al, (2011, pg. 139) â€Å"the difference between charismatic and transformational leadership lies between their main intention. The important side of charismatic leaders is that they believe more in self than in teamwork. In this kind of leadership if leaders take wrong decisions the whole company collapses. From the above mentioned 4 types of leadership, it can be concluded that, Ben Thomson was a transactional leader. He took up all the important managerial responsibility of the organization and also encouraged his employees simultaneously. We can also call him a charismatic leader, because he came up with certain ideas of employing a new global HR who took up the risk and applied it in an organization, where all the employees agreed to work accordingly and hence they succeeded to achieve their goal. According to the charismatic style of leadership the main intention was to reintroduce the entire marketing strategy in an organization. Kam Patel also can be regarded as transactional and charismatic leader. She took up risk of giving the opportunity to the store managers to take interview of new candidates and also gave opportunity to selected candidates to work on half-trial basis. According to Sparrow,et. al (1998, pg. 245), â€Å"a magnanimous leader is one who sees that a proper credit is given to all his/her employees†. Kam Patel is a magnanimous leader. This kind of leaders helps the employees to concentrate and grow better day-by-day. To become famous and take responsibility of failure needs courage that is a hallmark of leadership. HUMAN RESOURCE STRATEGY According to Torrington, et. al, (1998,pg. 69), the human resource management is about assurance and attitude, which is carried in business environment. (Eg: Kam Patel took into consideration about the wages and interest of employees). The following few factors are taken in to consideration while discussing about HRM. 1. Environmental factors 2. Share Holder 3. Human resource strategy 4. Long-term outcomes. According to Maund. et. al, (2001, pg. 71), human resource management has become very popular in western countries. It is very important how HRM is being handled for the success of the business. Like fashion and new trends in technology the human resource strategy also keeps changing day to day. Characteristics of Human resource management (Maund,. et. al. 2001,pg. 32. ) 1. A particular path of promises and hypothesis 2. A strategy informing and involving decision about employee 3. The central participation of all managers 4. Reliability to improve employment relationship. 5. Huaman resource management is about commitment, trust and employee-centered According to Wright, Gehart, et. al, (2010, pg. 350), companies that look for competitive advantage from employees must be ready to manage the outputs and attitudes of all the employees. Performance appraisal is a legal/official duty that is followed by managers and is accepted as the primary responsibility of human resource function. Managers now look at performance appraisal as annual belief. Kam Patel was very much aware of the situation and the environment in the organization hence she took a decision of making performance appraisal by making the employees of the organization as partners of cafe expresso. This was one of the new HR strategy which was introduced by her. She also stressed more on the following points like business strategy, resourcing and retention, learning and development, talent management, employee involvement and communication, compensation, incentives and benefits. Motivation: According to Maslow (1965), motivation refers to encouragement or supporting to work more effectively (Clegg, Kornberger and Pitsis,2011, pg. 148). In this context, it shows how Kam Patel, also focused on the compensation and benefits. She introduced new discount program, where the employees of the organization could have 30% of discount in all coffee stores globally. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Performance management is one of the key factors that are supposed to be included in the management sector (Loewenberger, 2012). It includes few essential factors like, 1. Leading and motivating 2. Learning and development 3. Reward and recognition 4. Involvement, participation, and empowerment 5. Managing teams 6. Assessing performance Performance management is one of the key factors in the organization because it involves the efforts that are taken by the management and the leader (Loewenberger, 2012). The cafe expresso had to concentrate more on performance management because they had lost their market share. And also, because of less wages, they had few employees. So they had to concentrate more on performance management criteria to get back their position, because some where Ben Thomson and Kam Patel knew, how to handle and deal with performance management. Hence they were successful. TEAM WORK According to Torrington and Hall, (1998, pg. 335), a team can be described as a certain number of individuals working together to achieve a common goal. While performing in an organization the team comes at the beginning and the individual comes later. All the task that individual member does is regarded as the fulfillment towards the teams goal rather then their individual credibility. In other words, a team can be termed as more psychologically committed to each other to achieve a common target in which all employees are involved and share some amount of responsibility and outcome (Clegg, Kornberger and Pitsis, 2011, pg. 88). In the case of Cafe expresso, Kam Patel encouraged the employees of the organization to work in unity. She focused on appointing new partners through window advertising and verbal evidence. This approach worked very well for her because quite a lot of partners actually understood the marketing strategy and marketing approach of the organization. This kind of behavioral approach shows how Kam Patel worked indirectly on teamwork and took efforts to reach out to the employees. FUNCTIONS OF TEAM WORK (Loewenberger, 2012): 1. Task 2. Maintenance 3. Self-orientated 4. Collective performance 5. Positive energy 6. Complementary skills TASKS PERFORMED BY TEAM WORK Task is one of the main functions of team when they work together. A real team has a common approach goal and strategy to work together to achieve its goal. While working in team if people don’t challenge each other they will not be able to work effectively and independently. In a high-functioning team, people enjoy their work because any problem which comes across the team, becomes a challenge to them and hence they enjoy it. So any problem or difficult situation which ever comes across them they take it as a challenge (Loewenberger, 2012). In the case of cafe expresso the loss of market share and the loss of their number one position was one of the main challenges and it was a very difficult situation.. CONCLUSION It is believed employees and relationships are at the core of the business success. Hence from the above report we can draw a conclusion that cafe expresso was one of the leading cafe expresso and due to their stagnant marketing strategy they did not bring in any essential changes in their organization. Hence their marketing strategy remained the same for 15 years. In the mean time, other coffee houses copied their marketing strategies and plans, which affected their market share and hence they lost their position in the market. Under the active leadership of Ben Thomson and Kam Patel, the company undertook many new steps and tried to improve their marketing strategy. Kam Patel being the new HR manager introduced few ideas because of which the company got its position back. Even the employees were encouraged and motivated. Because of above factors, they recaptured their market share to some extent and were able to move to number two positions as the best cafe house across the globe. The company made many changes and followed new practices in the area of HRM, teamwork, leadership, and performance management to resolve their problems. When Ben Thomson and Kam Patel worked together as a team they were very successful and hence they enjoyed their work and came up with new strategies, which actually helped the team to achieve their market share and also helped to regain their position in the market. When Kam Patel actually brought up the new policy of making the employees as the business partners this strategy helped directly to the organization because each and every individual would with more interest and enthusiasm because they would feel that somewhere they were also responsible towards the success of the company. The strategy of feedback from customers helped the organization to develop and improve . She also introduced a coffee program called â€Å"coffee master â€Å"which enabled the employees to become ambassador. The discount of 30%added up to motivate the employees in a positive attitude. RECOMMENDATION After the analysis of the case study as a management student I strongly recommend SWOT analysis that is explained below with help of a diagram. Internal Factors STRENGTHS WEAKNESS Marketing expertise Innovation Location Quality process Business that adds value to service Un- differentiated service Risk of stagnant marketing strategy Low employee morale Wage plan External Factors OPPORTUNITY THREAT Improve performance Innovation Patents Adding of new services Endorsements by celebrities Can be expensive Can be copied Can become hectic work for employees Can cause a problem for taxation 1. The company should introduce a scheme where a particular employee is been rewarded regardless of his incentives. 2. The company should develop their own USP to reach out to more customers. 3. The company should understand the competitor’s strategy well and try to be more innovate in their own strategy reach out to more customers in order to regain their number one position. 4. The company should carry out some training sessions that are going to be more creative and fun 5. The customers who visit regularly should be given some discount when the customer buys any mega deal 6. The company should maintain the standard salary of the industry to retain their employees. 7. The customers should be given a card on which they can add credit points on the basis of coffee they purchase so that when the customer buys the same coffee next time he gets a discount. 8. The customer should be encouraged to invest in the companies share by doing this the customer will indirectly help the company to advertise and hence the company will get publicity. 9. If the company adds some more kind of flavors and varieties this will attract the customers.