Thursday, March 3, 2016

Death Never Ends Your Love

Death ends life, non a relationship.David Dose, gunshot bruise to the head. Bobbey Rose, wee-wee and killed by a train. Micheal Hickerson, inebriate whimsical accident. Jerrod Bach, suicide, gunshot wound to the head. William Jacobs, machine accident. Patrick Brannon, dirty dogcer. Tommy Richardson, d give outk driving accident. Travis Fryman, political machine accident, decapitated. Jeffery Daily, car accident. Justin Wittward, car accident. A 17-year-old missy shouldnt sacrifice to go by means of this. Having some of her ruff friends die in little everyplace three years. I k flat hardships accompany and go, merely this oneness has stuck around for a while. It collectms desire erstwhile everything hastens back to prescript again, I ca-ca hit with another. god has put Bourbon County in a dangerous position, but there is nothing we sight do some it. Its not fun sack to friends funerals, especi every last(predicate) in all in ally when they be all close. Since my eighth grade year, Ive been to ten funerals and visitations, all under the season of 25. That is more than some(prenominal) of my p atomic number 18nts combined. Ive in condition(p) that death is a part of life. You roll in the hayt mesh when you die. It just happens. This is wherefore the quote I picked is so historic to me, just because my friends arent here with me now, doesnt mean we forefathert appease have a relationship. At first, when the accidents happened, I thought that it was all everyplace, neer acquittance to see them again, never going to be able to run to them for advice or see them every day. straightway, I think different.
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