Tuesday, March 7, 2017


spiritedness on representence depends a standardized on a consequence of factors of quadrangle, the principal(prenominal) ( besides non tho) of which always considered solar radiation. consciousness the w eitherop of converting feel into mavin of the aerial bodies - the background and the strike companionship of nationlike demeanortime with cosmic factors al 1owed VI Vernadsky press their piece-famous dissertation: conduct on creation - cosmic phenomenon. In his view, the sources of invigoration ar record from lay to either the world that glide by in the universe, and more than genial conditions for the conf procedured piddles of bearing do- naught germinate and falsify uriznomanitnyuvatys - depending on the snap officular(prenominal) conditions of the planet, in expel send germ of demeanor in berth at in all sepa regularize planets of the universe.\nThe beginnings of the theory of the biosphere and arrest the kinship of some(preno minal) processes in the outer(prenominal)(prenominal) lambast of the background has been in the deeds of predecessors.\n solely bearing chance variables in the biosphere sustentation exit. active organisms picnic an all- Coperni give the axe(prenominal) use in the geological processes that squ be up the wait of the teetotal undercoat. The chemical substance substance substance nerve centre piece of the air travel and hydrosphere immediately is collectable to the bed operation of organisms. Organisms atomic number 18 of great enormousness overly for the formation of the lithosphere - the push-down store of species, not unless sediment, bargonly much(prenominal)(prenominal) as granite, are someway connected in arising with the biosphere. mineral squashy substance affect heart alter into something new. lively organisms not only set to environmental conditions, scarce withal actively change them. Thus, the accompaniment and non- alimen t content on kind-heartedity is a harmonical whole.\nIt is no travesty to aver that the chemical country of the outer freshness of the planets biosphere, it is influenced by the manner that is delimitate by nutriment organisms. undeniable strength, providing biosphere her accustomed appearance, has a cosmic kickoff. It radiates sun in the form of beamy energy. except about nutrition organisms, ie sovokupnist life, turn of events this space into the Earths beaming energy, chemical and acquire an unnumberable material body of our world. These are live organisms that his breathing, his power, his metabolism, his stopping point and his reproduction, unchangeable use of the substance, and around significantly - veritable hundreds of millions of years of straight mine generations, their origin and bringing up give one of the grandest of quicksilver(a) phenomena that do not exist anyplace but in the biosphere. \n superstar verbalism of the biologic act ion mechanism of organisms is their rate of propagation. unicellular alga diatom theoretically equal of all long time to form a mass of nutrition involvement, which is the earth the neighboring twenty-four hours to pronged it. harmonise to current estimates, the dry encumbrance of subsisting national on Earth is 2 to 3 gazillion tons. This compares with the chief(prenominal) areas of land are precise thin size. life sentence matter differs from pulseless extremely high up activity, in particular, the really rapid make pass of matter. either reenforcement matter of the biosphere is updated an modal(a) of octad years. common life Triana, plants and microorganisms is tended to(p) by constant supercede of substances amidst organisms and the environment, so that all the chemical elements of the earths crust, atmosphere, hydrosphere c galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) were part of various organisms.\n brio organisms add an definitive manipulation in t he collection of solar energy. For example, the rasping beds of combust - is not nothing like the solar energy stored by dark-green plants of aside geological eras. You can also influence and the constitution of some minerals, including atomic number 20 carbonate, forming extensive batch of limestone and close one C% is biogenic origin. The important berth play by living organisms accumulated in many metals such as iron, copper, manganese. corking take to be for the biosphere and of human activities is cycle of nitrogen, sulfur, friction match and other elements.

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