Monday, July 29, 2019

9/11 the After Effect on Canada

Sunner CHC2D1-06 Mr. Pasquantonio June, 4th, 2012 9/11: The After-effect on Canada The events of September 11, 2001 (9/11) are remembered throughout the world. On this unforgettable day, three aircrafts crashed at different locations throughout the United States. Two of which crashed into the famous World Trade Center taking thousands of innocent lives. These attacks had allowed countries to learn and prepare to avoid any similar future events. Moreover, the effects of 9/11 had indirectly influenced Canada, beneficially and detrimentally.Canada as a nation had learned from this tragic experience as well as mourned the losses of its neighboring nation. The terrorist attacks had dramatically affected Canada; socially, economically, politically. To begin with, Canada’s social atmosphere had been indirectly affected by 9/11. The aftermath of 9/11 mirrored similar social effects of the United States, within Canada. Canadians developed a sense of paranoia for unexpected terrorist at tacks, which may possibly occur at any given period.Many Americans believed that the terrorists had slipped through Canadian borders; in consequence, attacking Canada may be easy for terrorists. The events of 9/11 had influenced many of the majority class Canadians to assimilate a patriotic and vengeful mind state. Post 9/11 minority Canadians were witnessing a dramatic increase of discrimination and racial profiling. Several majority class citizens and patriotic citizens were acting chaotic by performing hate crimes for their own self-interest of protecting themselves.Similarly, several minority individuals consisting of brown skin tone were perceived to be terrorists and prone to alienation, â€Å"Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, and Sikh Canadians all once again found themselves on the receiving end of unjust treatment meted out by their neighbors. Due to the reaction of the community; Sikh and Hindu temples were razed and targeted as a terrorist threat. Overall, the social atmosphere wit hin Canada had been detrimentally affected by the event of 9/11.Secondly, Canada’s economy had been ultimately influenced by the attacks of 9/11. Canada’s economy like many others is partially dependent on the United States. In consequence, Canada mirrors the United States economic progress. . The aftermath of 9/11 had mainly been negative for Canada’s economy. In 2009, Canada had imported 51. 1% to its biggest trading partner, the United States however, the increased border security applied by the United States resulted in a 2. 4% decline in Canada’s exports to the United States.Several businesses had laid-off workers. Over 462 form layoffs were executed and an estimated of 130,000 workers were displaced. Canada had expended $1. 2 billion in order to enhance border security. After 9/11 Canada’s security expenses had dramatically increased to an estimated total of $10. 7 billion. Increased security after 9/11 had continuously led to harmful effects towards the economy. However, improved security within Canada had led people to believe that the country was a much safer place than before.Similarly In result to 9/11, Canada’s economy had shifted negatively. Finally, Canada had undergone numerous political changes as a result of 9/11. Canada had applied new policies and regulations to ensure and safeguard the protection of society and to avoid any future acts of terrorism. As a result, Canada introduced the ‘Canadian Anti-Terrorism Act’. Such an act was necessary in-order to calm down society and create a sense of safe-haven. The act was created only after the 9/11 attacks, and the main goal was to prevent history from repeating itself.Also, Canada had created a new act to further increase security and prevention of terrorism, â€Å"Public Safety Act, which features executive regulations designed to secure sites and substances exposed to terrorism. The main purpose of the act was, to prevent terrorist attacks and protect Canadians, However, many Canadian citizens where shocked by the event and wanted to reach out and give their full support in helping the United States. To sum up, Canada’s political state had endured an extensive amount of changes. In conclusion, Canada had been affected circuitously by 9/11.Post 9/11, Canada had appeared out as a different nation; it had changed socially, economically, environmentally. Socially, Canada had reacted towards the tragedy with an increase of discrimination, racial profiling and hate crimes. Moreover, Canada’s economy had suffered negatively because of our dependence on the United States. Corporations and businesses had experienced lower profits for the months following the attacks as a result of increased security. Canada had also shifted politically with the creation and innovation of new and old laws and regulations for the greater good of society.Such an terrible event that had taken place on 9/11 will never be forgotten; i t will be imprinted into history and used as an example to avoid any similar events. Works Cited Adelman, Howard. â€Å"Canadian Borders and Immigration Post 9/11. † International Migration Review. Volume 36, Number 1 (Spring 2002), 15 Athanassakos, Alex, Meis, Scott and Nieuwenhuis, Sid, â€Å"THE IMPACTS OF THE US TERRORIST ATTACK ON CANADA'S ACCOMMODATION INDUSTRY. † Ontla. On. Ca. http://www. ontla. on. ca/library/repository/mon/3000/10301210. df, accessed 17th November 2010. Gloverman, Steven and Storer, Paul. The Impacts of 9/11 on Canada-U. S. Trade. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008, 19 & 159 Kent, Roach. â€Å"Canada’s Response to September 11. † Kent, Roach, Michael, Hor and Victor, Ramraj. Global Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, 535 Kruger, Erin, Mulder, Marlene and Korenic ,Bojan. â€Å"Canada after 11 September: Security Measures and ‘Preferred' Immigrants. † Mediterranean Q uarterly. Volume 15, Number 4 (Fall 2004), 84-85 n/a. Canada's Actopms Against Terrorism Since September 11. † Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada. http://www. international. gc. ca/anti-terrorism/canadaactions-en. asp, accessed 20th November 2010. n/a. â€Å"Of man, being the first part of Leviathan,† Thomas Hobbes. 1909-14, http://www. bartleby. com/br/03405. html, accessed 21 November 2010. William C, Banks. â€Å"United States Responses To September 11. † Kent, Roach, Michael, Hor and Victor, Ramraj. Global Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, 520 ;amp; 525

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