Thursday, May 30, 2019

Wyoming-Colorado Border Wars Essay -- USA Geography History Essays Pap

Wyoming-Colorado Border WarsDeep in the heart of the American west lie two of the largest, most rugged, beautiful verbalizes in the nation, both of which have long been engaged in a heated rivalry. North and South from i another, Wyoming and Colorado have been at a border war since in the beginning either even gained statehood. With 97,195 square miles, Wyoming is the 10th largest of all 50 states. While the state is vast in land, it is scarce in population. As of 2005, a mere 509,294 residents inhabit The Cowboy State making it the least populated state in the nation (Wyoming facts, demography). Colorado, however, has a population of 4,159,000 according to the 2000 Census. Colorado is the 8th largest state in the nation encompassing 103,598 square miles (Colorado, facts). These neighbors however, have had anything but friendly relations. From piddle rights to football games, the infamous Border War has raged for over a century and will not likely cease in the near future. Long b efore interstates, college sports teams and cross-country travelers divided and merged the two states of Wyoming and Colorado, a inwrought border acted as a divider between the two. Near Carr, Colorado any traveler venturing down Interstate 25 drives directly through pictorial Fort. A very interesting and large rock formation, Natural Fort once acted as a rest stop for travelers between Colorado and Wyoming. As cities in both states grew closer to one another it was closed, however, it still acts as a natural border between the two states. Natural Fort served first as the site of a battle between the Blackfeet and jubilate Indians. On November 21, 1834 rival tribes, the Crow and Blackfeet, came across one another. Taking refuge within Natural Fort, the B... ...ns to find balance occur more frequently as time goes on. ReferencesThe Bronze Boot. Retrieved April 3, 2007, from Wyoming fun from http// 19, 2005). ROTC Traditions Cont inue During Border War. Retrieved April 3, 2007, from University of Wyoming from http//, F. (March, 2005). Wyoming v. Colorado A Watershed Decision. Retrieved April 3, 2007, from The Colorado Lawyer from http// Supreme Court. (1940). State of Wyoming v. State of Colorado (309 U.S. 572 (1940), No. 10) from http// Fort, Carr, Colorado. Retrieved April 3, 2007, from Wallpaper Daves Gift Shop from http//

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