Friday, September 27, 2013


Alcohols Introduction Alcohols atomic number 18 a base of compounds which befool a hydroxyl theme group joined to all an alkyl group or a cycloalkyl group. A hydroxyl group is an OH joined to a snow atom and a cycloalkyl group is a wicket of six carbon atoms that is riged in a hexangular shape. Naming alcohols Naming alcohols is not difficult. Basically, you identify the longest range of mountains of carbon atoms. consequently you dramatise the supplyress of the alkane or alkene (as if the hydroxyl group werent there). fetching the name of the alkane or alkene, you add to the end of the name the position numbers of the carbon atoms to which the hydroxyl groups are attached to, using commas to separate the unlike numbers. Then, you add the suffix -ol, which is the suffix of all alcohols. If there are more than unrivaled hydroxyl group present, then -di or -tri, and so on, is put just before the suffix -ol. Homologous serial A homologic series is a group of compounds which prepare a accepted pattern in their structures, therefore do similar chemic properties and a trend in physiological properties. The alcohol is one such homologous series. Increasing the kitchen range length causes an summation in boiling and melting points. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
This is payable to the fact that as the molecule adjoins in chain length, apiece molecule has larger temporary dipole-dipole interactions, causing larger train de Waals forces per molecule. Therefore, more cleverness is needed to break these increased caravan de Waals forces, hence the increase in boiling and melting points. An increase in chain length a lso causes the solubility in water to decrea! se. This is due to the fact that only the hydroxyl group causes the molecule to have an overall dipole. The rest of the molecule form non-polar. Therefore, as you increase... If you urgency to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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